Author Archives: DAP Admin
Author Archives: DAP Admin
The ordering of links in the ContentResponder tab of a product is required ONLY if you have a “My Content” page (see example below – page uses the merge tag %%USERLINKS%%) and you want control over exactly how those links are displayed in that list:
The easiest way to organize links, is to set the dripping “day” for each link.
So if you’re setting up 5 links to be available on Day #1, 2, 3,4 & 5, then in the “My Links” section, DAP will display the links in “Newest On Top” order.
So the newest link (Day #5) will appear first, followed by Day #4, and so on, until Day #1.
If you have multiple links that you’re making available all on the same day (like say, all on Day #1), then once you’ve added the links from left to right in the ContentResponder tab of your DAP Product, you can then hold down any row from the Protected Content section, drag and drop and re-order it however you wish to.
Remember that the drag-and-drop re-ordering will only work within different links that are all set to drip on the same day. So for eg., dragging a day 1 link above a day 4 link (see screenshot below) will not work, and it will simply come back to it original position after refreshing the screen. But dragging one Day #1 link above or below another Day #1 link will re-order the links exactly in that order.
If you see the links order in the above screenshot, that’s the exact same order in which the links will appear when the member views their “My Content” page (or whatever you have called the user links page).
If you want even more control over how many links are displayed, order of the links, date format etc, then consider our new shortcode shown below:
[DAPUserLinks showProductName=”N” showAccessStartDate=”Y” showAccessEndDate=”Y” showDescription=”Y” showLinks=”Y” orderOfLinks=”NEWESTFIRST” howManyLinks=”10000″ errMsgTemplate=”SHORT” productId=”ALL” dateFormat=”YYYY-MM-DD”]NOTE: orderOfLinks can have one of two values…
NEWESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links at the top. So day 7 link will be above day 1 link.
OLDESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links towards the bottom. So day 1 link will be above day 7 link.
So, here’s another version of the DAPUserLinks shortcode:
[DAPUserLinks showProductName=”N” showAccessStartDate=”Y” showAccessEndDate=”Y” showDescription=”Y” showLinks=”Y” orderOfLinks=”OLDESTFIRST” howManyLinks=”10000″ errMsgTemplate=”SHORT” productId=”ALL” dateFormat=”YYYY-MM-DD”]Related: See more such shortcodes at DAP Shortcodes
This is for when you don’t care about assigning unique usernames and passwords to your users, and would rather given all of your members (or site visitors) a single email id and password to log in to your membership site.
Here’s how you can do it:
You’re seeing the green “Loading… Please Wait” progress bar continuosly running – it never stops and comes back with any data.
If this is a new setup, then it’s possible that your web host does not have a library called “JSON” enabled. Just ask them to enable it for your server. It’s rather simple to do, and we’ve never seen a host that won’t do this for their customers.
If it’s an old setup, and it was working previously, then your host made some changes that caused the library to stop working. So you still need their help in resolving the issue.
One possibility is that your database or web site is temporarily down, slow, or plain not responding for some reason. So DAP cannot connect to your database, and comes back with this error.
Or it could also be the “Progress Bar Never Stops” issue from above.
Problem: Someone buys a product from your site, and you can see in the DAP “Manage Users” page that they have been added as a user, but that user never gets an email with their login/password. All they get is the confirmation email from the payment processor.
You want to know: “How can I get my users to automatically receive a “welcome” email with their Id/password” from DAP?”
If the users got added and the user status is “A” in the DAP manage users page, but the user did not receive welcome email with their ID/Password, it could because:
[NOTE: In newer versions of DAP, “Thank-You Email” is now being called as “Welcome Email”. So wherever you see “Thank-You” below, please note that it’s the same as “Welcome”]
For that product, you did not set the ‘thank-you’ email subject/body in the DAP Products Page.
Select the product in DAP products page and set the thank-you message content as shown below.
You have set up the thank-you email message, but the email still did not get delivered.
Solution 1
The only time the Welcome Email is sent, is when a user is given access to a Product for the very first time. If you are trying to add a user to a product, and the user already has been given access to the product, then it won’t send out the welcome email the second (or subsequent) time(s). So make sure the user you’re testing with does not already have access to that Product. If she does, then remove access to the product before testing again.
Solution 2
Go to DAP Setup > Config > Basic and make sure the “Admin Email” is set to an ’email address that resides on your domain/hosting account where DAP is installed’ instead of say a gmail or hotmail or yahoo email address. Now, if you have done everything in terms of making sure there’s no reverse DNS lookup issues with your host but if there are still users who do not receive emails (and the email is not in their spam folder) :
Here’s what you can do:
1) Setup dap to generate default password (dap setup -> config -> advanced) and instruct users to change their password right after they log in.
2) Set up an autoresponder email in DAP to drip day 1 with the merge tag for login id/password. So even if the thank-you email is not delivered right after purchase, when the cron runs at the top of the hour, it will send out the id/password again.. in case they did not receive it the first time.
You can have dap connect to 3rd party smtp service like to send out all autoresponder/broadcast emails for better email deliverability.
BTW, if you have tried everything and still the emails are not getting delivered or is landing in the SPAM folder, then please checkout our documentation on troubleshooting email delivery here:
1) I got an e-mail with this subject:
[DAP] dap-paypal: Invalid IPN Coming In
This can happen if you click on this URL in a browser. (replace with the name of your site).
This is a backend script and should not be called directly via browser. But if you click on this accidently, this error can be ignored. Just make sure that the DAP and Paypal are integrated and purchases via Paypal are getting registered in dap correctly.
2) DAP Paypal IPN Error (Rejected): IPN Product Name = does not match any DAP Product Name.
But REJECTING MISMATCH it because of your Config settings (Product Mismatch)
Make sure that the item_name in Paypal button is set to eXactly match a DAP product name otherwise DAP cannot process the payment notifications. If the notification is for a product that you sell outside of DAP, then DAP will reject it with this error message and no action is needed.
If you want DAP to process Paypal notifications even if the product name in DAP does not match the Paypal item_name, then enable this setting in DAP :
DAP Setup -> Config -> Payment Processing -> Should DAP process Customer Emails even when the Product names don`t match ->
Set this to “Y” if you want DAP to process non-dap defined product purchase notification from Paypal.
3) Paypal failing with “Check Product and Price(Reprocessible)” in DAP Orders page
Note: DAP Orders page moved under Payment/Coupons menu in DAP 4.0
This could be due to a problem with the CURL library on your site.
With DAP 4.0, you can easily switch your site to use FOPEN instead of CURL.
DAP Setup -> Config -> Payment Processing -> How DAP connects to Paypal -> Select FOPEN
4) Can I use my Paypal account to sell products outside of DAP even if the global IPN points to a DAP script?
Sure. Paypal has 2 IPN settings:
a) Local button level IPN
This one needs to point to the DAP script ( on your site so for all sales via this button,
Paypal can send a notification to DAP.
b) Global IPN – under your Paypal profile -> instant payment notification preferences
This one is used by Paypal ONLY if button level IPN is not set. If the button level IPN is set, then Paypal ignores the global IPN.
We recommend that you set both button level and global IPN to point to the same dap script –
(NOTE: replace with the name of your site)
Now, if you are selling other products outside of DAP using Paypal and for those Paypal buttons, if there is no button level IPN notification defined, then Paypal will look at the global IPN setting (which also points to dap) and send notifications to dap. But dap will reject that message because the product is not defined in DAP.
That is when you receive these ‘IPN rejected’ messages and you can ignore them.
5) I have integrated DAP and Paypal per your documentation but it still does not work.
Three key things to watch out for when you integrate DAP and Paypal are:
a) Make sure that the Paypal button has the item_name set to exactly match a DAP product name otherwise DAP cannot process the payment notifications.
b) Button-level IPN must point to DAP script ( – replace with the name of your site).
In Paypal button creation page, under “Step 3: Customize advanced features (optional)†tab, within the “Advanced Variables†text box,
enter the following (change the text below to your domain name).
Note: replace with the name of your site
c) Global IPN must be enabled and pointed to the DAP script as descrbed in step 1 of this document.
6) What config items in DAP are required if I use Paypal HOSTED button?
If you want to use sandbox for testing, then
DAP Setup -> Config -> Payment Processing -> Use Paypal Sanbox For Testing -> Set to “Y”.
If your site has trouble connecting to Paypal via CURL and you see this error in DAP orders page – Check Product and Price(Reprocessible), then update the config to use FOPEN.
DAP Setup -> Config -> Payment Processing -> How DAP connects to Paypal –> Set to “Y”.
NOTE: In the DAP Products page, you ONLY need to set the Product Price, Trial Amount and Recurring Count if you use the DAP hosted/generated buttons for Paypal. Not needed if you use Paypal hosted buttons. You can leave it empty if you use Paypal hosted buttons. Even if you populate it, it will not be used.
If you use the Paypal hosted buttons, then you DO NOT need to set the following in DAP Setup -> Config -> Payment Processing ->
Paypal API Username – Only needed if you use the DAP upsell tree plugins for Paypal Payments Pro or Paypal Standard.
Paypal API Password – Only needed if you use the DAP upsell tree plugins for Paypal Payments Pro or Paypal Standard.
Paypal API Signature – Only needed if you use the DAP upsell tree plugins for Paypal Payments Pro or Paypal Standard.
Paypal API Endpoint – Only needed if you use the DAP upsell tree plugins for Paypal Payments Pro or Paypal Standard.
Paypal Business Email ID – Only needed if you use the DAP generated button for Paypal (DAP Payments/Coupons -> Generate paypal button)
Merchant’s Payment Gateway API Login ID – Only needed if you use e-junkie or the DAP upsell tree plugin for
Merchant’s Payment Gateway Transaction Key – Only needed if you use e-junkie or the DAP upsell tree plugin for
Please check all of the steps at the link below…
Especially check the “notify_url” part towards the end.
If you are absolutely sure that you have followed all of the steps above, and DAP is still not creating an account for the new user, it is possible that your host is not allowing your server and Paypal to communicate correctly. You can confirm if this is an issue, by going to the “Orders” page, searching for all orders, and see if your test purchase in question has been recorded by DAP (even if DAP didn’t give access to the user).
If you find the order in DAP, but the user has not been created, then check with your host and make sure “fopen” or “curl” is enabled for your web site.
If they say it is enabled, and it still doesn’t work, please do the following:
1) Go to Setup > Config > Dap Log Level and set it to “5”.
2) Completely delete test user from DAP
3) Repeat test purchase
3) Go to System > Logs and copy/paste the information there into a support ticket
4) And then please update the ticket with…
* Domain name where DAP is installed
* FTP info
* DAP admin info
And we’ll investigate this asap.
5) Go to Setup > Config > Dap Log Level and set it back to “1”.
DAP has a feature called “Sneak-Peek” where you can show a part of your blog post or page to casual visitors (as well as to search engines like Google) and then when they click on the “Read more…” link, the protection will kick in for the rest of the post, and DAP will say something to the effect of “Sorry, you must be logged in to access this content. Please login below or click here to get access”.
And that error page will contain both the login form, as well as a link to your sales page. Of course, you can customize this error page to say whatever you want, but that’s another topic altogether.
Sneak-Peek allows you to show “teaser” content to potential members, instead of fully locking it up and showing just an error page. Using Sneak-Peek allows you to show some content to casual visitors in order to get them to subscribe to see the rest of the content, as well as keep some content open so that search engines like Google will have some content to index in their search databases, so that the open part of the content can show up in search results for potentially matching keywords, and bring you some free organic search traffic to your site.
WordPress has a feature called the “more” tag. Basically it is a bunch of text (<!–more–>) that you insert into your posts or pages. And WP will then break up your post right at the point where you inserted the more tag, and replace that tag (and everything that follows) with a “Read more…” link
Fig A: “More” icon in WP. Click to enlarge.
You can also insert the more tag in to your post or page, by clicking on the icon shown in the image above – that looks like two rectangles separated by a dotted line – on the WordPress page/post edit screen.
Of course, exactly what that “Read more” link will say (it could say, for eg., “Click here to read the rest of this post”) is determined by your actual WP theme.
Regardless of what it says, when you have a protected post, by default (when sneak peek is off) that post will completely disappear from your blog for non-members and those who are logged in, but don’t have access to it yet. And even to Google.
But if you insert the “More” tag in to all of your pages and posts, then on your blog’s summary page (which lists all of your posts), all posts with the more tag (protected and un-protected will show up to the more tag, and when someone clicks on the “Read more’ link, that’s when DAP’s security kicks in and if the user has access to that content, it will show her the rest of the post. But if the user is either not logged in, or is logged in and does not have access to that content (either access is yet to come because of the drip, or content has already expired), then it will show the appropriate error message.
In your DAP Admin Dashboard, go to…
“DAP Admin > Setup > Config > WordPress Sneak Peek: Show snippets of post (upto the `More` break) even for protected posts?“
… and set the above setting to “Y” (for ‘yes’),
To protect your content, if you turn on “Sneak-Peek” in DAP, and you inadvertently (or intentionally) don’t insert the “more” tag into a post, then the entire post will get hidden and protected by default, and nothing will be shown except the error message.
DAP has 3 fields which are applicable at a Product-level.
If a content (page/post) is part of just one single product, then the Product-level settings will apply.
But if a content (page/post) is part of multiple products, then DAP can’t figure out which product’s settings to use – so it falls back to the “GLOBAL” equivalent of that same setting under Setup > Config.
The 3 fields are…
All 3 of these have both a Product-level setting, plus a fall-back Global setting under Setup > Config.
If the user has access to more than 1 DAP Product, then DAP cannot decide which Product’s Post-Login URL to redirect the user to. So it simply redirects the user to the global equivalent of that URL at Setup > Config > Post-Login URL (Global)
So if you’re testing the “Post-Login URL” field, make sure you create a test user with access to just that one product, and then log in as her and test.
If the content that user is trying to access, but is not eligible to access, is part of just one DAP product, then that product’s “Error Page URL” will apply. And this field is set to “/dap/product-error.php” by default. Even if you set this to blank, it will assume that to be the same as teh default value, and the default “In-page Error Message” will apply.
If the content that user is trying to access, but is not eligible to access, is part of more than 1 DAP Product, then DAP cannot decide which Product’s “Error Page URL” to use. So it simply uses the global equivalent under Setup > Config > Error Page URL (Global)
If you want to redirect the error page URL to a custom error page, then you have to enter that into each product, as well as one for the global one.
If the content that user is trying to access, but is not eligible to access, is part of more than 1 DAP Product, then DAP cannot decide which Product’s “Sales Page URL” to show on the “In-Page Error Message” shown to the viewer. So it simply uses the global equivalent under Setup > Config > Sales Page URL (Global)
So make sure you have set up a URL in that field.
When you click on a category (instead of a single post), then because the category could contain many posts, each of which could be part of multiple Products. So DAP is unable to choose just 1 single Product from which to pick the “Error Page URL” and redirect the visitor to. So it just shows the error message with the padlock image, which can be customized. Click here for details.
3. The Lock, being generic, says “Sorry, this content is for members only.” but does not specify, as I (will) have several different types of members. It should say something like “Sorry, this content is for %%PRODUCT%% subscribers only.” Can this actually work? I am just guessing. | |||
1ShoppingCart recently updated their recurring billing email notification format. So we have created a new template so that DAP can process the new format of emails from 1SC.
Anyone using 1ShoppingCart (1SC), or any private labels of 1SC, including our own and have setup a subscription-product through DAP. You could be using 1SC for selling a number of different products through different web sites. This is relevant to you only if you have DAP on your site and have integrated it with 1SC for certain recurring products.
That’s it!
If you have any general questions, feel free to post them in the comments below.
If you have any specific technical questions relating to your web site, please open a ticket at
[NOTE: If you are a “Membership Site In A Box” (MSIAB) license owner who is paying monthly for support, then please open a ticket with your Site URL, FTP & DAP Admin details, and we’ll install this for you for free]The only time a new user shows up with the status “Unconfirmed” is if you have “Double Optin” turned on for that product to which he just got access.
When you have double-optin turned on, then their initial status is “Unconfirmed” because you want them to click on the “Double Optin” link and confirm their intent to get access to your product, after which their status is automatically changed to “Confirmed”.
So to make sure Users are always created with “Confirmed” status, just remove all text from the “Double Optin Body” and “Double Optin Subject” of the Product in question.
If your product is a “Paid” product, then obviously, you don’t want people who just bought your product by filling out a shopping cart, to have to go through another double-optin confirmation process. So for paid products, you should probably not force double-optin.
Double-optin is best when you’re signing up free users for a free product via the DAP Direct-signup Form.
Last updated: 09/02/2014
UPDATE: We are now authorized resellers for If you’re in the US or Canada, click here to apply. If you’re in the UK, then click here.
DAP directly integrates with the following Payment Processors without the need for any additional third-party shopping carts:
DAP also integrates with the following Shopping Carts
Since DAP integrates with Shopping carts like WooCommerc, (our white label of 1Shoppingcart), e-Junkie, Premium Web Cart and Infusionsoft, that means that it also integrates (albeit indirectly) with all of the Payment processors and gateways that these carts support. So, for example, since DAP works with 1SiteAutomation, it essentially integrates with all payment providers supported by 1SiteAutomation, like:
Bank of America
Concord EFSNet
DPI Merchant Services
e-Commerce Exchange
Echo Inc.
ECX QuickCommerce 3.0
Epoch Systems
eProcessing Network
EPS SecureNet
EWAY (Australia)
IntelliPay ExpertLink
IONGate (Costco)
iTransact RediCharge
LinkPoint Secure
MCPS WebLink
Network Merchants
PayCom Processing
Paymentech (direct integration via
PayPal Payflow Pro (via e-Junkie)
Planet Payment
RTWare WebLink
TrialPay (via e-Junkie)
VeriSign PayFlow Pro
ViaKlix (Nova Systems)
For the full list and more details, click here
If you use the DAP Shopping Cart Plugin, you can do 1-Click Upsells/Downsells like the pros, without the need for any external shopping cart or upsell service provider.
The free DAP shopping cart that comes with your DAP purchase allows you to do unlimited 1-Click Upsells using Stripe, and Paypal Website Payments Pro (legacy).
However, for doing 2-Click Upsells/Downsells with Paypal Standard, you need our Paypal Upsell-Tree plugin that is sold separately. Or you can also get this plugin for free with our Platinum subscription.
Of course, if you need advanced shopping cart features – like ability to calculate shipping, tax, and coupons – then you should consider using
If you want automated recurring order processing using 1ShoppingCart (1SC) or, then DAP needs to be able to process the recurring email notifications sent by 1ShoppingCart, which it does on the back-end when the DAP Cron Job runs every 10 minutes.
However, if you’re using Godaddy as your web host, then because GoDaddy disables a mandatory PHP library (“imap”) on all their servers for some reason, DAP is unable to process the recurring order email notifications from 1ShoppingCart.
This is not an issue if you are using GoDaddy as just your domain name registrar, and using some other service like Liquid Web or Hostgator as your web host.
But if you’re using 1SC & GoDaddy hosting, you will have to end up doing manual cancellations if any member cancels their subscription, or if their credit card fails and their recurring payments don’t get processed.
Please note that 1ShoppingCart order processing works great with all other (non-GoDaddy) hosts.