DAP Admin

Author Archives: DAP Admin


Troubleshooting: Paypal Coupon Error Emails

Problem: You see emails sent to your DAP Admin email account that look like this:

paypalCoupon.php: missing item_name


paypalCoupon.php: No such Product found – SomeProductNameHere

This could be happening because….

a) Some robot software somewhere is auto-posting to that URL.

b) It’s possible that a search engine spider or spambot is hopping from link to link, submitting the form repeatedly from the backend, and because the form is being submitted in an illegal/invalid fashion, DAP is complaining about a missing coupon code.

So for now, if everything else is working ok, and the annoying email is the the only issue, then you can just ignore those emails. Or better yet, simply put a filter on that email subject and have it directly sent to the trash folder in your email client.


Warrior+ WSO Pro Integration

Starting version 4.1, DAP supports integration with Warrior Plus (WSO Pro Standard).

And starting version 4.3.1, DAP now also supports Warrior Plus’s new Adaptive Payments system (WSO Pro Adaptive).

DAP supports both WSO Pro Standard and WSO Pro Adaptive. The same dap script (/dap/dap-wsopro.php) supports both standard and adaptive payments. Only the version of the script that’s included in DAP v4.3.1 has support for WSO Pro Adaptive – older versions of the above script will NOT support WSO Adaptive, and will only support WSO Pro Standard.

How to set it up

If you are on DAP 4.1 or later, you will find a script called dap-wsopro.php in the dap folder.

Set the IPN (instant payment notification) url in your WSO Pro account, to point to the following URL:


(NOTE: replace yoursite.com with the name of your site).

Make sure product name in DAP exactly matches the product name in WSO Pro.

Also, make sure you have the “Welcome Email” Subject & Body configured in the DAP Product page with the right merge tags to send out user login/password.

How it works

When a user completes purchase of your WSO, WSOPro will send payment notification to DAP to the IPN URL specified above.

DAP will then automatically create the membership account, allow user access to the product and send out the thank-you email configured under the DAP product with the login details.

Starters Guide

Quesiton 1:
What’s the best way, (simplest & least complicated), to open up a ‘Members Only’ area on my website, where everything is free?
In other words, people who have not logged into the site, do not have access to this area. But, once logged in, (without having to buy any product), anything in this area is, “Help yourself to anything!” — for free articles, event announcements, free video interviews, etc.

a. Do I create this as a product, or not?

You need to create this as a product in DAP.  Then everything you want to make available to the free but registered users, drip/protect it under the product in DAP. When you protect/drip the content, edit the settings to make it available to free users and not just paid users.

b. What do I do with the WordPress Login?

Get rid of wordpress login. Make DAP login the only entry point.  If you set up DAP->WP sync correctly, then DAP will automatically sync users to WP and upon login to DAP, the users will be automatically logged-in to WP.

c. How do I tie it all together, so that someone who registers as a member on the site, ends up on my basic MailChimp members list, and gets created as a member in DAP?

Click here to see how to integrate Mailchimp with DAP so when a user is added to DAP, DAP will first create the membership account in DAP and then automatically subscribe the user to Mailchimp.

d.  Public Blog, and web content, with no login required.
That’s easy! … Just don’t protect it, and it remains visible.

Multiple Paid Products, and/or Free Products that they have to sign-up for to be able to access.

Setup each product in DAP.

Paid Product – Create a sales page for Paid Product. Then integrate DAP with the payment processor / shopping cart using the documentation here (look for Payment Processing in the left sidebar).

When the user completes a purchase, DAP will automatically create the user account and send out welcome email with the ID/Password to the user (See this doc on welcome email delivery).

You can redirect users wherever you want upon login. See this article on how to redirect.

Free Product – Copy the html for the signup form from DAP’s product manager.  Details here.

When the user completes signup, DAP will automatically create the user account and send out welcome email with the ID/Password to the user (See this doc on welcome email delivery).

You can redirect users wherever you want upon login. See this article on how to redirect.

f. Tons of free “stuff”, INSIDE the website, for Members Only … that I can add to on a regular basis, so that people keep coming back to the site to see what’s new.

How do I give my user one simple login, that gives them access to my website, puts them on a autoresponder list, AND registers them as a client in DAP?

—  Create product in DAP.

—  Use the DAP direct signup to signup users.

—  Integrate DAP product with an auteresponder of your choice.  See this documentation on diffferent autoresponders that DAP supports and how-to-integrate with DAP (look for Email List Integration in the left sidebar).

— You can add a DAP login/logout widget for login/logout OR/AND a Login page

g. How do I implement a “Not yet a Member? Click Here to Signup!” … on the website itself? (Not just at a Product Level, “Click Here to Get Access!”) <<

Look at /dap/inc/error-nologgedin.php.

h. If I have to make it a product, then could it be done so that you simply give access to the parent page, and/or a category of posts, and then the member has access to everything under that page, or in that category (or sub-categories)?

Yes. See this document on category protection.


Payment Options Setup

Question:  We want to set up a product so that customers can pay in three installments of $20 each. So when they first purchase, they’ll be charged $20 immediately. Then 30 days later, they’ll be charged $20. Then after another 30 days, they’ll be charged $20. They will never be charged again after this, and they will continue to have access to the product.   Can you please advise what I should be putting in each box in dap products -> price/recurring tab ?

You can set all the recurring/trial options to 30 days.

Then set dap admin ->  setup -> config -> Access & Navigation -> Post-Expiry Access: Allow access to previously-paid-for content even after subscriber cancels? 

to  “Yes“.

Say the user buys something today, their access will be extended by 30 days.
After 30 days, next payment comes in, their access will be extended by 30 days more.
After another 30 days, next payment comes in, their access will be extended by 30 days more.

So say the user’s access start date = 10/20/2011, access end date = 1/20/2012.

After 1/20/2012, they will lose access but because you set ‘Allow access to previously-paid-for content’ to “YES”, user will have access to all paid for content.

As long as whatever content you drip under the product have a drip start day of less than (<) 90, user will have forever access to the content under the product.

Question: I have set up a silver level membership with 2 different payment options (one is monthly and the other is an annual).  I’m stuck though on figuring out how to connect it on my site. I have created a page where they pay for it through paypal.  But I don’t see in the back end of DAP installed on my wp site – how I set up the pages or entry points for those becoming members.

If the only difference in 2 products is the price, then you can create a single product in dap, create 2 different payment buttons in the payment processor of your choice, set the product name in both buttons to point to the same product in DAP, so depending on the button user uses to purchase, they will pay that amount. This is useful when you have a special sale for the same product. So all settings remain the same but just the product price is different.

Please note that you cannot use a dap hosted or dap generated button if you want to have the same product, same content, same recurring settings but different price points. If you use a dap hosted/generated button, then dap will use the price assigned to the product in dap products page, and you cannot assign 2 different price to the same product in dap.  That’s why in this situation, use buttons hosted in say Paypal,  this way the price set in dap products page will not be used, instead dap will use the price/amount that comes in the IPN notification.

BUT if you want to 2 different price points and ALSO 2 different payment cycle / recurring setting (one monthly and one annual) then you will have to create 2 different products in DAP – one for monthly and one for annual payment. You cannot manage this scenario with a single product in DAP. If the only difference between products is their price, you can have a single product in DAP but if the recurring/payment cycle is also different, then you will have to create different products  (even if the content being dripped is exactly the same) because recurring setting will be different.

You can create the monthly product first and then do a “Save As Copy” in products page. It will create a complete clone of the monthly product. Now give the new/cloned product a new name, and just update the recurring payment options from monthly to yearly and change the product price appropriately.

The sales page can be anywhere, the payment button can be anywhere.

As long as the button is integrated with DAP, where it resides does not matter.

Here’s how you can create a members area (member links) page :

See – http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/creating-member-affiliate-sections-within-wordpress/

Then you can set product level / global login redirect to point to that page so when members login, they will be redirected to their members area.

See – http://digitalaccesspass.com/videos/decoding-dap-4-content-customization.php

Then here’s how product purchase will work :

1) First you pick a payment processor of you choice – dap suppports a bunch of payment processors and you can find them in the documentation

2) Now create the payment button and put it on the sales page.

3) Once you have done that, here’s how the purchase flow and content access will work.
NOTE: There’s no pre-registration in DAP. There’s no form that the user needs to fill in first to complete purchase.

* Visitor arrives at your site
* Clicks on buy button
* Goes to Paypal / Payment processor, makes payment
* Instantly, behind the scenes, Paypal/Payment processor notifies DAP on your site about the purchase
* DAP then creates the login information for the buyer and emails it to them.
* Buyer logs in to their membership area, they will be redirected to the member links page where they can see the list of all products they have and the content/downloads under each product.

Question: If I’m using 1Shoppingcart, for a recurring product – do I still set it up in DAP entering numbers into the payment/trial #1, payment/Trial #2 and thereafter/recurring settings (in dap products page) ?  I am doing the recurring payment through 1 Shoppingcart, but it seems if I don’t set it up in DAP as well, DAP will not limit their access if they stop making payments ?


Yes, you need to set it up in DAP.  You need to set these options for all subscription products in DAP,  regardless of the payment processor / shopping cart you use.
DAP uses the payment/trial #1,#2 and thereafter/recurring numbers to automatically extend product access after every payment.
So when dap receives the very first payment notification, it will extend access by whatever you set in payment/trial#1.
When dap receives 2nd / recurring payment notification, it will extend access by whatever you set in payment/trial#2.
After that, for every recurring payment notification, dap will keep extending access by whatever you set in thereafter/recurring settings.

Question: I want to charge a customer every month for 2 years but give them lifetime access after the last payment.  How do i set this up?


You have to set payment/trial period 1/2 / thereafter all to 30 days for the users to charged every 30 days.

You can set config option in dap setup -> config -> advanced ->  “Allow users access to previously paid for content even after their content expires”.  Set it to “Y” to allow users access to previously paid content.

But you cannot automatically give users automatic lifetime access after the last payment (after 2 years).

You can try to setup a DAP product chaining rule that says if a user gets access to product A, give them access to product B after 730 days (future date).

Here A is your main membership product and B is the lifetime membership product.  The users access to lifetime membership product will start 730 days after they purchase product A.

Question: 12 monthly payments, lifetime access after the 12th payment.  How do i set this up?


You have to set payment/trial period 1/2 / thereafter all to 30 days for the users to charged every 30 days.

You can set config option in dap setup -> config -> advanced ->  “Allow users access to previously paid for content even after their content expires”.  Set it to “Y” to allow users access to previously paid content.

But you cannot automatically give users automatic lifetime access after the last payment (after 1 years).

You can try to setup a DAP product chaining rule that says if a user gets access to product A, give them access to product B after 365 days (future date).

Here A is your main membership product and B is the lifetime membership product.  The users access to lifetime membership product will start 365 days after they purchase product A.

Question: If I have a $1 7-day trial, then $37 every 30 days for 12 months and I want my members to have access to the content after the 12 months, what settings do I use for the Recurring Cycle?

Answer: Use this setting:

Payment/Trial Period #1 7 days
Payment/Trial Period #2 30 days
Thereafter (Recurring): 30 days

If you want users to have access to all content after 12 months, then see the answer above.
If you want the users to have access to just the previously paid-for content, then just set the config (Allow users access to previously paid for content even after their content expires” to “Y”).

By  doing this, if they paid for all 12 months, they will be able to keep access to all 12 months worth of content indefinitely.  They will have access Only to whatever content they’ve paid for already. If they stopped after 6 months, they will get access to only the 6 months worth of content, nothing further.

Question: I want to use DAP generated Paypal button and do a $10 trial for 14 days and then $167 after every month. How do I set this up ?

Use these settings:

Product Price : $167
Payment/Trial Period #1: 14 days
Payment/Trial Period #2: 30 days
Thereafter (Recurring): 30 days
Trial Amount: $10
Recurring Count: 9999

Question:   Does DAP talk with Paypal often or is it just the first time when the purchase is made ?

DAP talks to Paypal just the first time when purchase is made.  If the button is setup correctly, DAP will set up the recurring profile in Paypal at the time of initial purchase based on the payment/trial option settings and recurring count setting in dap products page.

So if this is your setting:
Product price = $5

Recurring Cycle
Payment/Trial Period #1:  7 days

Payment/Trial Period #2:  30 days

Thereafter/recurring:   30 days

Trial Amount = $0.01
Recurring Count = 3

Then DAP will tell Paypal to initially charge the trial amount of 0.01.  If the payment is completed successfully, then the user will be charged $0.01 and the user will get 7  days access to content (based on payment/trial option 1) . DAP will also setup a recurring profile in Paypal using thereafter/recurring setting.  So the first recurring payment will be due after 7 days of initial payment (based on payment/trial option 1) and next recurring payment and all payments after that will be due 30 days after (based on thereafter/recurring settings).

Because the recurring count is 3, the user will be charged 0.01 initially and then $5 a total of 3 times.

I have set up a silver level membership with 2 different payment options (one is monthly and the other is an annual).

I’m stuck though on figuring out how to connect it on my site. I have created a page where they pay for it through paypal –

but I don’t see in the back end of DAP installed on my wp site – how I set up the pages or entry points for those becoming members.

Strange Characters In Emails

If you or your members are noticing strange characters in emails – especially where there should normally be a single or double quote, then these are due to what are known as “Smart Quotes”.

These special characters always show up when you copy text from a WordPress blog (some themes use these characters) or a Microsoft Word document.

Single quote:



Double quote:

" (correct)

`` (incorrect)

The single quote that works correctly is located next to the “Enter” key.

The incorrect one is located next to the “1” number key.

So copy your email text to a text editor, like notepad. Then change all single quotes to be and all double-quotes to be in your emails. Then put them back into DAP, and then test.

The “strange characters” issue should then be resolved.

NOTE: In a future version, we will implement an enhancement in DAP so that DAP can handle this automatically, but for now, the above solution is your only option.


DAP Login Xpress

What Is “Login Xpress”?

“Login Xpress” is a DAP feature that enables your members to be logged right into your membership site immediately upon completion of their purchase.

This is roughly how it works:

  • Visitor arrives at your web site
  • On your sales page, they click on any “Buy” button to purchase a Product (or Membership Level)
  • They’re taken to the checkout page (depending on Payment processor being used) and they enter their payment information and hit “Submit”
  • When they hit “Submit” to complete their payment, their payment is processed right away, and the buyer is immediately transferred back to your web site, in real time, and automatically logged in to your membership site, and they are taken to the “Welcome” page or “Members” page (you may choose what this page is going to be at a per-Product level)

Payment Processors That Work With Login Xpress

DAP supports this feature with the following payment processors:

  • Paypal Standard (DAP-generated buttons only – will not work with Paypal-hosted buy buttons that you generate from within your Paypal account)
  • 1Shoppingcart / 1SiteAutomation.com
  • Authorize.net

If you use any of the payment options above, then you can set up your sales funnel in such a way that buyers are logged in right away immediately after purchase.

Payment Processors That DO NOT Work With Login Xpress (Yet)

  • Paypal Website Payments Pro
  • ClickBank
  • e-Junkie
  • WorldPay

DAP integrates with the above processors via some kind of “back-end payment notification” – similar to Paypal’s “IPN” (Instant Payment Notification). Which means the notification between the payment processor and DAP on your site only happens on the “back-end”. Which is why DAP can only deliver the login details to the buyer via an email, and cannot log them in right away (like it can do with “Login Xpress”), because the buyer’s information is available to DAP only when the payment processor sends out the IPN notification behind-the-scenes, so to speak.

So if you’re using the above processors to accept online payments, then what you need to do, is to redirect your buyers to a static “Thank You” page that has a message similar to the one below…

“Thank you for your purchase. In a few minutes, please check your email address used during purchase for your log in details to log in to the members’ area and access the product you just purchased.”

And behind the scenes, DAP would’ve already received the payment notification from the payment processor, and it would’ve created an account for your buyer, given them access to the purchased product, and sent them the “Thank-you Email” for the product(s).


Exporting Users

You can export DAP user/member data in CSV format, from the Users > Manage screen, as shown below.


When you click on the “Go” button, you will see a pop-up appear that contains the exported data.

You may then copy it and save it to your desktop.

If you wish to bring that data into, say, an MS Excel spreadsheet, then save the file as a .csv file on your desktop, and then you will be able to import it into Excel.


Give Existing Users Access To A Product

This flow is only for giving access to an existing User to a Product. If you wish to add a new user manually to the system, then see this post.

  1. Go to the Users > Manage screen.
  2. Search for the user by email id (or last name, user id, etc)
  3. Once you have found their information, check the check box in the first column next to their user id
  4. Then using the drop-downs in the top-right section, give them access to the new Product
  5. They’re initially added as a “Free” user by default. You may mark them as “PAID” if you want to have access to the product just like an actual paying member would.

Product Error

I can’t add a new product. Here is what the error says

An error has occurred!

Error: Oops, an error occurred in the database. Please try again or contact site owner

Pl run this script in a browser.


(Replace yoursite.com with the name of your site).

Ignore any database errors.

Then log back in to DAP. See if the error is gone.

Troubleshooting/FAQ SMTP Settings

Question:  I am sending stuff out via AuthSMTP.com, do I still have to set my e-mail limit to something small or can I go big e.g. 15000 per hour?

You can go big.. DAP does not have any restriction.

But the cron might end up running for a long time and your host (especially if you are on shared hosting) might have a problem with that. Also make sure the hourly cron does not kick off if it finds that the old cron has not finished running yet. Usually webhosts have a feature where they lock the cron from running if the previous run of same cron has not completed.. but you might want to confirm with your host.

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