Payment: Setup and Integration – FAQs

Q: I just made a test purchase. But DAP did not process the payment (or) did not add me as a member (or) is not creating a new member.

Make sure that the product name within DAP and the product name in your “buy” button (i.e., your shopping cart) are EXACTLY the same. Don’t just look at the two and say, “oh yeah, they’re the same”.We recommend “copying” the product name that you set up in DAP, and then “pasting” it when creating your “buy” button. If you are using Paypal, then this is the “Item Name” when you are creating your Paypal “buy” button. If you are using 1ShoppingCart, then this is the “Product Name” when creating a new product.

(Paypal users, skip ahead)


1) Make sure you have set up the “Email Order Processing” correctly.

2) Is your Cron Job dap-emailorder.php set up and running correctly?

3) Make sure you have not “removed” the 1Shoppingcart or ClickBank payment notification email from your server. Log in to your email server, and make sure that the email is still there, and also it needs to be “Unread”. If your email client (like Outlook or Thunderbird, or Gmail) already accessed it and marked it as read, then simply mark it unread, and the next time DAP runs (which should be in 10 minutes) it will pick up the email and process it.

Paypal Users:

1. If you are using Paypal IPN, then make sure you have enabled IPN within your Paypal account.

2. Make sure you put the correct IPN “notify_url” text in your button.

3. Make sure the Paypal button you set up is a “Buy Now” or “Subscribe” or “Add to Cart” button.

Also see these troubleshooting guides:

Troubleshooting Paypal Integration

Troubleshooting 1ShoppingCart & ClickBank


DAP-to-Aweber Integration

UPDATE April 2, 2015: Starting DAP 4.8, DAP now integrates with Aweber via their API.

UPDATE July 23, 2014: The DAP-to-Aweber integration below has slightly changed – the documentation below has already been updated with the new information.

Subscriber Flow

The flow of subscriber in this model, is “FROM DAP TO Aweber“. User signs up at DAP first, then DAP adds her to Aweber.

If you are looking for the other way, i.e, “FROM Aweber TO DAP”, then click here.

Please Note

When DAP adds a subscriber to your Aweber list, it can currently “send” only the user’s Name and Email address to Aweber. DAP cannot (and does not) send the user’s unique password in DAP, or their affiliate id, etc. If you want Aweber to send out the password, then here’s how you can do it.

How it works

With the “DigitalAccessPass.com” Aweber Email Parser, integrating DAP with Aweber is a total breeze.

1. Login to your account at Aweber.com and from the “Current List” drop-down, pick the list to which you want DAP to add users to.


2. Click on “List Options”, and from the drop-down, select “Email Parser”

3. On the Email Parsers page, select the check-box next to the “DigitalAccessPass.com”

That’s it for the Email Parser activation at Aweber. You will be shown something like the image below – but note that there is no “Final Step”. So nothing further to do on this Aweber page.


4. Log in to your DAP Admin Dashboard and pick the product (whose members you wish to add automatically to your Aweber list from step 1 above)

This step is where things changed on Aweber’s end sometime in June/July 2014. So if you previously performed this step and your Aweber integration has stopped working, please double-check the steps here.

5. Go back to Aweber and select the right list. Then, under List Options > List Settings, under “Basic Information” section, you’ll see “List Name” and right below that, you’ll see “Unique List ID“.

In the image below, both appear to be the same. But on most Aweber accounts, especially new lists recently created, these may not be the same.


Take the “Unique List ID” (NOT THE “List Name”, like it used to be earlier)

Add the text “@aweber.com” to the end of that text – that now becomes your “Aweber List Email”. So if your list’s unique list id is “dap_fans”, then your Aweber List Email becomes “dap_fans@aweber.com”.

Copy this, go to the DAP Products > Manage page, and under the “Notifications” tab, add this Aweber List Email to the “3rd Party Notification” field, and save.


That’s it!

How This Works

So let’s say you picked the list “dap_fans” in your Aweber account, and the DAP Product “Example Subscription Product” (as shown in the screenshots above).

So once you add “dap_fans@aweber.com” to the product’s “3rd Party Notification Email Ids” field and save it, every time someone gets access to the “Example Subscription Product” product (regardless of whether they buy it, or you give them access on the backend), an email is sent out to the email id dap_fans@aweber.com , which looks like this:

From: Joe Subscriber <joe@subscriber.com>

Subject: New User Signup (3rd Party Notification)

Name: Joe Subscriber
Email: Joe@Subscriber.com
Product: Example Subscription Product

And because you have already activated the DigitalAccessPass.com parser in your “dap_fans” list, Aweber automatically adds “Joe Subscriber” with the email id (Joe@Subscriber.com) to your dap_fans list. And the parser has been written in such a way, that the product name will be used as your “Ad Tracking” field for the subscriber. So you will be able to group them and run reports on them in your Aweber account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I integrate DAP with Aweber and someone signs up to my membership site and then later on cancels or stops paying, can DAP automatically remove people from Aweber?

A: Short answer: No. Aweber doesn’t have a “Remove” parser, only an “Add” parser. So if someone who DAP automatically added to your Aweber list when they purchased a product, cancels or asks for a refund, you will have to manually remove them from the Aweber list. But wait, this may not be such a bad thing after all.

ExtraTip: As soon as someone cancels their subscription (or just doesn’t pay, or their credit card is declined), then their membership account in DAP automatically expires. Which means they can no longer access any content (unless you have specifically set DAP Config to deliberately give ex-members access to content that they paid for previously when they were a member).

So that means, their access in DAP has expired, but they are still on your Aweber list.

This may not be bad, because if you keep sending them emails (through Aweber) about new content and new videos and new stuff you are adding to your membership site even after they’ve cancelled, when they come back to your site through the link in your email, they won’t be able to access the actual content.

So it’s a great way of continuing to keep even ex-members curious and coming back to the site, only to be presented with a “Sorry, you don’t have access to this”, which may be a great incentive for them to come back and join your web site.

Of course, for this to work, you must put all the key content on your web site, and use the emails just to get them curious about the content, and eventually bring them back to the site to deliver the content. However, if you are going to send out all the good stuff in your emails (which doesn’t make sense anyway) then this may be an issue for you.

Q) Will DAP add only paid customers to Aweber? Or both Paid and Free members?

The link is really between the DAP Product and your Aweber List. So regardless of who gets access to that product – for free, by paying, or admin added – they will automatically be added to your Aweber list. So if you don’t want your free members to be added to your Aweber list, then keep your “Free” products and your “Paid’ products separate, and don’t set up this integration for the Free products.

Q) I have a question about how Aweber integrates with DAP.  In this instance i am selling a monthly and yearly membership. The reader clicks on the subscribe button on my sales page and gets taken to Paypal. Assuming i have integrated Aweber properly, does the person get added to my Aweber List as well as the DAP list? Or is the only way they get added to Aweber is through a webform? I would like to be able to email the subscribers from time to time through Aweber but i am not using a Web form on my sales page, only a subscribe paypal button.

For paid products, here’s the flow:
Payment Processor (For ex – Paypal) == > DAP ==> Aweber

1) User pays via Paypal.

2) Paypal notifies DAP (ofcourse you need to integrate Paypal with DAP first either using Paypal hosted buttons (http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/setting-up-your-paypal-button-and-paypal-ipn/) or using DAP generated button for paypal (http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/blog/2010/12/dap-v4-0/).

3) If the Paypal payment was successful, DAP creates the membership account and sends out the thankyou email to user with their membership login info (you can configure thankyou/welcome in the DAP products page).

4) In the DAP products page, you can select the product and set the Aweber list name in the 3rd party notification Ids field. In this field, you can specify a comma-separated list of email Ids.. one of the email ids can be your Aweber list email i.e. mylist@aweber.com

5) After DAP adds the user to purchased product, it sends out notifications to all email Ids listed in the 3rd party notification id field for that product.

Here’s more info on how to integrate DAP -> Aweber for paid products.  Make sure to login to your Aweber account, Click on “My Lists” and within that, select “Email Parser”.  On the Email Parsers page, check the check-box next to the parser named “DigitalAccessPass.com” as described above in this post.

First Name: Veena
Last Name: Prashanth
Email: veena@digitalaccesspass.com
Product: Digital Access Pass with WP LiveLinks

Protection: WordPress Blog Posts and Files – FAQ

How do I protect a blog post?

  1. Log in to DAP Dashboard and go to the “Products/Lists” page.
  2. Select the product to which you want this blog post to be a part of
  3. Scroll down to the “ContentResponder” section
  4. On the left, you will see a list of blog posts & pages that have been published
  5. Select one or more (hold Ctrl + Click to select multiple)
  6. Click on “Add Selected Posts/Pages” to protect the posts/pages.
  7. It will now show up on the right-hand side of the box.
  8. Click on “Edit” next to each link to configure dripping.

How do I protect a file?

Use the “File Browser” on the “Products/Lists” page to browse through a folder on your web site, and next to each file, you will see an “Add” link. Clicking on that link will add that file to the product.

I have protected a blog post. But I can still view it without logging in.

1. Are you already logged in a a user who has access to that link? Maybe logged in as DAP Admin, and that is why you are able to access the link? If so, either log out of DAP, or visit your blog in a completely new browser (if you’re logged in as DAP Admin in FireFox, then visit your blog using Internet Explorer).

2. After you set up DAP, did you visit the “Permalinks” section and click on the “Save” button at least once (even if you didn’t make any changes to your permalinks structure)?

3. Have you added the blog post to a Product? If you don’t add it to a DAP Product, the post or file won’t be protected.

Can I protect an entire category of posts at one go?

Yes, absolutely!

See Protecting An Entire WordPress Category.

Why do I see all of the protected posts on my blog’s home page? (OR) I don’t want the links to all my blog posts showing up on my blog

Make sure you have “Sneak-Peek” turned off in the DAP Admin Config section. Once you do that, posts that are protected will not be displayed on the home page as well as if someone tried to visit the link directly.

When I try to browse through the files on my server, on the Products page, I get a  popup error msg that says ‘There was an error returning data”.


When adding Folder name ‘To Protect Files’ option the js loader keeps on loading.

On looking at the Error Console of the browser it shows the error”Error: missing ) in parenthetical”
Source File: http://www.yoursite.com/dap/admin/addEditProducts.php?productId=1
Line: 29, Column: 8
Source Code: (Unable to open ../../../AdminSorry, too many files being returned. Please use filter to reduce the number.)

Answer: Those are all symptoms of the same issue: Too many files to load in the little “file browser” section, and DAP is timing out.

If you know the path to the file, then just form the URL directly in your text editor – like…

http://www.yoursite.com/wp-content/uploads/interview.mp3 (example)

Visit the link to make sure that there is no typo in the URL, and make sure that the file is there for download (you’ll see the “Download or Save as” popup).

Then simply paste that URL into the Add URL field and protect it.


Installation / Pre-Installation FAQs

What are the minimum web-hosting requirements to run DAP?

See “Minimum web-hosting requirements”

What web hosts to you recommend?

See “DAP-Certified Web Hosts”

I’m getting an error during installation

See this post for more details about errors .

How can I avail of Free Installation?

See “Free Installation”

How do I setup Cron?

Setting up Cron Jobs

All about Cron Jobs

Your host does not support Cron Jobs


Paypal Hosted Buy Buttons

DAP can process Paypal payments using Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).  All you need to basically do is to enable IPN within your Paypal account and create your Buy button with a few extra parameters. It’s all explained below.

So here’s what you need to do to process orders through Paypal using IPN, and have your buyers automatically added to DAP on your site.

1. Enable IPN within your Paypal account.

Follow this post to enable IPN first, and then come back here to this post.

2. Create your “Buy Now” or “Subscribe” or “Add to Cart” button

  • Log in to your Paypal account.
  • Click on Profile => Profile and Settings => My selling tools => Paypal Buttons => Update


  • Click on the “Create New Button”

On the Create New Button Page:

Step 1: Choose a button type and enter your payment details

1:  Choose any one of the following button types based on the type of product you wish to sell.
* Shopping Cart (for multiple-item purchases)
* Buy Now (for one-time products)
* Subscriptions (for subscription-based recurring products)

2: After selecting the button type, enter item name and price.

  • “Item Name”
    Make sure the Paypal “Item NameEXACTLY matches the “Product Name” that you created within DAP. In fact, login as DAP admin, edit the product, copy the text from the “Product Name” field, then paste this into your Paypal “Item Name” field, so that there are no typos. If the product names don’t match, DAP will ignore any IPN posts coming in from Paypal, which means no account will be created for your new member.

Step 3: Customize advanced features (optional)

  • just add a custom variable to the button as follows:

Under “Step 3: Customize advanced features (optional)” tab, within the “Advanced Variables” text box, enter the following (change the text YourSite.com below to your domain name).


(change the text YourSite.com to your domain name).

Save the button.

4. Copy the HTML code for this button

5. Publish the code on your web site’s sales page

..or WP page or post.

That’s it!

So when someone subscribes to, or purchases your product using this button, Paypal will send an IPN notification to your web site to the above link. DAP will then verify the product and payment status, and then will automatically add give the buyer/subscriber access to that product.

If the email id used in this purchase is not already associated with an account on your site, then DAP automatically creates a new account, and sends the buyer an “activation” email that requires them to click on a link to confirm and activate their account.

But If this email id belongs to someone who already has an account in DAP (existing buyer, purchased a different product this time), then DAP doesn’t create a new account for this user. It simply gives the existing account access to this new product.

So when the user logs in, they will see that they now have access to TWO products, with each product and the available URL’s listed separately.

Note: If you’re going to be using Paypal to process payments, then you don’t need to set up the Email Processing info in your DAP Admin > Config > Payment Processing screen. You don’t need to set up the DAP Email Order cron job either.

DAP Support & Renewal

Membership Sites Run Themselves Forever

Nah, just kidding 🙂

Contrary to popular belief, or what some people would have you believe, web sites – especially “membership” sites – cannot run themselves. Nor will they keep going on autopilot for ever while you “relax at the beach”. Whoever said that to you, has never owned a web site.

Running a regular web site takes time and effort. Running a membership site can take more time effort, because you also have something called “customer service” and “billing” involved.

While DAP will make your life a lot easier, by putting a great deal of automation at your fingertips, there are still a few moving parts that need to be considered.

First, there web host related issues – like web hosts not having the required libraries or running outdated software, web hosts randomly disabling required libraries (like PDO or JSON) months after you have launched your web site, email server issues, payment processing issues, database issues, web site not being available because of a hacker-attack, your server crashing and causing files and data to go missing, and so on.

Then there are the “User” errors. People do all kinds of things – intentionally or unintentionally – like overwriting or deleting files, deleting databases, entering incorrect database settings, setting up their cron job incorrectly, deleting their cron job settings by mistake, putting the files in the wrong directories, incorrectly uploading files, not uploading the right files – you get the point.

To help with many of these issues, we offer free installation, so we can take all of the hassle out of your hands, even if it means we spend more of our time upfront on your purchase.

But even after doing that, it’s not like things will just continue to run themselves for ever and you can walk happily ever after into the sunset.

People change web hosts, change domains, move servers, move databases, move or rename wordpress installations, install new plugins that may break old plugins, upgrade old plugins that may break new plugins, upgrade to a newer version of WordPress that could break old and new plugins alike, delete plugin files by mistake, etc. Yup, we deal with a number of such “duh!” moments from site owners every other day 🙂

Just the task of managing so many moving parts itself can be a daunting task at times.

So it is critical for your business – and for your peace of mind – that you have reliable, accessible, helpful tech support. Especially when the whole idea of launching a membership site is because you’re hoping that it will become your primary source of income (or at least add a big chunk to your existing income).

Your membership site is your cash cow. Which is why you get Unlimited free tech support via our ticketing system for free for 6 months. During this time, you also get unlimited software updates & upgrades for free.

Free Support means we will answer any questions you may have about using DAP. We will point you to the right documentation for troubleshooting tips. If we are unable to resolve it via the ticketing system, we may optionally (at our discretion) work with you one-on-one via skype or gotomeeting.

But if it requires logging in to your web host to troubleshoot issues, then depending on the complexity of the issue (“I just moved my site to a new host and now nothing is working”), we will have to charge you for premium support.

Premium Support

There may be occasions when you need support right away, need more personalized support or hand-holding, or simply don’t have the time or patience to resolve it via our ticketing system. Or you did “something” and need us to log in to your server and troubleshoot.

In that case, we can work with you 1-on-1 via skype, phone or gotomeeting, for a premium support fee of $45 for 1/2 hour, or $90 per hour. You may need to schedule this in advance depending on our support resources available.


The first thing to note, is that the DAP license never expires. So once you buy a copy of DAP, you can use it for life, on as many sites as your license permits you to (like 1-site, or Unlimited-sites), without ever having to pay us a single penny ever again.

So DAP is really a one-time purchase.

When you first buy DAP, you automatically get 6 months of free Software Upgrades & Support. During these 6 months, you get unlimited access to support via our ticketing system, plus you also get to download all new versions of DAP we release during this time.

That said, there’s also the subject of ongoing access to new versions of DAP as and when they are released, as well as ongoing support.

If you see our release history, you will see that we are constantly updating DAP by adding new features, as well as enhancements to existing features. Plus we are very proud of our “FANATIC’nical” support. All of that takes a tremendous amount of time, money and resources.

So after your first free 6 months, any time you want access to support or the newest version of DAP, then there is a small renewal fee, which gives you access to yet another 6 months of free support & upgrades.

Now please note that this is not a forced continuity or subscription.This is a voluntary purchase, and nothing will be charged to you automatically. And you don’t have to renew right away after 6 months. You need to upgrade only IF and WHEN you need access to the latest versions of DAP, as well as support.

Click here to renew your access to DAP Software & Support.


Upgrading to DAP version 1.0

The following is relevant to you only if you are “Upgrading” DAP from an earlier version.

Yay, DAP version 1.0 is here! (click here to see the what changed )

This is an important update, so do not skip this.

Here’s how to upgrade to the new version:

1. Download the zip file and unzip to desktop. You should now see a folder by name “dap” on your desktop.

2. Overwrite the contents of your current “dap” folder on your site with the contents of the new “dap” folder on your desktop.

3. Do not try to use any admin functionality yet. Visit the following link:
http://YourSite.com/dap/update.php and follow the instructions on your screen.

NOTE: Replace YourSite.com with your actual domain name.

That’s it!


This is just for your information….

We have moved the email and header/footer templates from text files into the database, as some web hosts were very weird with file permissions and were causing issues. So all files which were previously located under /dap/templates/email/ and /dap/templates/content/ have now been moved to the database.

The contents of these template files have been copied over as-is to your database. But just as a sanity check, visit your “Admin > Templates” screen and double-check the content of these templates.



1ShoppingCart Email Order Processing

If you’re using 1ShoppingCart or 1SiteAutomation.com (our private label of 1SC), if you want your users to be automatically logged in to their DAP membership area upon completion of purchase, then refer to this documentation on how to setup Login Xpress with 1ShoppingCart.

If you only sell one-time products, then the 1SC Login Xpress is the only thing you will need to integrate DAP and 1SC.

However, if you sell RECURRING products via 1SC, then you need to set up the email parsing of orders to allow DAP to process recurring payment notification from 1SC, as described below.

The reason for this, is that 1ShoppingCart, while very robust as a cart, does not trigger payment notification messages on the backend (like Paypal can do with IPN) when recurring payments comes in for a member.

So, we at DAP have created an exclusive “Email Order Processing” feature, where DAP will log in to your billing email inbox (where your 1SC email notifications come in) and then check your emails as if it were your personal assistant, and then process any orders that match your DAP Product names.

That is how DAP is able to do automated processing of Cancellations and Failed Recurring Payments.

For 1ShoppingCart and ClickBank, DAP does “Email Parsing” of orders.

Setting Up “Email Parsing”

Basically all you will be doing here is telling DAP where your payment notification emails from 1SC come in, and how to go fetch those emails so the recurring payments can be processed automatically, without you having to lift a finger.

1. Log in to your 1SC account. Then go to “Setup > Orders”. Copy the email id that you have entered into the “Order Notice Email – Primary Destination” field. Please note that 1SC DOES NOT send recurring billing notifications to the email id in the “Secondary Destination”. So be sure you use the email id from the “Primary Destination” field.

So let’s say you have set the primary destination email currently, to point to say ‘billing@yoursite.com’. Now make sure that the emails in your billing@yoursite.com inbox remain in ‘Unread‘ status, because when DAP logs in to check your recurring notifications, it will be looking at only Unread emails. It will not touch the ones that are already read.

2. Go to DAP Admin Dashboard > Setup > Config > Payment Integration .

3. On this screen, configure the following fields…

Email Server Where Order Emails Come In : mail.yoursite.com

Email Server Protocol (pop3/imap) : imap (no need to change this)

Email Server Port : 143 (probably won’t need to change this)

Email Server Protocol (ssl/nossl) : nossl (probably won’t need to change this)

Email Server User Name : billing@yoursite.com (enter email id copied from Step #1 above)

Email Server Password : yourpassword (the password to your email inbox for the above email address)

That’s it as far as setup is concerned.

Additional Notes

4. Set up your sales page as you would normally do when accepting payment through 1ShoppingCart. The only thing you need to make sure is to use the exact same “Product Name’ in your cart as well as within DAP.

So, if you set up a product called “My Membership Site” within DAP, then use the same name “My Membership Site” in your 1SC product name.

5. During installation, a Cron job (dap-emailorder.php) would have already been set up in your web hosting cpanel, to run every 10 minutes. So, every 10 minutes, DAP will automatically check the email id specified in Email Server User Name (the email id from Step 1).

If there is a payment notification (first time or recurring payment) for a product name that matches a product name in DAP, then it will automatically add that customer to DAP as a member if they’re a new member, or if they’re an existing member and it was a recurring payment notification, then DAP will “extend” their membership access by a month (or whatever your recurring cycle is), so that they will continue to get access to your membership site until the next payment comes in.


Try out some test purchases first. Make sure you try out the full purchase and full user experience, end-to-end.

WARNING 1: If you ever change the name of your product in 1ShoppingCart, or within DAP, make sure that both DAP and 1SC Product names are in sync.

WARNING 2: Do not use SKU in 1SC while defining the product. DAP will not parse the emails correctly if you use SKU.

More: Troubleshooting 1ShoppingCart Integration


Updating Your Installation

Updating your installation of DAP is very easy.

  1. Download newest version of DAP files (dap_vXX.zip) from your member page
  2. Unzip contents of the file to your desktop (or somewhere on your hard disk)
  3. Overwrite the contents of the dap folder on your web site with the contents of the new dap folder on your desktop
  4. If you’re logged in as DAP Admin, log out
  5. Log in as DAP Admin and follow the instructions on the screen (you’ll be asked to click on a link to start the upgrade).

That’s it!

– Ravi Jayagopal


Changing A Password

If you want to change the password of a user, then just go to the Users > Manage link, search for either that user (if you know her email id), or search for all users. See more about searching in another post.

Then click on the “Name” of the user, and you will go to the “Edit User” screen. There you can change the user’s password.

If you are the admin and looking to change your own password, then you can do the same as above (as the “admin” is also a user in the system, except with the user type “admin”).

Or you can go to “User Home” and click on “Edit Profile” and change your password there.

Now the “User Home” is the page that all your users would see when they are logged into your members-only area powered by DAP. So, we’ve basically provided you, the admin, a way to see what they see, when you visit the “User Home” page.