
Category Archives for "Examples"

Give Existing Users Access To A Product

This flow is only for giving access to an existing User to a Product. If you wish to add a new user manually to the system, then see this post.

  1. Go to the Users > Manage screen.
  2. Search for the user by email id (or last name, user id, etc)
  3. Once you have found their information, check the check box in the first column next to their user id
  4. Then using the drop-downs in the top-right section, give them access to the new Product
  5. They’re initially added as a “Free” user by default. You may mark them as “PAID” if you want to have access to the product just like an actual paying member would.


2-Tier Affiliate Program

DAP supports (up to) a 2-tier affiliate program. So you could pay just one level (“tier”) of commissions (A gets paid when he refers B), or you could also set up DAP to pay 2 “tiers” of commissions (User 1 gets paid when he refers User 2 AND User 1 also gets paid something when User 2 refers User 3).

[NOTE: Paypal has an Acceptable Use Policy – especially for a product or service that could be considered “MLM” or “Pyramid”. Make sure you’re not violating their terms. For eg., requiring your members to keep paying subscription fees in order to remain an affiliate, could be considered a Pyramid scheme. So, in general (nothing to do with using DAP or paying 2 levels of commissions), if you are running an affiliate program and will be paying out commissions via Paypal, make sure you are not violating their terms.]

How The 2-Tier Affiliate Program Works

In a typical “1-Tier” affiliate program, when a buyer makes a purchase, the affiliate who referred the buyer is the only one who gets paid an affiliate commission. Which is why it’s called “1-tier”, because there’s only one level of commissions paid.

However, in a “2-tier” affiliate program, the “Affiliate’s Affiliate” (2nd level above) can also be paid a portion of the sale in commissions.

So consider this this example…

You are selling Product A that costs $100.

You’ve set up your commission structure for Product A as follows:

Tier 1: 50% Per Sale

Tier 2: 10% Per Sale

Joe Customer is referred by Charlie to your web site. Joe went on to purchase Product A for which commissions are set up above.

So Charlie (tier-1 affiliate) gets paid 50% of the sale – which is $50.

Now, normally a 1-tier affiliate program would stop there, and that would be the end of affiliate commissions for that purchase. But you have set up 2 tiers.

So now DAP looks at who referred Charlie, the affiliate. It finds that David originally referred Charlie to your web site (regardless of how Charlie got in to your membership site).

So now David (tier-2 affiliate) gets paid 10% of the sale – which is $10.

So for that one sale of $100, $50 was paid to Charlie, and $10 was paid to David, which totals $60.

So $40 is your earnings, as the site owner.

How To Set It Up

The 2-tier or “n” tier setup is the exact same as the 1-tier setup.

Only difference is, set up a new record on the “Affiliates > Set Commissions” page for each tier – one for Tier 1, one for Tier 2, and so on.


Affiliate Program Overview


DAP’s built-in affiliate module makes every one of your members an affiliate by default.

You can have 1-tier or 2-tiers of commissions. Up to you.

If a user has an account in DAP (on your site), it means they have a User Id in the system, which means they are also instant and automatic affiliates – regardless of whether you actually choose to show them their affiliate link or not, regardless of whether you have set up commissions for products or not.

Now obviously, if you have not setup commissions for your Products, and are not showing them the affiliate details page, maybe because you’re not using DAP as your affiliate program manager, then of course they won’t get to see their affiliate link, which means they won’t be promoting your DAP affiliate link.

If you want to show them their affiliate link and other affiliate stats, then you simply need to create a “Affiliate Info” page (merge tags available).

If your site is , and if your member’s user id is 123, then their default affiliate link is:

So basically, their user id (123) is also their affiliate id.

If you’re the DAP Admin, then your user id is probably 1. In which case, your own affiliate id for your site would then be:

Affiliate Link With Custom Landing Page

If your affiliate (say, id #123) wishes to link to a specific page on your site, then this is what the link would look like:

Which is the same as…

Both of them will set the affiliate cookie for affiliate id #123, and then redirect the visitor to the landing page URL custom-landing-page, which is basically the same as

How The DAP Affiliate Program Works

  1. You first set up the commissions for each product on the Affiliates > Commissions page in your DAP Admin Dashboard.
  2. Your affiliate takes their affiliate link and promotes it on their blog, web site, FaceBook, Twitter, etc.
  3. When prospect/visitor clicks on their affiliate link and arrives at your web site, a cookie gets set on the prospect’s computer with the affiliate’s id (123 in this example).
  4. The user then goes on to purchase a product from your web site.
  5. Immediately after purchase, they are redirected to the member’s area.
  6. At this time, the affiliate is instantly given credit for the new member referral. Please note that at this time, the only thing that is recorded by DAP, is that new member with user id 456 has been referred by affiliate 123. And if you have set up a “Pay Per Lead” commission, then it is instantly credited to the affiliate’s account. So if you had set up a “Pay Per Lead” of $1 per lead, then a sum of $1 is credited to affiliate 123’s account at this time.
  7. If the affiliate were to log in to their account at this time, they will only see the credit for the “Lead” and not (yet) for the Sale.
  8. Within an hour of the purchase, the DAP hourly cron job will run as usual (it runs at the top of every hour, 24 times a day).
  9. When this hourly cron job runs, it will carefully comb through all purchases made recently, for which there is a recorded affiliate, go and see what kind of commissions have been set up for this product, see if there are any special overrides for the referring affiliate, identify the right commission (Pay-per-sale fixed or Pay-per-sale percentage), and then at that time, the referring affiliate’s account will be “credited” with the actual commission for the sale, if any. So if the purchase was for $100, and you have set up a “Pay-Per-Sale” commission of 33%, then $33 is “credited” to the referring affiliate’s account.
  10. So if the affiliate were to view their affiliate info page, then they will see an new credit of $33 in their account.

Lifetime Affiliates

Once an affiliate is “tied” to a member’s account, that association is forever. And the member now forever belongs to this affiliate. So any future purchases made by this same member (using same account) will always result in commissions being credited to the same original affiliate, regardless of which other affiliate’s id they click on before making a purchase. See example below.

  • Affiliate John refers customer Mary
  • Mary buys, John gets affiliate commission
  • A while (days, months or years) later, Mary clicks on a different affiliate link belonging to Paul
  • Mary buys another product from your web site using the same email id as before
  • John will still get the commission for the new product that Mary just bought, because John is the lifetime affiliate for Mary.
  • So no matter how many times Mary makes a purchase, regardless of which affiliate link she used (even her own), John will get the commission every time, for life.

We have plenty more documentation available about our affiliate program. Check it out here:


Protect Entire Blog

If you, for some reason, need to protect your ENTIRE blog from “non-logged in users” – meaning, any part of your blog (menus, sidebars, widgets, etc), including the un-protected pages, should be seen only by someone who is already logged in – be it a free user or a paid user, then here’s how you do it…

  1. Go into your WordPress Admin, click on Appearance > Editor
  2. Make sure your current theme is selected in the drop-down towards the right/top corner.
  3. Click on “Header” (header.php) of your theme.
  4. Enter the following text right towards the very top of that file.

include_once “./dap/dap-config.php”;

if( !Dap_Session::isLoggedIn() ) {
header(“Location: /dap/login.php”);

The only thing you need to make sure is that you have the path to the dap-config.php correct.

If your blog is in the root, then use the code above as is.

If your blog is in a sub-folder, then replace line in red above, with the line in red below…

include_once “../dap/dap-config.php”;

That’s it!


Please remember that if you do this, then you must use the default DAP login page /dap/login.php , and you won’t be able to put the login form within WordPress.

The reason for this, is that the protection code is being applied at the theme level, and the protection will also apply to all WordPress pages and posts – and if you put the DAP login form inside a WP page, then that page will also get protected from everyone, and no one will even be able to get to the login form in order to log in. That makes your site impossible to log in to, which of course makes no sense.


DAP Shortcodes

DAP has a feature called “DAP Shortcodes” that allows you to do partial or in-page content protection.

(RELATED: If you are looking for merge tags to place into WordPress posts, then see Merge Tags for WordPress. For email-related merge tags, see Merge Tags for Email).

So if you had a blog post or page with 3 paragraphs of text and a video, you can protect just the video from certain groups of viewers, and leave the text portions open for anyone to read.

And you can…

a) Replace the text that is enclosed by the short codes with an error message.

So entering this in to your page/post’s body…

… then becomes this…

You can fully customize the style and text of the error message.


b) You can make the private text completely disappear from the page

By adding an additional parameter to the shortcode, you can make the error message completely disappear.

So this…

…is seen like this by the visitor…

No error message at all – like that section of content never even existed, and no errors or warnings shown either.


Teaser On Steroids

The DAP Shortcodes may be used to quickly protect content that you don’t necessarily wish to create a DAP Product for.

So if you don’t care about dripping some content, but just wish to protect it from say, non-members, or make it available only to certain “levels”, then you can do it by using the DAP Shortcode, and not have to worry about adding it to any particular level first.

These Shortcodes may or may not be used within content that is already protected as part of a DAP Product. Totally up to you.

Shortcode Summary

This section just lists all of the available shortcodes so you can quickly see everything in one glance. Details about each shortcode is available in the next section below.

Basic DAP Shortcode
[DAP]...private content...[/DAP]

Expanded DAP Shortcode Options
[DAP]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate=""]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="LONG"]...private...[/DAP]

Member-Specific Content
[DAP userId="144"]protected content[/DAP]

In-Page Dripping
[DAP startday="1" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 1 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP startday="2" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 2 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP startday="3" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 3 Embed Code[/DAP]

If you don’t include endday in your shortcode, then the default value for endday is taken as 9999 – which means forever access.

Hiding Content From Logged-In Members
(a.k.a showing content only to visitors)
[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....content to show only to NON-members... [/DAP]

Showing Different Content To Visitors -vs- Members
Use both codes as shown below (one following the other):

[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....sales page content shown only to visitors (and members who have not yet logged in)...[/DAP][DAP isLoggedIn="Y"]...member content that will replace sales content shown only to logged-in members...[/DAP]
[DAP publicUntil="2012-12-31" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public UNTIL (and including) December 31st, 2012 after which it will be protected as part of product 1[/DAP]

[DAP publicAfter="2012-01-01" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public AFTER (and including) January 1st, 2012 until which time it will be protected as part of product 1[/DAP]

[DAP hasAccessTo="2" hasNoAccessTo="1,3" ]This message will appear only to active users of product 2 but only for those who DO NOT also have access to products 1 or 3[/DAP]

startday / endday
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on Day 1 and no further[/DAP]

startdate / enddate
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startdate="2012-01-01" enddate="2012-01-31"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, between the dates of Jan 1st, 2012 and Jan 31st, 2012 - and no further[/DAP]
Negative Days
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startDay="-6" endDay="-3"]Howdy[/DAP]

Error Message From File
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1" errMsgTemplate="file:"]This message will appear to you only today[/DAP]


[DAPUserLinks showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" showproductcount="Y"]


orderOfLinks can have one of two values…

NEWESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links at the top. So day 7 link will be above day 1 link.

OLDESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links towards the bottom. So day 1 link will be above day 7 link.

showproductcount=”N” will disable the heading “You have access to X products” at the top of the “My Content” section.

So, here’s another version of the DAPUserLinks shortcode:

[DAPUserLinks showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="OLDESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" showproductcount="N"]


[DAPComingSoon showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" makelinksclickable="N" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


[DAPUserProfile showFirstName="Y" showLastName="Y" showUserName="Y" showEmail="Y" showPassword="Y" showAddress1="Y" showAddress2="Y" showCity="Y" showState="Y" showZip="Y" showCountry="Y" showPhone="Y" showFax="Y" showCompany="Y" showTitle="Y" showPaypalEmail="Y" showOptedOut="Y" showCustomFields="Y"]


To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s first name:
[DAPUpline showField="first_name"]

To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s last name:
[DAPUpline showField="last_name"]

To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s custom field (say “ssn”):
[DAPUpline showField="custom_ssn"]

More examples and details in the “Shortcode Details” section below.


Shortcode Details

All of the shortcodes listed in the above “Shortcode Summary” section, are explained here.

Basic DAP Shortcode

[DAP]…private content…[/DAP]

This is the shortest version of the DAP Shortcode. In this version, anything you put between the [DAP] and [/DAP] tags, will be viewable only by a logged-in user.

No other restrictions for the content to be viewed, except that the viewer has to be logged in to your membership site (via DAP). So basically all free and paid members, regardless of which product they have access to, regardless of whether their product access is active or expired, can view the private content.

Full DAP Shortcode

[DAP hasAccessTo=”1,2,3″ errMsgTemplate=”SHORT”]…private…[/DAP]

This is the full version of the DAP Shortcode. All inner tagshasAccessTo and errMsgTemplate – are all OPTIONAL.

hasAccessTo: Comma-separated list of one or more Product Id’s that you want the user to have access to before they can view the content. So if you enter 3 different product id’s (like hasAccessTo=”2,7,14″) it means “Anyone with access to AT LEAST ONE of those products with the product Id’s 2, 17 or 14. It does NOT mean they have to have access to all of them at once. Access to any one is fine.

errMsgTemplate: This determines the HTML/text of the error message displayed, if user DOES NOT have access to the content being protected.

Values may be Can be SHORT, LONG or “” (empty). NOT mandatory. If omitted entirely from the tag, then the default template used is SHORT.

If you want no error message to be displayed, and want the protected content to silently disappear completely if user does not have access to it, then include the tag, but set it to “” (blank/empty), like this…

[DAP errMsgTemplate=””]…private…[/DAP]

The HTML/text displayed by the SHORT and LONG templates can be configured via the Setup > Templates screen, as shown below.


[DAP]...private content...[/DAP]

Viewable by Any Logged-in User

[DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP]

Viewable by ANY logged in user (FREE or PAID – doesn’t matter) who is a user of the product with the ID “1” (you can get the Product id from the “Products > Manage” screen). Display HTML/text from the SHORT template if user does not have access to the private content.

[DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="LONG"]...private...[/DAP]

Viewable by ANY logged in user (FREE or PAID – doesn’t matter) who has access to EITHER of the Products – 1, 2 or 3. Display HTML/text from the LONG template if user does not have access to the private content.

Member-Specific Content

“For Your Eyes Only”
Let’s say you run a coaching program. You have 10 clients. You want Joe Customer to see a tailor-made custom video meant only for Joe, and Jill Member to see a specific PDF report written specifically for Jill’s business. Now using the new “userId” parameter in the DAP shortcode, you can now protect a piece of content so that only a specific DAP user can see it.

[DAP userId="144"]protected content[/DAP]

In-Page Dripping

DAP Shortcodes now include the ability to specify a “Day” right within the shortcode itself. So you can now publish, say, 10 videos on one page, and you can enclose each video’s embed code with a separate DAP Shortcode that has a different “Day” setting, so the very same page will show 1 video on Day 1, 2 videos on Day 2, 3 videos on Day 3, and so on.

Like this…

[DAP day="1" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 1 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP day="2" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 2 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP day="3" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 3 Embed Code[/DAP]

NOTE: Please remember that you may not omit the hasAccessTo field – you must use the hasAccessTo field to specify a product id, because all start “days” for a user are associated with a product.

Hiding Content From Logged-In Members

Starting DAP v4.1, you can now mark content such that it will NOT be displayed to members who ARE logged in. To put it another way, it will HIDE content from members, and show it ONLY to NON-Members.

For example, this could be your sales copy or your buy-button, that you don’t want your logged in members (who may have already purchased the product) to see.

Here’s the shortcode for that.

[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....content to show only to NON-members... [/DAP]


You can set a date UNTIL which a blog post is public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicUntil="2012-12-31" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public UNTIL (and including) December 31st, 2012[/DAP]


You can set a date AFTER which a blog post will become public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicAfter="2012-01-01" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public AFTER (and including) January 1st, 2012[/DAP]


A much requested feature. You can now specify a list of products that a user does NOT have access to, like this:
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" hasNoAccessTo="1,3" ]This message will appear only to active (current) users of product 2 but don't have access to 1 or 3[/DAP]

startday / endday

Now you can specify “startday” and “endday” in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end “day”. Previously available “day” variable has been deprecated and replaced by “startday” instead. However, if you already are using it somewhere, it will continue to work as is. However, if you wish to use the “endday” variable, you must now also use “startday” instead of “day”. Very useful for, say, displaying a message on the Welcome page only on the first day.
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on Day 1 and no further[/DAP]

startdate / enddate

You can also specify actual dripping “dates” (instead of “days”) by using “startdate” and “enddate” in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end “date”.
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startdate="2012-01-01" enddate="2012-01-31"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on between the dates of Jan 1st, 2012 and Jan 31st, 2012 - and no further[/DAP]

Negative Days

“startday” and “endday” can also be a negative number.
For eg., [DAP hasAccessTo="2" startDay="-6" endDay="-3"]Howdy[/DAP]

This basically means, the message “Howdy” will be shown starting 6 days before the “Access End Date” of the user’s access to the product with Id “2” (specified in hasAccessTo). So you can use this to display a special message – or specially priced offer (buy button) – for those whose access has not yet expired. Last day (same day of access end date) is day 0. Day before that is -1.

Error Message From File

You can now specify a file name whose contents are to be used as error message. Use the existing errMsgTemplate field, but add a “file:…” to the beginning, and make sure the file name is a fully qualified URL starting with http:// and your domain name. So you can say…
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1" errMsgTemplate="file:"]This message will appear to you only today[/DAP]


Allows you to heavily customize how the links are displayed when you use the merge tag %%USERLINKS%%

[DAPUserLinks showProductName="N" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


Allows you to display links that are coming soon.

[DAPComingSoon showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" makelinksclickable="N" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


Allows you to selectively display profile fields on a page. Just set the profile field that you don’t want shown to “N” in the tag below.

Default is “Y”. So Leaving out the text showLastName=”Y” entirely from the shortcode, is the same as setting it “Y”, which means it will be displayed.

So just entering the text [DAPUserProfile] into a page, will show ALL fields.

And to not show say, Phone and Fax, you would do something like this:

[DAPUserProfile showPhone="N" showFax="N"]

So all other fields will be displayed, except those two.

This shortcode shows a user their referring Affiliate’s (a.k.a Sponsor’s) information. So when a user visits the page that has this shortcode, it will display information of that user’s referring Affiliate – either from cookie (if exists), or if they’re already a member, then their current Affiliate’s information. And if neither the cookie is set, nor the user has an Affiliate attached to their account already, then it will show the info of the DAP Admin). So you can use it to show the user information of the person (affiliate) who referred them to the page. Think of it as a “Your Sponsor” tag.

To show affiliate’s first name, use this:
[DAPUpline showField="first_name"]

To show affiliate’s last name, use this
[DAPUpline showField="last_name"]

[DAPUpline showField="user_name"] [DAPUpline showField="email"] [DAPUpline showField="address1"] [DAPUpline showField="address2"] [DAPUpline showField="city"] [DAPUpline showField="state"] [DAPUpline showField="zip"] [DAPUpline showField="country"] [DAPUpline showField="phone"] [DAPUpline showField="fax"] [DAPUpline showField="company"] [DAPUpline showField="title"] [DAPUpline showField="paypal_email"]

For Custom fields…
[DAPUpline showField="custom_customfieldname"]


User & Product Statuses

DAP assigns a status for the User itself (at a global, account level), as well as a User/Product level (specific to the user's access to that product).

So there's the User Status and then the User/Product Status

For eg., the User Status may be "Active", but a specific User/Product status may be "Inactive" – which means user can log in to their account, receive emails, etc, but cannot access any content that is part of this specific product (though they can access all other products they may have, that are "Active").

The bottom-line is this: In order for a user to access his/her account, and all the content in the Products that he/she's purchased, all the statuses have to be Active.

So here are the possible statuses, and what they mean.

User Status

These statuses apply to the User's account itself.


If the user's status is inactive, then that means the user's entire account is inactive. User will not be able to even log in to their account. All outgoing broadcast and autoresponder emails will "exclude" them from the list, and they will not receive any emails from the system.


Account is accessible, all emails are being sent.


They've just signed up for a product that requires "Double Optin". Which means, unless they "confirm" by clicking on the double-optin link, their account will not become active. Please note that once a user has already confirmed the double-optin link for one product, then their "User" status automatically becomes "Active". So even if they go on to sign up for another double-optin product, then their User status will never again change to "Unconfirmed" (unless specifically set so by the DAP Admin). For all future double-optin products, it is this user's "User/Product" status that will be "Unconfirmed", while the main "User" status remains "Active".



When an account receives login attempts from more than the number of IP addresses set in the "Setup > Config > Advanced > Max. # of User Logins From Different IP`s" field, then that user's main User status is changed to be "Locked". This is very similar to the "Inactive" status, except named different just so admin can distinguish between "Locked" and other users.


User/Product Status

These statuses specifically apply to a User's access with relation to a specific Product.


User cannot access any content that is part of this product. However, User may access other products whose user/product status is "Active".


There are no restrictions for this User to access content that is part of this product (of course, only whatever the user is eligible to see, based on the drip setup).


DAP As A Global Content + Affiliate Hub

DAP can only protect content on the same domain where it is installed.

So, if you install DAP on, then DAP can only protect content (blog posts/pages and files) on

If you install DAP on, then DAP can only protect content (blog posts/pages and files) on

DAP on cannot protect content on

DAP on cannot protect content on

Similarly, DAP installed on cannot protect content on the main domain,

Now, let’s say you own a network of web sites, some sell a product, some sell a membership course, some sell a physical product, and some just exist to build a list.

So let’s say you have 10 sites in all.

And you want someone who’s an affiliate on Site A, to be an affiliate for all ten, and be able to get commissions if the person he referred goes on to purchase a product from any of your 10 web sites.

Yup, DAP can handle that. And here’s how…

Configuration #1

Summary: has DAP. Your sales pages are all on different sites, like, and But all buy buttons point right back to the main DAP site ( and that’s where all buyers from all child sites are eventually added to, regardless of where the sale was initiated from. So all members are actually created on, and that’s where everyone would log in to access the member content.

1) Install DAP on your main “Parent” site where you have all of your content that needs to be protected/delivered. Make sure all of your content for all of your sites is on this main “Parent” (hub) site.

2) You can then have multiple “Child” sites – completely different domains from your parent site – which are basically just “sales page only” sites. Of course you can have a wordpress blog on each of them and have as much content as you want. Just put the main content to be delivered on the Parent site.

2A) On each of these child sites, you can use any DAP-supported payment processors to sell your products. So for eg., on one “child” site, you can use ClickBank, on another, you can use Paypal, on another you use e-junkie, etc.

3) All buyers end up with an account on your “Parent” site, which is where they get to access their content too. You can set up multiple blogs on one site for different look & feel for all of your various products, and deliver content from the specific blog for the specific product. DAP can support multiple blogs on one site, so that’ll work fine.

4) Since all of your actual products are on one DAP installation, your affiliates can use the same affiliate link for promoting all of your “child” sites. Which means, anyone buying any product across your network, will result in a commission for your affiliate

5) Since all of your users are in one database, email marketing also becomes extremely simple. You can send autoresponders & broadcasts all from within DAP

6) And anyone purchasing any product across your entire network, instantly and automatically becomes a “global” affiliate – which means they can straightaway start promoting any of your web sites. So if your parent site is, and you have 3 child sites called, and, then your affiliates’ global affiliate link would be:

Now if they wanted to promote, they just use the redirection feature of DAP like this:

Or if they want to point to a specific page on childA, they can do this:


Plus we’re coming up with a “N”-tier affiliate program in 4.0, which will make it even more powerful when you club it with the ‘global’ concept explained above, as every new member becomes a global affiliate, and will also get multi-tiered commissions across ALL purchases across ALL of your child sites.

DAP now supports Coupon codes – which again means your global affiliate will be able to use coupon codes for any product across your network. So the extensions are unlimited, and the possibilities are infinite.

Configuration #2

Summary: There’s only one site – That’s where DAP is installed. All child sites and content for those sites, are created in “sub-folders” on the same site. has “dap” in its root folder. is a blog for Site 1 which has all of the content for whatever is being sold on Site 1. Sales page can be the root of the “site1” blog itself, or in a separate WordPress Page on that blog.

So you will have one blog per site, each installed as a separate WP installation, in sub-folders of

Each of the above blogs should have their own copy of the “DAP-WP-Livelinks” plugin.

But only one installation of the “dap” folder itself. DAP is in root.

The blogs must be in sub-folders of the main domain – they may not be in sub-domains.

So, in a nutshell…

  • DAP enables to you have one, large, global “store”.
  • This is also your content and affiliate hub, while unifying and standardizing content delivery for all of your products,
  • This gives your members a “Single Sign-on” facility, where if they log in to your “Hub Store”, they basically never have to log in again
  • All of the content can be made available from one “Content Delivery” site
  • Your affiliate program goes “Global” – which means if you’re an affiliate for one site, you can promote all sites and all products in the network using just one affiliate link. Which will help you recruit more affiliates, and help get them excited about promoting your network sites.


what i wish to do is have a central dap install,
that looks after all my sites and affiliate programs,
of course i would like different site members to access the down load they bought in they same style of the site they bought
i would like different site members to access the affiliate programs that they enrolled in affiliate program ,
but also let them taste my others,
so each product wold have its own tools affiliate links,
my current set up is a hep desk in my root folder, as that is generic name which will work for all my products,i wold then like to deliver products within this system so each has its own download pages , in its own styleall im asking is do i need 10 wp blogs to do this or just one or none
can blogs and pages be sub-domains or only folders ( you answered this in your last post )thanks for your help
Response Time: 37 Minutes Mon 10 Jan 2011, 18:36pm

» Reply by: Ravi Jayagopal
Here’s how you would do it… has “dap” in its root is a blog for Site 1 which has all of the content for whatever is being sold on Site 1. Sales page can be the root of the “site1” blog itself, or in a separate “WP Page” in that blog.So you will have one blog per site, each installed as a separate WP installation, in sub-folders of

Each of the above blogs have their own copy of the “DAP-WP-Livelinks” plugin.

But only one installation of the “dap” folder itself. DAP is in root.

Each of the blogs may not be sub-domains – must be sub-folders.


Affiliate Link Chaining

Updated: 09/03/2013

This will be very useful to you if you own multiple DAP-Powered membership sites, and you want your affiliates to set affiliate cookies for multiple DAP sites all at once.

DAP allows your affiliates to set the cookie, and then redirect the visitor to any web site URL they want. That second link could be yet another affiliate link from another DAP site, or any affiliate link for that matter.

This allows your affiliates the ability to drop their affiliate cookie on the visitor’s computer for multiple DAP sites. So if they visitor goes on to buy from any of the “network” sites (all powered by DAP), they will get the credit for the sale.

This article is about setting 2 separate DAP affiliate cookies (from two separate membership sites) with one single user-click.

A Tale Of Two Cookies 🙂

Let’s say you have DAP running on two separate web sites. and

You have someone who is an affiliate on both sites. They have user id 1111 on, and user id 2222 on

So here’s how they can create a link that drops two separate DAP affiliate cookies from two different domains on the visitor’s computer, so the affiliate can get credit for any sales happening on either web site.

  • Your affiliate’s link for is
  • Now redirect that to a intermediate auto-redirecting page on any of those two sites (doesn’t matter. So let’s pick And this redirect page – let’s call it redirect.html – is a simple HTML page with a meta-refresh tag as shown below:<html>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV=”Refresh” CONTENT=”0;URL=“>
  • If you see the URL value in the above text, you’ll see that the above page is basically doing a simple and instant redirect to the 2nd affiliate link – which is
  • So the main affiliate link becomes

That’s it!

So basically, here’s what’s happening:

The first affiliate link (with extra redirection at the end)…

Redirects to…

And redirect.html in turn redirects the visitor to

That ends the chain. But if you want to take it further, keep reading.

If you want the final landing page to be say then your HTML code for redirect.html becomes…


Hope this helps.



Creating Ready-made Banners & Copy For Affiliates

DAP lets you create a “Affiliate Promo Materials” page that has ready-made, ready-to-copy-paste banner images, HTML code, and email copy, that includes the affiliate link of the affiliate viewing the page, already readily embedded and customized just for her.

Here’s all you need to know:

Wherever you insert the Affiliate Merge Tag….


…into your blog posts/pages, it will get automatically get replaced by the affiliate’s actual affiliate link, that looks like this…

So, that’s all you really need to know to create a custom, affiliate promo page.

Creating Customized Banners

Normally, your banner code for affiliates would look like this:

<img src=”/path/to/banner/image.jpg”>

That would simply display a banner that is not linked to any link.

Then, here’s how you would link it to any link.

<a href=””><img src=”/path/to/banner/image.jpg”></a>

Now, instead of the link above, you would insert your Affiliate Merge Tag in there, like this:

<a href=”%%AFF_LINK%% “><img src=”/path/to/banner/image.jpg”></a>

That would display the image, as well as link it to the affiliate’s own custom affiliate link. The above code is what you would enter into the promo page in the “Visual” tab, because you want the affiliate to see the actual raw HTML code that she can copy/paste and publish on their web site.

So when the affiliate views your promo page, they would not see an actual image that is linked to their affiliate link, but the raw HTML – just like what you see below – which they can copy and publish on their web site.

<a href=” “><img src=”/path/to/banner/image.jpg”></a>

Obviously, you don’t want them to directly link to the image on your site. So you just tell them that they need to download the image/banner and upload to their web site.

The same can be done for email copy too.

That’s how simple it is.


Global Login & Password

Creating 1 Single Login & Password For All Users

This is for when you don’t care about assigning unique usernames and passwords to your users, and would rather given all of your members (or site visitors) a single email id and password to log in to your membership site.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Most important: Go to Setup > Config > Advanced > “Max. # of User Logins From Different IP`s” and set it to a very high number – like 99999999. You’ll need to do this because everyone will be logging in using the same email/password, and you don’t want DAP to lock out the public account (you’re about to create below).
  2. Create a “public” user manually, with an email id like, say, “” . DAP will assign a random password to the user (unless of course you have set the “Default” password in Config).
  3. Change this password also to something public – like ‘demo’ 🙂
  4. Then if you don’t care about collecting anyone’s email id, then you could publish this info publicly on your web site
  5. But if you wish to collect people’s email id’s, and *then* give them this public email/password, then you can still sign them up using the “Direct Signup Form”. And in the welcome email, instead of sending them their own email id and password, send them the public email id and password.