One way of setting up Pay-Per-Post in DAP, is to create one product per post, and then sell access to each one separately.
However, if you have a lot of posts, this can be a lot of work.
An easier and more efficient way is to use our credits plugin, “Credit Store“.
Using the Credit Store plugin, you can setup individual pieces of content – like a post, page, category, or even a file – to be Redeemed via Credits, instead of cash. You sell credits, your members buy those credits, then use their credits towards redeeming individual content.
Just like when you buy an iTunes gift card and purchase individual songs or movies with it. Or like buying credits on a stock photo site and then redeeming it for individual images.
Whether that content is a bunch of content all bundled together, or individual posts/pages/files, is up to how you configure and set up your own Store.
The Credit Store plugin is a true game-changer, and allows you to be a lot more creative, and for your content to be delivered in a much more flexible yet powerful manner to your buyers and members.
We already have a few DAP users using the Credit Store (beta) this way, and they’re all loving the power and flexibility of this plugin.
See this for more details on the Credit Store:
As the Credit Store is currently in Beta, if you wish to purchase it now, we will make it available for download in a few weeks and give you access to the plugin for a big discount compared to the price it will be launching at. So feel free to email us or open at ticket if you want more details.
You try to visit a protected page that you’re not eligible to view, and don’t see the proper error message you are supposed to see.
Save the changes.
Now, in a different browser, first visit your logout link – – so that the config changes can be reloaded. Now go back to that original protected page, and you should now be redirected to the above custom error page you created above.
DAP works great with the WP Super Cache plugin. Probably works with others too – but we have officially tested it with just Super Cache at this time.
And this page below walks you through the full set up of the WP Super Cache plugin.
Go to Settings > WP Super Cache
You are now on the “Easy” tab. Don’t do anything here just yet.
Go to Advanced tab.
Be sure to put a “Check” (or “Select” the radio button) next to each of the following items
Cache hits to this website for quick access. (Recommended)
Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files. (Recommended)
Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors. (Recommended)
Don’t cache pages for known users. (Recommended)
Don’t cache pages with GET parameters. (?x=y at the end of a url)
Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. (Recommended)
Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated.
Extra homepage checks. (Very occasionally stops homepage caching) (Recommended)
Only refresh current page when comments made.
List the newest cached pages on this page.
Click on Update Status button.
Keep scrolling down until you see the Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs section.
You’ll see a big text area under the text “Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached”. +
There, add the following, one per line.
Obviously, your member content page URL’s may be slightly different. So make sure you customize it to suit your own URL’s.
Next to back to Easy tab at the top.
Now you select the “Caching On” option and save.
That’s it for the setup.
Now, on to testing.
If you organize all of your member content under a main parent page, say “members”, then all you need to exclude from caching, is /members/
For example, if your URLs include year and you don’t wish to cache last year posts, it’s enough to specify the year, i.e. /2004/. WP-Cache will search if that string is part of the URI and if so, it will not cache that page.
So basically, excluding just one single URL – /members/ – from caching, will make sure all of the following as well remain UN-CACHED.
You get the idea. When you exclude “/members/”, any URL that starts with that same text, will be excluded.
So here’s how you set up the “hierarchy” of the pages.
First, create the page “members“.
Then, when you create the “login” page, make sure you select the “parent” of the page, to be the “members” page.
So, instead of the login page URL looking like…
… because the parent page is “members”, that also gets added to the URL, and the login page URL becomes like this:
If you created a page called “example” and made the “login” page as its parent, then the URL for this new page becomes:
So you see how that hierarchy works. Use that to arrange all of your member content under the main “ancestor”, which is “members”, here in our example.
But if you have already completed creation of all of your content, then you’re just going to have to do a little extra work to identify all of your pages and posts and exclude the member content from the list. DAP makes this a little bit easier as well.
If you log in via FTP and go to the “dap” folder, inside, you will see a file called “dap_permalink_dump.php”. If you download that file to your desktop, and open it with any text editor (Notepad, Dreamweaver, etc), inside you will see a full list of URL’s of all posts and pages from your WordPress site. You can just take that list, remove separator text like “Posts” and “Pages”, and trim the list of URL’s down to just your member content, you can take that and paste it right into the WP Super Cache > Advanced tab > Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs section.
Now open multiple browsers – like Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (or Safari). Use at least 3 separate browsers.
Next, go to your login page in one of them, and then log in. Then go to same login page in another browser – make sure it doesn’t say “You are already logged in”. It should show you the DAP login form. Same on third browser.
Next go to the profile page while logged in as member. Do the same in other two browsers, while logging in as three different people. Each profile page should you show you different information.
If you crated 3 separate products, with 3 different users, then logging in as those 3 different users on the 3 different browsers, should show you 3 different sets of pages.
All this is just to make sure there’s no caching going on of your membership content, that’s all.
If all of this works, then you’re all set with caching for your non-membership content, and no caching for your dynamic member content.
When you protect a page or post in DAP, and try to test whether the page or post is actually protected…
a) Instead of showing you a “Sorry…” message with the DAP padlock image, you instead see a “Hello World” post – or the content of some post completely irrelevant.
b) The formatting of the page appears messed up with missing menu items or post content.
This has something to do with some special feature of either your theme or one of the plugins you are using, which is causing a conflict with the way DAP “replaces” protected content with an in-page error message that says “Sorry, you don’t have access to this content”.
The workaround for this is very simple.
Now, in a new browser where you are not logged in as DAP admin or WordPress Admin, first visit the following logout URL:
This is so that any cached URL’s will be flushed, and the DAP config will be reloaded.
Now, in that same browser window, go to any protected page, and you should now be automatically redirected to the above custom error page that you created above.
By default, the DAP Admin User does not have access to all of the products you create.
This is a deliberate feature, because every time you protect content in DAP and try to visit it yourself while logged in as DAP admin and WP admin, we want you to see that the content is actually protected.
So, in order to be able to “see” the locked content yourself, you need to give yourself – the DAP Admin user – access to all of the DAP Products you create.
1) When you log in to DAP admin dashboard, click on the “Welcome <admin name>” link towards the top left corner of the DAP dashboard screen.
2) That will take you to the User > Edit page, where you can see the email id of the DAP Admin user. Copy the email id.
3) Go to Users > Manage page, and search for the email id.
4) Give yourself access to all of the products, one by one.
If you’re using OptimizePress as your theme, make sure you’re only using membership templates that have the word “DAP..” in them.
DO NOT USE any template that has the words “WP” or “WP Secured“. That will cause members logging in via DAP, to not be able to access those pages.
Those templates are meant for OP’s own internal membership functionality, or built for other membership plugins. Those will not work with DAP.
For the other squeeze page/sales page templates, it doesn’t matter which ones you pick.
This restriction applies only to the “Members…” templates.
Once you have protected content by adding it from left-to-right on the “ContentResponder” tab of the Products > Manage page, you can set the dripping day/date and link display text and other drip options, by launching the “Drip Settings” popup (see “1” below) by clicking on the “Edit” icon next to the content you wish to drip.
By default, when you add any content (WP page/post or file), it is set to drip on day #1 by default. Which effectively means “no dripping” – and that the content is available to the member from day 1 of their purchase/signup.
1. Shows the “Edit” icon on the “ContentResponder” tab, and clicking it will bring up the “Drip Settings” popup (that shows 2, 3 & 4).
2. On the drip settings popup, the “Link Text” refers to the display text of the link that will be shown to the member on the “My Content” page.
3. If you wish to protect a link, but just NOT show it in the list of links on the “My Content” page, then set this to “No”.
4. Drip Settings: In DAP, you can drip content by Day, Date or restrict access by # of Clicks. You can only choose one method (eg., you cannot drip by day and date at the same time).