There are many reasons why an email is not delivered to the recipient.
And the list goes on!
That should give you an idea why email delivery is so tricky and complicated, which is what created a niche for the email delivery industry, and which is why companies like Aweber, MailChimp and GetResponse even came into existence and have thrived while charging a hefty fee for what you would think is the simple act of delivering email over the interwebs.
When you use DAP for sending out emails (whether autoresponder or broadcast emails), the “From Name” and “From Email” you set up in the DAP Config are used to send out the emails.
If you use your own web host as the “carrier”, then your web host’s email server is the one that carries the email and tries to deliver to the inbox of the recipient. And web hosts are generally not very good at the intricate science of email delivery, which is why if you’re going to use DAP, we recommend that you bypass your web host and have a third-party email system like Amazon SES deliver your emails.
Regardless of the carrier (web host, Amazon SES,, etc), all bounced and undeliverable emails come back to the “From Email” that you have used under DAP Config.
DAP by itself does not do anything with those emails, as those emails don’t come back to DAP, but they go straight to the inbox of whatever “From Email” you have specified.
We will surely address this in the future. But for now, you will have to manually review those email bounces, see which one of them sound more serious (like, say, recipient email id not found, or domain no longer in use, etc), and then de-activate those email id’s from your DAP database.
When you use Amazon SES, Amazon by itself also monitors email id’s that have a consistent history of bouncing back, and will automatically suppress those email id’s and won’t even deliver email to those email id’s even if DAP did send the actual email to those id’s.
Q: How to automatically add a new user in DAP to a (1SA) list (or other 1Shoppingcart – 1SC – private label)?
A: Every list in 1SA/1SC gets a unique email id – like ).
Add that to the “3rd-Party Notification Email Ids” field of the DAP product (under Products > Manage > “Notifications” tab)
And make sure you set the “Direct Subscribe” field in your 1SA/1SC list to be “On”.
DAP’s Amazon SES integration has been heavily tested, and we use it ourselves at . So you can rest assured that there are no “bugs” of any kind.
Here are some troubleshooting steps if SES integration is not working even after you’ve followed the documentation exactly.
WARNING: Gmail integration may not work for everyone. Many factors – including, but not limited to, your physical location, the location associated with your Gmail account, location of server, IP address, etc – appear to play a role in whether or not this will work for you with your Gmail account. So please note, that if it doesn’t work for you, then there isn’t anything the DAP team can do to overcome or “fix” that. It’s Google, after all. We don’t know what rules and monitoring they have in place for this. So, if Gmail integration doesn’t work for you, then you may want to consider Amazon SES integration, which has a 100% success rate with DAP users at this time.
To increase deliverability of your autoresponder, broadcast and instant emails (like “Welcome” email), you can make DAP completely by-pass your web host’s email server, and send emails out through third-party email servers, like Gmail or Amazon SES. This article is about setting up DAP to send out emails through Gmail’s email servers.
Before you start sending out mass emails through Google’s Gmail Servers, please note this…
Sending out emails through Gmail instead of your web host, will surely boost your deliverability, no doubt. But remember that Gmail is NOT meant to use for mass emails. It is not really meant to be used as a list service. Plus they have a very strict restriction of 500 emails per 24-hour period.
You exceed that quota even by one, and they probably will temporarily disable your Gmail account for about 24 hours. Sending a large number of un-deliverable emails (resulting in bounces) could also get your entire Gmail account permanently suspended. And if you lose your Google username, it may (no confirmation available) affect your other Google accounts too – like AdWords or AdSense.
Anyway, DAP has a round-robin emailing system – so you could set up and use multiple Gmail accounts – each with its own 500 email limit per day – and combine them to send out a larger broadcast. However, remember – we’re talking about Google here – which means they can suspend/cancel/delete your account for any reason at all, even more so when you’re going against their TOS.
So use Gmail with caution, and only for smaller lists. If you want a larger sending email limit, check out the DAP integration with Amazon SES which allows you to send out tens of thousands of emails a day.
You can hook up DAP to Amazon’s Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) and have all of your emails go through Amazon’s beefed up, high-performance, high-deliverability email servers.
The document below explains how to connect DAP to Amazon SES. (troubleshooting info for DAP/SES integration)
So if the server name displayed in your Amazon SES account is this…
…then the text you would enter into the DAP Email > SMTP page is this…
Watch this video for details:
We have now created a plugin framework that will allow DAP to trigger calls to 3rd party services when a user is added to a product (subscription/registration event) or when a user loses access to product (unsubscribe/unregister event).
In fact, we used the same framework to develop DAP -> Mailchimp integration in DAP 4.1.
Here’s the steps :
1) If you want DAP to trigger calls to the APIs/methods you wrote upon an addUserToProduct event or removeUserFromProduct event in DAP, then in the DAP products page – > notify plugin field, use the following format to integrate the APIs/class files. You can integrate multiple systems with DAP using this framework.
Say you want to integrate classname1 (that has the necessary APIs to register/unregister users to 3rd party service like Mailchimp ) and classname 2 (that has the necessary APIs to register/unregister users to another 3rd party service like GetResponse), then use this format in the notify plugins field above.
classname1:VALUE 1 you want to pass to the api: VALUE 2 you want to pass to the api: VALUE 3 you want to pass to the api
If you want DAP to call multiple APIs/ Classes, then just create a comma seperated list of classes that DAP should notify.
classname1:VALUE 1 you want to pass to the api: VALUE 2 you want to pass to the api: VALUE 3 you want to pass to the api,
classname2:VALUE 1 you want to pass to the api: VALUE 2 you want to pass to the api,
classname3:VALUE 1 you want to pass to the api
Whatever values (VALUE1, VALUE2.. ) you put next to the class name (all values should be “:” separated), DAP will forward those params/values to your APIs when a user is added to product or user is removed from product.
To integrate say classname1 which consists of the methods/apis to talk to your 3rd party services, create a folder called classname1 under /dap/plugins folder. Then under the classname1 folder, create a php script called classname1.class.php (just the way you notice a folder called mailchimp and under mailchimp a class file called mailchimp.class.php).
So you will have something like this:
Here’s what you need to have in classname1.class.php ( skleton class implementation ) :
< ?php
class classname1 {
function classname1() // constructor
{ }
//======== USER REGISTRATION===========
// this function is called by dap when a user is added to a product
function register($userId, $productId, $params) {
logToFile(“classname1.class.php: register(): “, LOG_INFO_DAP);
$dapuser = Dap_User::loadUserById($userId);
$email = trim($dapuser->getEmail());
$username = trim($dapuser->getUser_name());
$firstname = trim($dapuser->getFirst_name());
$lastname = trim($dapuser->getLast_name());
$data = explode(“:”,$params);
function unregister($userId, $productId, $params)
logToFile(“classname1.class.php: register(): “, LOG_INFO_DAP);
$dapuser = Dap_User::loadUserById($userId);
$email = trim($dapuser->getEmail());
$data = explode(“:”,$params);
You MUST have same name methods (called register() and unregister() ) and the exact method signature as you see above.
You can call other methods/functions from register/unregister and/or
You can call 3rd party APIs from register/unregister methods and/or
You can include other class files.
Whatever values you pass (VALUE1, VALUE2 etc) via notify plugin, you can access those values in these methods. The values are available in the $params array.
That’s it.
You can add a test user to a product in DAP (via dap admin -> add users) and see if things work as expected.
DAP integrates with GetResponse very easily.
If you are on DAP 4.1, then DAP can connect with getresponse using the APIs provided by getresponse.
So when someone buys or signs up for that Product, then DAP will automatically notify your GetResponse list, and add the buyer or subscriber (if it’s a free sign-up) to your GetResponse list.
So basically, user gets added to DAP first, and then DAP adds them to GetResponse.
If you want the other flow (subscriber gets added to GR first, and then GR adds them to DAP, then see this GetResponse-to-DAP flow)
1) Retrieve the getresponse API Key from this URL:
2) Then go to DAP > Products > Manage, select the product, go to “Notifications” tab, then in the Plugin Notification upon User “Add” field, add the following:
For example:
That’s it.
Now go to DAP admin -> add users page and add a brand new user / email and see what happens.
The added user should first receive the confirmation email from GetResponse, and upon confirmation, the user should get added to GetResponse.
If it does not work, then…
The flow of subscriber is “FROM DAP TO Mailchimp“. User signs up at DAP first, then DAP automatically adds the user to Mailchimp list.. Admin removes the user’s access to a product, and DAP automatically removes the user from Mailchimp list. This feature is available starting DAP v4.1.
1. Login to your account at and note down the API Key.
2. Go to and grab your List’s Unique Id. Click the “settings” link for the list – the Unique Id is at the bottom of that page.
3. Log in to your DAP Admin Dashboard -> Products Page and select the product (whose members you wish to add automatically to your Mailchimp list.
4. If the list Id of the mailchimp list that you want to integrate with a DAP product/membership is say “ffffffffff”, and say your Mailchimp API Key is ‘ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-us2’ then add the following to the “Notify Plugin upon User -> Product Activation (Add)” in DAP products page and HIT Save/Update Product.
Image 3:
That’s it!
Save the product and this completes the DAP->Mailchimp integration.
So let’s say you picked the list “ffffffffff” in your Mailchimp account, and the DAP Product “Example Subscription Product” (as shown in the screenshots above).
So once you add “mailchimp:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-us2:ffffffffff” to the product’s “Notify plugin upon user->product activation” and “Notify plugin upon user->product de-activation” field and save it, every time someone gets access to the “Example Subscription Product” product (regardless of whether they buy it, or you give them access on the backend), DAP will automatically add them to the list – ffffffffff. And everytime you remove the user’s access to product (click on ‘Remove’ in DAP manage users page), DAP will automatically remove the user from the list.
DAP has a feature where you can ask DAP to always generate a pre-determined, default password of your choice for all new members.
So all new users will be assigned the same default password, which of course, they can change as soon as (or any time after) they login.
This is especially useful if you want a third-party service like Aweber – instead of DAP – to send out the new member’s “Welcome Email” which contains their email and password.
Since DAP is unable to pass the randomly generated password to Aweber, instead, you can setup a default password by going to
Setup > Config > Default Password
This can be found under the Miscellaneous section on that page.
So if you set this password to say, changethis, then DAP will give out the same password to all new users.
Then, in the welcome email you configure at, say, Aweber, you would put the Aweber merge code for email id, and then enter this pre-selected password (because you already know what it is) into your Aweber email, like this:
Hello {!firstname},
Welcome to You may log in to your member’s area at:
Email: {!email}
Password: changethisThank you,
– Admin from
And if you ever change the default password in DAP, don’t forget to also change it in your welcome email at Aweber (or 3rd party email service).
Also, don’t use the default password in any subsequent emails, other than the Welcome email (very first email sent to member through Aweber), because the member may have already changed their password by then.
WARNING: You must have also set up DAP/Aweber integration first before you attempt to do this.
DAP allows you to easily import users in bulk from an external system or database.
Importing users in bulk is the same as adding users one at a time using the single-user-add feature. So whichever way you manually add users, DAP is going to all of the following…
When you do a single-user-add, all of this is done for that user in real-time. When you do a bulk-add, then all of the above happens for each user being imported, one at a time, when the DAP hourly cron job runs at the top of every hour. That’s the main difference.
1) You must have already created the DAP Product into which the users will be imported
2) The user list has to be in a CSV (comma separated) format (one user per line)
For doing a simple import of user data containing just email, first and/or last name, the format of data (per user, per line) should be like this:
Email and FirstName are mandatory. But LastName is optional. So your user data row could be just…
DAP will also allow bulk import of users with extended profile information. This includes their existing password and other profile data as detailed in this video (Bulk Add Users)
But please make sure you are using at least DAP v4.2.1 and LiveLinks v1.7, because what’s explained below is only available only since then.
1) You must have already created the Product into which the users will be imported
2) The user list has to be in a CSV (comma separated) format (one user per line), with the exact format being:
Email,Firstname,Lastname,Password,ProductName, Address,City,State,Zip,Country,Phone,Company, Flag (to indicate Paid or Free user), Access Start Date, Access End Date,UserName
Example:,Joe,Member,test123,Example One-time Product,99 hill ave,Cityname,NY,10001,USA,,Plug and Play Inc,y,2011-03-16, 2012-03-15,JoeMember
The only required fields are Email, FirstName and ProductName. If you do not want to supply a value for any of the optional fields, but still wish to import certain others, then just leave those fields empty in the data row (but the commas should remain) as shown below.
Email,Firstname,,,ProductName,,,,,,,,Flag (to indicate Paid or Free user), Access Start Date, Access End Date,UserName
Create a file with the name /dap/bulk/importusers.csv file so it has the users you want to import in the format specified above.
Run this script on your browser to complete the import, by visiting:
* Replace “” with your actual domain name
* Limit the number of users you are importing with this method to not more than 500 users (rows) at a time. Otherwise the import may timeout, because the import occurs real time, because you’re running the script manually, and not via cron. If the user already exists in dap, then the script will just skip that user and move on to the next user in the bulk add list.