Troubleshooting Bulk-Add & Bulk-Import Of Users
Issue: You tried to bulk-add users to DAP (i.e., a bulk-import), and it is not working. No users have been added to the system.
Possible Solutions & Troubleshooting Tips
1. CSV File created?
First check if there's a .csv file that has been created in the folder /dap/bulk/ on your server. If there's more than one .csv file in there (from a previous import/bulk-add), then see if there's a file whose timestamp is close to the time when you actually did the "Users > Add > Bulk-add Multiple Users To A Product" action.
If there's no .csv file, then it's possible that the folder doesn't have the right permissions for DAP to be able to create the file. So CHMOD the "bulk" folder (in /dap/ folder) to 755. Then re-try the bulk-add again.
2. Is Cron job running?
You see a .csv file in there sitting for a few hours, but none of the users inside the .csv file have been added to DAP.
It's possible that the hourly cron job has either not been set up at all, or may have been setup incorrectly. Make sure the cron is setup and running correctly.
See both these links:
3. Error in CSV File
Sometimes, it is possible that the .csv file was actually created, but it was actually corrupt. And you won't know this until the cron runs and that specific bulk-add job shows an error.
When you look at the “System > Job Queue” screen, you see one line that shows this error…
Action: BulkAddCSVToProduct
Message: Error in CSV File
You were probably trying to to Bulk-Add Users to DAP. Or do a Broadcast email to a CSV file. In either case, there was an error in processing your request, because one of the following happened:
1) The CSV file could not be created in /dap/bulk/ folder because of a permission issue (try CHMOD 755), so when the cron task ran, it could not find the CSV file (or the file was corrupted for some reason).
2) The list of email addresses within the CSV file were not in the right format – Order should be: Email,FirstName,LastName ( LastName is optional)
How To Fix It
If a job fails, then there’s no way to “fix it and re-run it” right now. So you basically have to delete the job, and then submit a new one. So if a Bulk-Add job errors with the above message, then here’s what you need to do…
A) Click on the “Delete Jobs In Error” link on the “System > Job Queue” page. That will delete all jobs that have failed for whatever reason.
B) You should also clear out the /dap/bulk/ folder to make sure you delete any old, or errored out CSV files from that folder.