Mailchimp Integration

Subscriber Flow

The flow of subscriber is “FROM DAP TO Mailchimp“. User signs up at DAP first, then DAP automatically adds the user to Mailchimp list.. Admin removes the user’s access to a product, and DAP automatically removes the user from Mailchimp list. This feature is available starting DAP v4.1.

How it works


1. Login to your account at http://admin.mailchimp.com/account/api/ and note down the API Key.

Image 1:

2. Go to http://admin.mailchimp.com/lists/ and grab your List’s Unique Id. Click the “settings” link for the list – the Unique Id is at the bottom of that page.

Image 2:

3. Log in to your DAP Admin Dashboard -> Products Page and select the product (whose members you wish to add automatically to your Mailchimp list.

4. If the list Id of the mailchimp list that you want to integrate with a DAP product/membership is say “ffffffffff”, and say your Mailchimp API Key is ‘ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-us2’ then add the following to the “Notify Plugin upon User -> Product Activation (Add)” in DAP products page and HIT Save/Update Product.


Image 3:

That’s it!

Save the product and this completes the DAP->Mailchimp integration.

How This Works

So let’s say you picked the list “ffffffffff” in your Mailchimp account, and the DAP Product “Example Subscription Product” (as shown in the screenshots above).

So once you add “mailchimp:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-us2:ffffffffff” to the product’s “Notify plugin upon user->product activation” and “Notify plugin upon user->product de-activation” field and save it, every time someone gets access to the “Example Subscription Product” product (regardless of whether they buy it, or you give them access on the backend), DAP will  automatically  add them to the list – ffffffffff. And everytime you remove the user’s access to product (click on ‘Remove’ in DAP manage users page), DAP will automatically remove the user from the list.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 31 comments
Fred - February 28, 2011

glad i’m with aweber, mailchimp is awful 🙂

have you heard of amazon ses? I bet you guys are working on some kickass implementation right?

Adam - February 28, 2011

These fields do not exist anymore in DAP admin. I requested API key from GR. When I get them, where should I insert them?

Veena Prashanth - February 28, 2011

The mailchimp integration will be part of DAP 4.1 which will be released shortly. We created this documentation to prep for the release.

Adam - February 28, 2011

Hi Veena,

Will this be the same with GetResponse? I’m awaiting email from GR dev dep. with my API.

Adam - February 28, 2011

Sorry, I didn’t see Support Ticket before I posted my question.

Chad Carlton - August 23, 2011

Can you set it up so Mail Chimp can add to more than one list?

e.g. mailchimp:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-us2:ffffffffff; anotherlist;anotherlist;anotherlist


Veena Prashanth - August 23, 2011


Yes, it should work. I have not tested it that way, but i think it will work.


Chad Carlton - August 29, 2011

Okay, I’ll test it and let you’all know.

BTW DAP Rocks and just keeps getting better!;-)

Keep up the great work,

Chad Carlton - September 1, 2011

anyone have luck with mail chimp? I’m on DAP 4.2 and no success. I’m following the instructions to the tee and Can’t figure it out??

Veena Prashanth - September 2, 2011


Lot of dap users are using the dap->mailchimp integration successfully. Pls open a support ticket with all the details including log snippet from your tests (set dap log level to ‘Log All Activity’ before you run the test).

Deborah - September 24, 2011

I understand that the MailChimp integration takes anyone who subscribes via DAP and automatically adds them to the mailing list. I’m not sure I understand which server (my web host’s SMTP server or MailChimp’s) will be delivering system messages like double opt-in confirmations, etc. that are set up on the product level within DAP. Can you clarify?

Veena Prashanth - September 24, 2011

The dap double-opt-in and thank-you messages are delivered by your webhost’s email server.

Deborah - September 24, 2011

I originally set this up with both the Welcome and Double Opt-In emails on the product with the MailChimp integration. However, I found that the user was getting four emails at signup – two from DAP (confirm and welcome) and two from MailChimp (ditto).

Since MailChimp requires each subscriber to double opt-in and will send those emails, which autoresponder should I set up to send the user his/her user id and password (since I can’t pass that info to MailChimp to include in its email after confirmation)?

Deborah - September 25, 2011

Also, I had a user click the unsubscribe link in a DAP broadcast email, but he was not unsubscribed from MailChimp, even several hours after unsubscribing. Is that a manual admin task?

Veena Prashanth - September 25, 2011


You can remove the double-opt-in email from DAP. It’s not required because Mailchimp will be double-opt-in.

You cannot send the dap id/password via mailchimp autoresponder. You will have to send that either via the dap welcome/thankyou email or set a DAP email autoresponder to drip day 1 with id/password. The DAP autoresponder email will get sent at the top of the hour (after the user signup) when the cron runs.

>> Also, I had a user click the unsubscribe link in a DAP broadcast email, but he was not unsubscribed from MailChimp, even several hours after unsubscribing. Is that a manual admin task?<< Yes, it's a manual admin task. The unsubscribe link in dap broadcast will only take the user out of dap mailings.

Dave - October 5, 2011

Mail Chimp allows creating sub-groups within one email list with a unique ID. Can DAP segment the users signing up for a product to match these sub-groups within Mail Chimp OR do I have to create a unique list in Mail Chimp for each unique product in DAP?

Veena Prashanth - October 5, 2011

You will have to create a unique list in MC for each unique product in dap.

Shaun - October 8, 2011

Is there any way you can set it so you keep the email address even if they cancel from your product a month or two down the line? Thanks.

Veena Prashanth - October 9, 2011

>>Is there any way you can set it so you keep the email address even if they cancel from your product a month or two down the line? << Upon cancellation, the user account is not removed from dap. If a user cancels their membership, they ultimately lose access to the product as their access expires after the end of current payment cycle. But the email address will still exist in dap.

Sheila Hoffman - October 20, 2011

The video link is broken. I was able to read the source code and locate the video and watch it. This is a link to the video: http://bit.ly/dap-mailchip-integration-video

Paul Aaron Travis - February 22, 2012

Veena, do you perchance have ImnicaMail integration in the works? I’m moving some of my MailChimp lists over…


Veena Prashanth - February 26, 2012

Hi Paul,

No, we do not have ImnicaMail integration in the works. Maybe in the future… last time we tried, it was much more complicated than Mailchimp or getresponse integration, and we didn’t have much demand for it.

Keith - February 28, 2012

What happens if the person is already a member of the mailchimp list that the plug in is trying to add them to?

For example: There’s a sales page that sells “Super Awesome Product.” You don’t have to be a member of the product “Registered Guests” to go to the sales page. So we set up the Mailchimp plug in to make them a member of both the Registered List and the SAP List.

Now, if I’m a member of the Registered List, and I buy the product “Super Awesome Product” the Mailchimp plugin will add me to the SAP List and will *try* to add me to the Registered List… but since my email is already there, what happens?

My fear is that everything will crash and that the product add will fail.

Or do I have to set things up so that only people who are Registered Guests of the Site can buy products?

Veena Prashanth - February 28, 2012


>>So we set up the Mailchimp plug in to make them a member of both the Registered List and the SAP List. < < Which mailchimp plugin are you referring to here? Did you modify the dap plugin to add users to another MC list if they get added to one? >>I buy the product Super Awesome Product the Mailchimp plugin will add me to the SAP List and will *try* to add me to the Registered List¦ but since my email is already there, what happens? << Not sure which mailchimp plugin. You will have to add a user to the product in dap and check if a failure to add user to one MC list (because the user is already a part of that list) would cause any other issues with user getting added to product in dap. I dont think there will be any issues but please test. Veena

Paul Aaron Travis - March 1, 2012

Veena, I am increasingly seeing ImnicaMail supported in other systems. I reached out to ImnicaMail and they want to work with you.

I have asked them to open a support ticket with you, and I ask you to open one with them (http://http://support.imnicamail.com/anonymous_requests/new)


Veena Prashanth - March 1, 2012

Thanks Paul.

It’s not something we can support right away. We have several other key features for DAP lined up based on user feedback so the next 3-4 months is fully booked. Sorry.

Alexei - March 4, 2012

Hi, I have multiple different products (26 So far ), Should I Do this with each product In order to do complete Mailchimp Integration?

Nicole - January 11, 2013

Can I put two unique ID’s in so my new client is on both lists? And, will making the change on the settings page retroactively change the people already signed up?

Veena Prashanth - January 12, 2013

>>Can I put two unique ID’s in so my new client is on both lists? < < Yes. >>And, will making the change on the settings page retroactively change the people already signed up? < No, it will not retroactively change the people already signed up.

Nicole - January 12, 2013

That’s great. How should it be seperated? mailchimp:apiKEY:listID then what?

Veena Prashanth - January 12, 2013

It should be comma separated.


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