Paypal Standard Upsell Plugin

Upsells, Downsells and OTO’s are now extremely simple to implement using the  “Upsell Tree” plugin for DAP.

And this particular plugin works with Paypal Standard! Which means you don’t need a merchant account any more. All you need is a regular Paypal Standard / Business Account.

IMPORTANT: What you need before you can use this plugin

  1. You need a Paypal (Standard) Business or Premier account
  2. You must have SSL (secure server) enabled on your web site. Ask your web host to enable SSL for your site.
  3. You must have a working version of DAP 4.4.3+
  4. You cannot sell a “Recurring” product as an Upsell.  Recurring products have to be the first product in the flow.
  5. Here’s what you CAN do: You can have a recurring product as the very FIRST product that they purchase (when they first click on the “Buy” button on your main sales page), and then you can offer any number of “One-Time” Products as upsells or downsells.
  6. Here’s what you CANNOT do: Offer a “One-Time” product as your first product that they buy, and then try to upsell them to a “Recurring” Product. Unfortunately, this is a Paypal problem at this time.

Installation & Setup of UpsellTree For Paypal Standard

  1. Here’s the steps to Install Paypal Upsell Tree plugin and the dap companion files.
  2. You need to be running at least DAP v4.4.3 for this plugin to work
  3. Login to your WickedCoolPlugins account and download the PaypalStandardUpsell.zip file, dapcompanionfilesforPUT.zip  file from http://wickedcoolplugins.com/my-account/downloads/ page. If you do not have access to this plugin, please contact us via a support ticket and we will send you the right link to purchase the plugin.
  4. Go to WP admin -> plugins -> add new -> Upload tab -> select the PaypalStandardUpsell.zip file, click on Install, and after the plugin is installed, click on activate to activate the PaypalStandardUpsell plugin in WordPress.
  5. Download the WCP License plugin from your WickedCoolPlugins.com downloads area (http://wickedcoolplugins.com/my-account/downloads/ )
  6. Install and activate the WCP License plugin in WordPress (just like any other WP plugin).
  7. Make a note of your WCP license key (you will find it in your WickedCoolPlugins.com downloads area).
  8. Go to WP admin – > settings -> WCP license and enter the WCP license key (that you noted in step# 6 above).
  9. Also,  unzip the dapcompanionfilesforPUT.zip  file to your desktop (the one you downloaded in step #2), you will find a dap subfolder under it.
  10. FTP to you site, find the root folder of your site, and upload the entire dap folder to the ROOT FOLDER of your WEBSITE. When you do this, it will automatically overwrite the files in your DAP folder with the right version needed by PUT.
  11. Installation of Paypal Upsell-Tree Plugin is now complete.
  12. Here’s the steps to find the API info from Paypal.
  13. Next, log in to your Paypal account.
  14. Click on “Profile”
  15. Click on “Request API Credentials” (under ‘Account Information’ section). It will bring you to the API access page.
  16. Under Option 2, click on “Request API credentials” to create your own API username and password.
  17. Click on “Request API signature”
  18. Click on “Agree & Submit”
  19. Note down the following pieces of information:
    * API Username
    * API Password
    * API Signature
  20. That’s it as far as your Paypal account is concerned. Now back to DAP on your site.
  21. Here’s the steps to enter the Paypal API info in DAP config.
  22. Log in to your DAP Dashboard
  23. Go to “Setup > Config“. On that page, click on the “Paypal” link in the links towards the very top of that page (or scroll down to the “Payment Processing: Paypal” section).
  24. Enter the 3 pieces of information (from Step #13 above) into the Config fields 7, 8 & 9 on that screen: Paypal API Username, Paypal API Password, and Paypal API Signature. Cick  “Update” and save the changes.
  25. This concludes the config changes in DAP.
  26. Here’s the steps to generate a WP based FINAL CONFIRMATION page. This is the page the users will land on when they have added all the items (main item, upsell items) to the cart and are ready to complete the final checkout.
  27. WordPress Based FINAL Confirmation Page for Paypal upsell:
      •    Create a NEW WP page. 
      •    Click on the PUT Editor button in the WP admin – > Add New page -> Visual Tab. pick the options and complete the  creation of this WP page.
      •    Lets say you call this page – confirmation.
      •    Publish this page.
    1. When your buyer reaches the final checkout confirmation page (/confirmation) then they can review all of the products in their “Upsell Cart”, and buy them all instantly and all together, without having to go back to Paypal ever again.
  28. Here’s the steps to generate the MAIN buy button:
    In the DAP Dashboard menu, go to Payment Processing > Generate Buy Button
    Please click on the ‘Paypal Standard Upsell’ tab.
  29. STEP 1 – Select the DAP Product for which you’re trying to generate the buy button, from the Product list.  NOTE: The very first product that you sell in the flow can be a recurring product or a one-time product.
  30. STEP 2Generate “Primary” Buy Button (initial/first payment button that triggers upsell).  This will be the button that kicks off the full sales funnel. So this is your PRIMARY buy button. Fill in the text boxes for button generation and copy the generated button code to the MAIN SALES PAGE on your site.
  31. This concludes the MAIN PAYMENT BUTTON GENERATION.
  32. Here’s the steps to generate the Paypal Standard Upsell Buttons and No, Thanks button.
  34. STEP 1  – in the button generation page… select the product that you want to UPSELL.
  35. STEP 3 – Please SKIP the STEP 2 (as step 2 is for PRIMARY button) and go to STEP 3. Follow the instructions on the button generation page, fill in the text boxes for upsell button generation and copy the generated button code on to the upsell page.
  36. To generate a No, Thanks. button, select the button type (STEP – 3) as No, Thanks.
  37. NOTE:  On every upsell page, make sure to provide both AN UPSELL BUTTON as well as a ‘NO, THANKS’ button. WITHOUT a NO, THANKS button, the users cannot SKIP any UPSELLS.
  38. You can repeat step #35 through step #38 for all of your upsell pages.  When it’s the last upsell button or if it’s a No, Thanks button that does not lead to any more upsells, then please set the
  39. Now when you set to NO, the button generation process will ask you to fill the URL of the FINAL CONFIRMATION PAGE. You can set it to http://YOURSITE.com/confirmation (replace YOURSITE.com with the name of your site). The URL needs to match the url of the confirmation page you created in step 28.
  40. VERY IMPORANT:  Please sure that both the upsell button code as well as “No Thank You” link on the last upsell or downsell page, should point to /confirmation. Please set this during the upsell button generation.

On every upsell page, you must also include a “No, Thank You” button or link that will allow your buyer to skip your upsell or downsell, and go to the next part of the sale.

For all upsells that are not the last upsell, you can link this button or link to the next upsell in the chain. So basically, on Upsell 1, they can either take the upsell1 (whatever your offer is) by clicking on the buy button, or click on the “No, Thank You” button/link, and you could then either taken them to the URL of Upsell2, or Downsell 1, or if this is the last upsell in the flow, then you could send them directly to the Paypal Upsell Summary Page /Confirmation Page (WP-based confirmation page created in step 28).

That’s it.

While it looks like a LOT of steps, that is only because we have to explain the steps in detail so they are clear. In reality, it is very simple to set up, and starting from scratch, if you have DAP & SSL already installed, it shouldn’t take you more than 1/2 hour to set up your 1-Click Upsells/Downsells/OTO’s. And if you’re not using Upsells/Downsells, then it can be done even faster.

If you have any further questions, feel free to open a support ticket, and we will assist you in getting this going.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
Tod Pellaton - June 19, 2013

I am unable to find the upsell tree plugin anywhere. I looked at the cool plugins site and the products listed there do not seem to be relevant. So, where can this plugin be downloaded or is it already installed in the latest version of DAP 4.43?
Thanks for help…

Veena Prashanth - June 19, 2013

Hi Tod,
It’s not part of dap license. You will have to purchase the plugin separately.

Please contact us via the contact us form here and we will let you know how to get access to the plugin.




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