DAP Shopping Cart – AddToCart – Setup

If you are on DAP v4.4.3 or above, you can use the New DAP Shopping Cart Plugin! The document below explains how to setup the DAP Shopping Cart.

Setting up Add To Cart Payment Button

STEP 1: Create Cart Summary page.

  • Go to WP Admin->Pages->Add New Page
  • Add this shortcode on that page
[DAPCartSummary template =’template1′  cancelimg=’/dap/images/cancelgrey.png’ continueimg=’/dap/images/continueshopping.png’ checkoutimg=’/dap/images/checkout.png’ cartemptymessage=’ Sorry, your cart is empty!’ cartemptyimage=’/dap/images/emptycart.jpg’ updatecartmsg=’ Are you sure you want to update the quantity?’ updatecartsuccessmsg=’Updated Successfully. If you have a coupon code, please re-enter it.’ couponsuccessmsg=’Coupon Code Applied Successfully’][/DAPCartSummary]

This is how the cart summary page will look :


You can use the default values for the parameters in the shortcode above OR you can update any of these parameters in the shortcode:

Cancel Image (cancelimg),  Continue Image (continueshopping), Checkout Image (checkoutimg), Cart Empty Message (cartemptymessage), Cart Empty Image (cartemptyimage), Update Cart Message (updatecartmsg), Update Cart Success Message (updatecartsuccessmsg) and Coupon Success Message (couponsuccessmsg).

Note: Currently only 1 template is supported, so please leave the template as template1.

  • Save this page. Lets say you call this page cartsummary and lets say the URL of this cartsummary page is http://YOURSITE.com/cartsummary. Just make a note of this cartsummary page URL. You will need it when you setup payment buttons. If you access this page directly, you will get a EMPTY cart message. It should only be accessed via a payment button (add to cart button) as described in step 2 below.

STEP 2: Create Payment Button

Go to DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Generate Buy Buttons -> Authnet & Paypal PRO tab -> do the following on this page

1. Select Product.
2. Select Payment Processor.


3. Choose a button type (BuyNow/Subscription, AddToCart).
4. Configure payment method. 5. Set the . If you are going to send the users to an upsell page after they click on checkout/buynow, then set the landing page URL to point to your upsell page. Say the upsell page is called http://YOURSITE.com/upsell1. You can set the landing page url to /upsell1. If no upsells, then you can set this to point to a thank you page.
Set the Checkout page in WordPress to http://YOURSITE.com/buynow (check STEP 1 in this document for how to create buynow page). If you do not have a WP based Checkout page, you can set it to : http://YOURSITE.com/wp-content/plugins/dapshoppingcart/buynow.php.

Set the to http://YOURSITE.com/cartsummary (check STEP 1 in this document for how to create cartsummary page). If you do not have a WP based Cart Summary page, you can set it to : http://YOURSITE.com/wp-content/plugins/dapshoppingcart/cartSummary.php. Set the Continue Shopping to point to the page where you have more Add To Cart buttons.


6. Now you can generate a AddToCart Payment Button or a Payment Link.

PLEASE NOTE : The buynow/checkout page must be on HTTPs/SSL. Your entire site does not need to be SSL enabled but the checkout/buy now page where Credit Card is collected MUST BE on https for SECURITY reasons. If you ONLY configure ‘Checkout With Paypal’ to show up on Checkout Page, then you DO NOT need https. You only need to have HTTPs enabled checkout page if you offer Credit Card checkout option. Your web host can enable HTTPs for your site. The exact cost of SSL is web host dependent. Please check the pricing details with your web host.

TESTING: If you are waiting on your web host to enable SSL but want to start testing the CART, you can look for ‘https’ in the button code and update all occurrences of https with http for testing. Please remember to change back to https before you go LIVE with the button.

STEP 3: Upsells – Create Upsell Button

* If you want to offer upsells, please ONLY use the Credit Card payment option on the checkout page. Do not offer ‘Checkout with Paypal’. Upsells will not work with Paypal Standard checkout.

* Say your first upsell page URL is http://YOURSITE.com/firstupsell. Use the URL of the FIRST upsell page (/firstupsell) as the ‘LANDING PAGE URL’ when you generate your MAIN/INITIAL button for the sales page. This way, when the users click on the main payment button, the user’s payment will be processed, and instead of users getting redirected to the thank you page, they will land on the FIRST upsell page.

* You need to have 2 buttons on the upsell page:
Add To Order (Yes, I want to add this to my purchase) / No, Thanks (No, I will skip this wonderful offer)


* You can generate the UPSELL / DOWNSELL buttons for all your upsell / downsell offers in the DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Generate Buy Buttons -> Authnet & Paypal PRO tab. Make SURE to select the RIGHT product in the button generation page BEFORE you generate button.


Last STEP in your checkout page configuration process.

– Go to DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Cart Options page.

You will find several checkout page customization options on this page including options for ‘Choose a Password (pre-registration)’, ‘Require Billing Info for Paypal’, ‘Custom fields’ etc. You can enable options as needed for your site for the product you are trying to sell. Remember to first select the product in the select box on the left before picking options.



This concludes the AddToCart setup. Your shopping cart is now ready to be tested!

DAP Shopping Cart – BuyNow – Setup

If you are on DAP v4.5 / DAPLiveLinks 1.9 or above, you can use the New DAP Shopping Cart Plugin! The document below explains how to setup the DAP Shopping Cart.

Setting up Buy Now / Subscription Payment Button

STEP 1: Install DAP Shopping Cart

See this document on how to install the DAP Shopping Cart. See this document on the minimum requirements to use the DAP Cart.

STEP 2: Create buynow/checkout page.

See this document on how-to-create-checkout-page-in-Wordpress.

STEP 2: Create Payment Button

  • Go to DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Generate Buy Buttons -> Authnet & Paypal PRO tab -> do the following on this page

1. Select Product.
2. Select Payment Processor.


3. Choose a button type (BuyNow/Subscription, AddToCart).
4. Configure payment method.  5. Set the . If you are going to send the users to an upsell page after they click on checkout/buynow, then set the landing page URL to point to your upsell page. Say the upsell page is called http://YOURSITE.com/upsell1.  You can set the landing page url to /upsell1. If no upsells, then you can set this to point to a thank you page.
Set the Checkout page in WordPress to http://YOURSITE.com/buynow (check STEP 1 above on how to create buynow page).  If you do not have a WP based Checkout page, you can set it to : http://YOURSITE.com/wp-content/plugins/dapshoppingcart/buynow.php.
6. Now you can generate a Payment Button or a Payment Link.


PLEASE NOTE : The buynow/checkout page must be on HTTPs/SSL.  Your entire site does not need to be SSL enabled but the checkout/buy now page where Credit Card is collected MUST BE on https for SECURITY reasons.  If you ONLY configure ‘Checkout With Paypal’ to show up on Checkout Page, then you DO NOT need https. You only need to have HTTPs enabled checkout page if you offer Credit Card checkout option.  Your web host can enable HTTPs for your site. The exact cost of SSL is web host dependent. Please check the pricing details with your web host. 

TESTING: If you are waiting on your web host to enable SSL but want to start testing the CART, you can look for ‘https’ in the button code and update all occurrences of https with http for testing. Please remember to change back to https before you go LIVE with the button.

STEP 3:  Upsells –  Create Upsell Button

*  If you want to offer upsells, please ONLY use the Credit Card payment option on the checkout page.  Do not offer ‘Checkout with Paypal’. Upsells will not work with Paypal Standard checkout.

* Say your first upsell page URL is http://YOURSITE.com/firstupsell.  Use the URL of the FIRST upsell page (/firstupsell) as the ‘LANDING PAGE URL’ when you generate your MAIN/INITIAL button for the sales page.  This way, when the users click on the main payment button, the user’s payment will be processed, and instead of users getting redirected to the thank you page, they will land on the FIRST upsell page.

* You need to have 2 buttons on the upsell page:
Add To Order (Yes, I want to add this to my purchase)   / No, Thanks  (No, I will skip this wonderful offer)


* You can generate the UPSELL / DOWNSELL buttons for all your upsell / downsell offers in the DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Generate Buy Buttons -> Authnet & Paypal PRO tab.  Make SURE to select the RIGHT product in the button generation page BEFORE you generate button.


Last STEP in your checkout page configuration process.

–  Go to DAP admin -> Payment Processing > Cart Options page.

You will find several checkout page customization options on this page including options for ‘Choose a Password (pre-registration)’, ‘Require Billing Info for Paypal’, ‘Custom fields’ etc.  You can enable options as needed for your site for the product you are trying to sell. Remember to first select the product in the select box on the left before picking options.


That’s it for BuyNow or Subscription buttons.  Instructions for AddToCart button will be covered later in this document.


Custom Error Page-1


You try to visit a protected page that you’re not eligible to view, and don’t see the proper error message you are supposed to see.


  • Create a custom error page in WP – like http://YourSite.com/error/
  • In the body of that error page, enter something like this:
    Sorry, you do not have access to this content.
    If you are already a member, click here to login.
    If you are not a member yet, then click here to get access.
  • In the above example, link the text “click here to login” to your DAP login page (eg., http://YourSite.com/login/). And link the “get access” text to your sales page.
  • Then take this error page’s URL – which is http://YourSite.com/error/ – and enter it into the “Error Page URL” field of all DAP Products.
  • Also enter this same URL into DAP Admin > Setup > Config > “Error Page URL (Global)”.

Save the changes.

Now, in a different browser, first visit your logout link – http://YourSite.com/dap/logout.php – so that the config changes can be reloaded. Now go back to that original protected page, and you should now be redirected to the above custom error page you created above.


Cache Plugin Setup

DAP works great with the WP Super Cache plugin. Probably works with others too – but we have officially tested it with just Super Cache at this time.

And this page below walks you through the full set up of the WP Super Cache plugin.

Go to Settings > WP Super Cache

You are now on the “Easy” tab. Don’t do anything here just yet.

Go to Advanced tab.

Be sure to put a “Check” (or “Select” the radio button) next to each of the following items

Cache hits to this website for quick access. (Recommended)
Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files. (Recommended)


Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors. (Recommended)
Don’t cache pages for known users. (Recommended)
Don’t cache pages with GET parameters. (?x=y at the end of a url)
Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. (Recommended)


Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated.
Extra homepage checks. (Very occasionally stops homepage caching) (Recommended)
Only refresh current page when comments made.
List the newest cached pages on this page.

Click on Update Status button.

Keep scrolling down until you see the Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs section.

You’ll see a big text area under the text “Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached”. +

There, add the following, one per line.


Obviously, your member content page URL’s may be slightly different. So make sure you customize it to suit your own URL’s.

Next to back to Easy tab at the top.

Now you select the “Caching On” option and save.

That’s it for the setup.

Now, on to testing.

Content Organization Tips

If you organize all of your member content under a main parent page, say “members”, then all you need to exclude from caching, is /members/

For example, if your URLs include year and you don’t wish to cache last year posts, it’s enough to specify the year, i.e. /2004/. WP-Cache will search if that string is part of the URI and if so, it will not cache that page.

So basically, excluding just one single URL – /members/ – from caching, will make sure all of the following as well remain UN-CACHED.


You get the idea. When you exclude “/members/”, any URL that starts with that same text, will be excluded.

So here’s how you set up the “hierarchy” of the pages.

First, create the page “members“.

Then, when you create the “login” page, make sure you select the “parent” of the page, to be the “members” page.

So, instead of the login page URL looking like… http://YourSite.com/login/

… because the parent page is “members”, that also gets added to the URL, and the login page URL becomes like this:


If you created a page called “example” and made the “login” page as its parent, then the URL for this new page becomes:


So you see how that hierarchy works. Use that to arrange all of your member content under the main “ancestor”, which is “members”, here in our example.

But if you have already completed creation of all of your content, then you’re just going to have to do a little extra work to identify all of your pages and posts and exclude the member content from the list. DAP makes this a little bit easier as well.

Getting A Full List Of Pages & Posts

If you log in via FTP and go to the “dap” folder, inside, you will see a file called “dap_permalink_dump.php”. If you download that file to your desktop, and open it with any text editor (Notepad, Dreamweaver, etc), inside you will see a full list of URL’s of all posts and pages from your WordPress site. You can just take that list, remove separator text like “Posts” and “Pages”, and trim the list of URL’s down to just your member content, you can take that and paste it right into the WP Super Cache > Advanced tab > Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs section.

Testing Caching Impact

Now open multiple browsers – like Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (or Safari). Use at least 3 separate browsers.

Next, go to your login page in one of them, and then log in. Then go to same login page in another browser – make sure it doesn’t say “You are already logged in”. It should show you the DAP login form. Same on third browser.

Next go to the profile page while logged in as member. Do the same in other two browsers, while logging in as three different people. Each profile page should you show you different information.

If you crated 3 separate products, with 3 different users, then logging in as those 3 different users on the 3 different browsers, should show you 3 different sets of pages.

All this is just to make sure there’s no caching going on of your membership content, that’s all.

If all of this works, then you’re all set with caching for your non-membership content, and no caching for your dynamic member content.


Troubleshooting Hello World Post


When you protect a page or post in DAP, and try to test whether the page or post is actually protected…

a) Instead of showing you a “Sorry…” message with the DAP padlock image, you instead see a “Hello World” post – or the content of some post completely irrelevant.

b) The formatting of the page appears messed up with missing menu items or post content.


This has something to do with some special feature of either your theme or one of the plugins you are using, which is causing a conflict with the way DAP “replaces” protected content with an in-page error message that says “Sorry, you don’t have access to this content”.

The workaround for this is very simple.

  • Create a new error page in WP – like http://YourSite.com/error/
  • In the body of that error page, enter something like this:
    Sorry, you do not have access to this content.
    If you are already a member, click here to login.
    If you are not a member yet, then click here to get access.
  • In the above example, link the text “click here to login” to your stand-alone DAP login page (eg., http://YourSite.com/login/). And link the text “click here to get access” text to your sales page, or wherever they can purchase your product.
  • Then take this new page’s URL – which is http://YourSite.com/error/ – and enter it into the “Error Page URL” field of all DAP Products. And save all of the products as you make that change.
  • Also enter this same URL into DAP Admin > Setup > Config > “Error Page URL (Global)”. Save changes to Config.

Now, in a new browser where you are not logged in as DAP admin or WordPress Admin, first visit the following logout URL:


This is so that any cached URL’s will be flushed, and the DAP config will be reloaded.

Now, in that same browser window, go to any protected page, and you should now be automatically redirected to the above custom error page that you created above.

Paypal Standard Upsell – Guide

Upsells and Downsells are now extremely simple to implement using OUR NEW “Paypal Standard Upsell Tree” plugin for DAP.

Which means you do not need a merchant account any more. All you need is a regular Paypal (Standard) Business/Premier Account.

  • IMPORTANT: What you need before you can use this plugin

    1. You need a Paypal (Standard) Business or Premier account
    2. You must have SSL (secure server) enabled on your web site. Ask your web host to enable SSL for your site.
    3. You must have a working version of DAP 4.4.3+
    4. You cannot sell a “Recurring” product as an Upsell.  Recurring products have to be the first product in the flow.
    5. Here’s what you CAN do: You can have a recurring product as the very FIRST product that they purchase (when they first click on the “Buy” button on your main sales page), and then you can offer any number of “One-Time” Products as upsells or downsells.
    6. Here’s what you CANNOT do: Offer a “One-Time” product as your first product that they buy, and then try to upsell them to a “Recurring” Product. Unfortunately, this is a Paypal problem at this time.
  • Install Paypal Upsell Tree plugin

    1. Login to your WickedCoolPlugins.com account and download the PaypalStandardUpsell.zip file, dapcompanionfilesforPUT.zip  file from http://wickedcoolplugins.com/my-account/downloads/ page. If you do not have access to this plugin, please contact us via a support ticket and we will send you the right link to purchase the plugin.
    2. Go to WP admin -> plugins -> add new -> Upload tab -> select the PaypalStandardUpsell.zip file, click on Install, and after the plugin is installed, click on activate to activate the PaypalStandardUpsell plugin in WordPress.
    3. Download the WCP License plugin from your WickedCoolPlugins.com downloads area (http://wickedcoolplugins.com/my-account/downloads/ )
    4. Install and activate the WCP License plugin in WordPress (just like any other WP plugin).
    5. Make a note of your WCP license key (you will find it in your WickedCoolPlugins.com downloads area).
    6. Go to WP admin – > settings -> WCP license and enter the WCP license key (that you noted in step# 6 above).
    7. Also,  unzip the dapcompanionfilesforPUT.zip  file to your desktop (the one you downloaded in step #2), you will find a dap subfolder under it.
    8. FTP to you site, find the root folder of your site, and upload the entire dap folder to the ROOT FOLDER of your WEBSITE. When you do this, it will automatically overwrite the files in your DAP folder with the right version needed by PUT.
    9. Installation of Paypal Upsell-Tree Plugin is now complete.
  • Find the API info from Paypal.

    1. log in to your Paypal account.
    2. Click on “Profile”
    3. Click on “Request API Credentials” (under ‘Account Information’ section). It will bring you to the API access page.
    4. Under Option 2, click on “Request API credentials” to create your own API username and password.
    5. Click on “Request API signature”
    6. Click on “Agree & Submit”
    7. Note down the following pieces of information:
      * API Username
      * API Password
      * API Signature
  • Enter the Paypal API info in DAP Seup -> Config.

    1. Login to DAP Admin Dashboard.
    2. Go to “Setup > Config“.
    3. On that page, click on the “Paypal” link in the links towards the very top of that page (or scroll down to the “Payment Processing: Paypal” section).
    4. Enter the 3 pieces of API info that you got from Paypal in the previous step into the Config fields 7, 8 & 9 on that screen:

    Paypal API Username, Paypal API Password, and Paypal API Signature. Cick  “Update” and save the changes.

  • Generate a WP based FINAL CONFIRMATION page.

    1. This is the page the users will land on when they have added all the items (main item, upsell items) to the cart and are ready to complete the final checkout.
    2. WordPress Based FINAL Confirmation Page for Paypal upsell:
        •    Create a NEW WP page. 
        •    Click on the PUT Editor button in the WP admin – > Add New page -> Visual Tab. pick the options and complete the  creation of this WP page.
        •    Lets say you call this page – confirmation.
        •    Publish this page.
      1. When your buyer reaches the final checkout confirmation page (/confirmation) then they can review all of the products in their “Upsell Cart”, and buy them all instantly and all together, without having to go back to Paypal ever again.
  • Steps to generate the MAIN buy button 

    1. In the DAP Dashboard menu, go to Payment Processing > Generate Buy Button
      Please click on the ‘Paypal Standard Upsell’ tab.
    2. STEP 1 – Select the DAP Product for which you’re trying to generate the buy button, from the Product list.  NOTE: The very first product that you sell in the flow can be a recurring product or a one-time product.
    3. STEP 2Generate “Primary” Buy Button (initial/first payment button that triggers upsell).  This will be the button that kicks off the full sales funnel. So this is your PRIMARY buy button. Fill in the text boxes for button generation and copy the generated button code to the MAIN SALES PAGE on your site.
  • Generate the Upsell and No, Thanks button.

    1. PLEASE NOTE:  you cannot upsell / downsell a recurring/subscription product because of Paypal API Restriction.
    2. YOU can do unlimited upsells and downsells BUT THE  upsell/downsell products can only be non-subscription products.
    3. In the DAP Dashboard menu, go to Payment Processing > Generate Buy Button
      Please click on the ‘Paypal Standard Upsell’ tab.
    4. STEP 1  –  Select the product that you want to UPSELL or DOWNSELL.
    5. STEP 3 –  Please SKIP the STEP 2 (as step 2 is for MAIN/PRIMARY button) and go straight to STEP 3.  Follow the easy-to-use instructions on the button generation page, fill in the text boxes for upsell button generation and copy the generated button code on to the upsell or downsell page.
    6. NOTE:  On every upsell page, make sure to provide both AN UPSELL BUTTON as well as a ‘NO, THANKS’ button. WITHOUT a NO, THANKS button, the users cannot SKIP any UPSELLS and they will be stuck.
    7. To generate a No, Thanks. button, select the button type (STEP – 3) as No, Thanks.
    8. You can repeat step #3 through step #7 for all of your upsell/downsell pages.
    9. When it’s the last upsell button or if it’s a No, Thanks button that does not lead to any more upsells, then please set the
    10. Now when you set to “NO”, the button generation process will ask you to fill the URL of the FINAL CONFIRMATION PAGE.  You can set it to http://YOURSITE.com/confirmation (replace YOURSITE.com with the name of your site). The URL needs to match the url of the confirmation page you created when you followed the instructions for Generate a WP based FINAL CONFIRMATION page.
    11. VERY IMPORANT:  Please sure that both the upsell button code as well as “No Thank You” link on the last upsell or downsell page, should point to /confirmation or whatever is your FINAL CONFIRMATION PAGE URL.  Please set this correctly during the button generation.
  • Test the User Experience

Make sure to test the entire purchase flow, and every upsell/ downsell / no, thanks button before you go LIVE.

To test, you can either create a new Paypal account that is different from your SELLER account OR you can create a Paypal Sandbox account.

If you want to use Paypal Sandbox account for testing, please remember to switch back to your LIVE account before you go LIVE.

For Paypal Sandbox testing, please make the following changes to DAP Config.

DAP Setup => Config => Payment Processing: Paypal => Use Paypal Sandbox => “YES”
DAP Setup => Config => Payment Processing: Paypal => Paypal API Endpoint -> https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp

NOTE: Remember to change back to original settings before you GO LIVE.

While all of this looks like a LOT of steps, that is only because we have tried to explain the steps in detail so they are clear. In reality, it is very simple to set up, and starting from scratch, if you have DAP & SSL already installed, it shouldn’t take you more than 1/2 hour to set up your 1-Click Upsells/Downsells/OTO’s. If you have any further questions, feel free to open a support ticket, and we will assist you in getting this going.

You are NOW ready to launch  your UPSELL-Powered Sales Funnel!

Troubleshooting Admin Home Page Reports

If you find something not right with the numbers on the admin home page reports, then it’s probably because…

1) You’ve not chosen a wide enough date range at the top of the page. So make sure you select a wider date range and click “Run All Reports” to load all reports on that page for the new date range


2) You have manipulated some dates for one or more users, which is making the earnings report not match the member summary report. In that case, keep reading.

On the DAP Admin Home page, the Earnings Report by Product basically reports on all actual orders (payments received) based on transactions listed on the “Payment Processing > Orders” page.

However, the Member Summary report shows a summary of members based on start date, end date, and trans id (free/paid/actual number) of the users on the Users > Manage page.

So let’s a new member joined today.

Normally, on the Admin home page, if you chose the date range for all reports for just today’s date, then the order would show up under Earnings Report by Product for today’s date, and also shows as a new paid member under the Member Summary report.

However, if you went to the Users > Manage page, and manipulated the user’s start date to some date from last month, then the new order will still continue to show under Earnings Report by Product for today’s date, but now under Member Summary, number of new PAID members who joined today, would show as ZERO. That’s because you manipulated the dates such that DAP will now be reporting an extra member joining last month.

So if you truly want the data to match under both reports, then don’t manipulate the user’s data (so user paid today, but you moved his start date back by a few months just to test dripping or just to give him extra access).

Giving DAP Admin Access To All Products

By default, the DAP Admin User does not have access to all of the products you create.

This is a deliberate feature, because every time you protect content in DAP and try to visit it yourself while logged in as DAP admin and WP admin, we want you to see that the content is actually protected.

So, in order to be able to “see” the locked content yourself, you need to give yourself – the DAP Admin user – access to all of the DAP Products you create.

Identifying DAP Admin User

1) When you log in to DAP admin dashboard, click on the “Welcome <admin name>” link towards the top left corner of the DAP dashboard screen.

2) That will take you to the User > Edit page, where you can see the email id of the DAP Admin user. Copy the email id.

3) Go to Users > Manage page, and search for the email id.

4) Give yourself access to all of the products, one by one.

Downline Builder

Or also called as network builder. And we introduced this feature in DAP v4.4.

We call it DAP “Upline” – basically a shortcode called [DAPUpline] that allows you (site admin) to display the person’s upline’s affiliate code to the person. So in effect, it is a downline builder.

1) John joins your site
2) John fills out profile with (say) his ClickBank nickname
3) John refers Adam
4) When Adam logs in, he sees affiliate link to some xyz third party product, but CB nick in the affiliate link is replaced with John’s CB nickname.
5) Adam fills out his profile with his own CB nickname
6) Adam refers Jill
7) When Jill logs in, she sees affiliate link to same third party product, but cbnickname is replaced with Adam’s CB nickname.

This can be done with any number of third-party programs, as long as the nickname can be easily replaced with the info provided by the upline affiliate.

DAP even takes this one step further.

When Jill joins through Adam’s DAP affiliate link, if Adam has not filled out his CB nickname in his profile, then the third-party CB link shows CB Nickname of Site Admin in its place.

So if an affiliate fails to claim his affiliate link, then site admin gets credit for it (and all such links).

Here’s the documentation for [DAPUpline]

DAP to 1ShoppingCart List Integration

Q: How to automatically add a new user in DAP to a 1SiteAutomation.com (1SA) list (or other 1Shoppingcart – 1SC – private label)?

A: Every list in 1SA/1SC gets a unique email id – like 1sc-12345@autocontactor.com ).


Add that to the “3rd-Party Notification Email Ids” field of the DAP product (under Products > Manage > “Notifications” tab)

And make sure you set the “Direct Subscribe” field in your 1SA/1SC list to be “On”.

Get DAP for free with a 1SiteAutomation.com account

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