NetFlix Of Plugins
DAP and WCP As A Subscription
Download Every Single Plugin
We Have Ever Developed,
Including The Full Version of DigitalAccessPass (DAP),
And All (WCP) Plugins.

You don't need to be a super-brainiac with the IQ of Albert Einstein, or have a double Doctorate in Chemistry, or be a Aerospace Engineer at NASA - to figure out that getting a Wicked Cool Club (WCC) Platinum Membership is utterly and completely a no-brainer!
$3,025 Worth of Plugins & Services. One Simple Subscription.
It's not just about how much all of our plugins are worth right now. Add years of future updates, bug fixes, new features, add-ons, yearly support, upgrades, etc. That is several thousand dollars worth of software and support. And it just doesn't get better than this for great software and greater support.
Download every single plugin we have developed, and everything we will ever develop. For no additional fee... EVER!
That includes (DAP) Membership Software, (WCP) plugins (15 of them, including the brand new DAP2DAP, Credit Store, Paypal Upsell-Tree, Signup-To-Unlock, iSMS...), 2 more plugins coming out in 2014 (Hint: both Facebook related, completely tied to DAP, ones that you will DEFINITELY want once you see what they are).
Plus many more to come in the future. Everything is yours for free - for life.
Free 2 Hour Concierge Service
As part of your first month's Welcome Kit, you get 2 One-Hour Personalized, 1-on-1 Setup & Configuration calls. Includes free Content Strategy & Brainstorming to help you figure out the optimal way to set up your products, deliver your content, best practices about setting up your affiliate program and recruting affiliates, etc.
Free Monthly 1 Hour Premium Support
1 Hour Personalized Tech Support. Every Single Month. A $100 Value. Yours for free. No extra fees for logging on to your server and troubleshooting setup issues, configuration problems, 3rd party plugin conflicts, etc. We will even fix simple issues for you and will NOT tell you to go "Read The Stinkin' Manual".
Free Unlimited DAP Installations
You get unlimited free DAP installations from our team, on unlimited web sites you own.
Free DAP Upgrades
Any time there is a new DAP release, we will upgrade DAP on all of your sites to the latest version. No additional charge.
Everything You Need
To Get Started With Your
Membership Site
The complete DAP membership platform, all plugins to extend functionality of your web site, 2 hours of personalized 1-on-1 help from the DAP co-founders to get you set up and configure DAP, Unlimited tech support via support tickets, 1 hour of Premium Tech Support every month to personally help you when things go bump on your site...
Great Software, Great Support, Great Service. Everything packaged into one stupid simple subscription.
And that is the perfect example of a no-brainer!
Imagine paying a small monthly fee to your favorite local restaurant, walking in there at any time - day or night - and being able to order anything and everything they have on their menu.
Obviously, your local restaurant would go out of business if they did something so outrageous :-)
But for a limited time, we are going to do just that!
Download Everything We Got (And Will Have) For One Low Monthly Fee
In the next 5 minutes, you can download everything we sell today - for no extra charge.
You will also get to download everything we will sell in the future - for no extra charge (as and when we release them).
Just one easy, monthly payment - less than what you would pay for a dinner and a movie.
No other fees.
No expiring accounts.
No losing access to support.
No losing access to new releases and updates.
$3,025 worth of Software and Support. For just a mere fraction of the price.
All for one easy, monthly payment.
Lowest Price, Greatest Value
In 2014, we have already released 2 plugins so far. We will be adding 2 more.
And another 4-6 new plugins planned for 2015.
Examples of plugins planned: SMS (Text Message) dripping, Social Login (to member's area), Paypal Adaptive Payments support, Member Analytics, Event-based Dripping (like if your member passed a test or took a survey), Add-on plugins for the Credit Store for earning credits (take a survey and earn credits, pass a test and earn credits, etc).
We may not necessarily release those exact plugins in that exact order, but that's just to give you an idea about what's on our mind. We even have a spreadsheet filled with close to two hundred plugin ideas.
These aren't your usual "pie in the sky", overly fancy ideas. These are realistic and much-in-demand plugin ideas needed by everyone who sells digital products online - especially those running a membership or private web site. And some of the ideas were contributed by DAP users themselves, so you know they will be very relevant to Dappers.
It's only a matter of time before we take each one off the list, develop them and release them to our more than 24,000 DAP users. One by one. Every few months.
A Treasure Chest Full Of Plugins
We have a huge community of active and involved DAP users. And most of them have similar goals:
* Bring in more visitors (traffic),
* Turn more visitors into members (conversion),
* Help existing members bring in other members (affiliates), and
* Keep existing members for longer periods of time (stick-rate).
And it is our single-minded goal to keep improving DAP and keep adding new plugins that will faciliate and help you increase and optimize Traffic, Conversion, Referrals and Stick-rate.
So every plugin we release, is going to have an immediate positive impact on your membership site. And each plugin on average costs between $97 - $197 (based on the 14 plugins released so far)
Why pay full retail price over and over again for each new plugin we release, when you can get them all for one low monthly fee?
And the cool thing is, it's not just the plugins you are getting access to. You're getting access to unlimited and unfettered access to every single release of our flagship membership plugin, DigitalAccessPass (DAP). No one cares for their software like we do. No one supports their software like we do. No one improves it at the speed we do. And certainly, no one continues to develop and improve and support their product for 6 years, like we do :-)
We want to make it easy for you to get access to all of the new features we regularly release for DAP, and also get access to all of the new plugins we release at (WCP). And also get ongoing access to new versions of DAP and WCP plugins and access to our renowned tech support team.
And that's why, we're proud to announce the new plugin club, Wicked Cool Club (WCC) "Platinum" Membership.