February 7, 2021

How much of your content is interactive/dynamic?

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If you pay attention, you'll notice that all smart, successful companies use dynamic ways to interact with their audience, and collect as much data about their audience as possible, in the process!

For e.g., ConvertKit has a sign up button on their homepage. When you click on it, instead of an opt-in form, they first ask a few questions that helps them identify who is moving from a different email platform, size of their current list, etc., and they use that information to segment/tag their subscribers accordingly. The opt-in form shows up at the end.

ClickFunnels has a quiz on their homepage where they ask a few questions, and send users to the right landing page based on their answers.

We've done it on our Digital Access Pass (DAP) site and everyday I'm amazed at how our quiz funnel software is able to steer our prospects in the right direction, based on their answers to a few questions! More on that in this post.

Quizzes at different stages of your marketing funnel

You can add different types of quizzes at different stages of your marketing funnel.

=> When a prospect becomes aware of your business, use a quiz to help them learn more about your business. Use this in your blog posts.

=> When a prospect is considering your product, use a quiz to help them understand why your product is different from others they might be considering. Use this in your ads or sales page.

=> When a prospect is ready to buy, use a quiz to recommend the right offer to them. Use this on your sales page.

=> When they become a customer, help them learn more about your products and services through different assessment quizzes. Use this in your courses and trainings.

Instead of selling to people in a one-size-fits-all way, a quiz will allow you to speak to your prospects in a way that is unique to their situation. It's also a great diagnostic tool. When someone reaches an outcome where your product or service is not a good fit for them, it gives you an opportunity to establish trust and also suggest different options.

Don't have a quiz software? Check out SmartQuizBuilder.com. It's the most powerful and inexpensive quiz and survey plugin for WordPress!

Now you can Modify/Add Functionality without Updating Core DAP Files

Action hooks will allow you add your own custom code at certain predefined points. This way you can modify or add features to DAP without touching the core DAP files. 

DAP is already a pretty powerful membership plugin and you'll likely not have a need to extend it with custom code. However, if you want to extend certain feature or functionality, you can now do it easily, without updating core DAP files.

See this post for all the details!

Membership Site in 30 Minutes!

Looking to build a membership site but feeling stressed about everything you need to do from content creation to the actual implementation, and not sure where to start?

Recently, we tested Digital Access Pass (DAP) on a new webhosting platform. We were able to fully setup and configure a DAP-powered membership site, with beautiful, elegant member-facing pages, in just 15 minutes!

Watch this video for a behind-the-scenes look at how to build a brand new membership site - with free products, paid products, membership levels, online courses, etc., quickly in just 30 minutes!

My Online Course Launch Strategy

The 3 main challenges that most people face when it comes to building and launching an online course: 

1. No list or small list.
2. Busy schedule.
3. Don't know how to put it all together, organize and deliver.

So I decided to create a FREE training video to show you the exact steps I follow to build my list, create and organize my course content, and the order in which I execute in every phase - from idea, planning, audience building, content creation, implementation to the actual launch.

No Audience? No List? No problem! 

FREE: Let's Build an Online Course

A-Z BlueprintFor Creating And Delivering A Wildly Successful Online Course!

In this FREE course, I've broken down the entire course creation process, from how to build an audience to how to create and launch a course, into easy-to-understand and implement steps.

Once your complete the course, you'll be able to build your own course confidently, without any stress or overwhelm!

Signup below to get instant access.

Need help with planning

 and implementation?

Done for YOU!

DAP is easy-to-use and setup. However, we also offer FREE 3 hours of one-on-one concierge calls with DAP's Elite License  (Monthly / Annual). We share our screen on the call so you can actually see and learn with us. 

The 3 hours of time can be used for membership site planning, brainstorm strategy and implementation.

So if you need a little extra help and don't have the time to figure it all out, we highly recommend the DAP Elite Package. Click on the button below to get started with the DAP Elite License. With all the plugins and extra help included in this package, there is no better investment for your business than this! 

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