June 14, 2014

Paypal Payflow Integration with DAP

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As you are probably aware, DAP Shopping Cart currently integrates with Paypal Payments PRO but does not integrate with Paypal Payflow.

You can find more on Payflow / Paypal PRO here.

We wanted to let our users know that we spent a considerable amount of time trying to get Payflow to integrate with DAP but we uncovered a problem with Payflow that is not easily resolvable.

We found out that Paypal Payflow does NOT support IPN (Instant Payment Notification). As a result, there is no way for DAP to know when a payment has gone through successfully in Paypal without an IPN notification upon successful payment.

The only way to make this integration work is by adding a new CRON job to our system to poll / inquire Paypal to find the subscription payment status for every customer. Not efficient or reliable.

IPN is such a key part of subscription processing. We were surprised that Paypal Payflow does not support it for subscription payments.

We just wanted to let the DAP users know that if the integration is not in place yet, it’s not because we did not try.

If you find anything to the contrary from Paypal, please let us know and we will be happy to work with Paypal to have Payflow integrated with the DAP Cart.


Veena Prashanth & Ravi Jayagopal