Troubleshooting Admin Home Page Reports

If you find something not right with the numbers on the admin home page reports, then it’s probably because…

1) You’ve not chosen a wide enough date range at the top of the page. So make sure you select a wider date range and click “Run All Reports” to load all reports on that page for the new date range


2) You have manipulated some dates for one or more users, which is making the earnings report not match the member summary report. In that case, keep reading.

On the DAP Admin Home page, the Earnings Report by Product basically reports on all actual orders (payments received) based on transactions listed on the “Payment Processing > Orders” page.

However, the Member Summary report shows a summary of members based on start date, end date, and trans id (free/paid/actual number) of the users on the Users > Manage page.

So let’s a new member joined today.

Normally, on the Admin home page, if you chose the date range for all reports for just today’s date, then the order would show up under Earnings Report by Product for today’s date, and also shows as a new paid member under the Member Summary report.

However, if you went to the Users > Manage page, and manipulated the user’s start date to some date from last month, then the new order will still continue to show under Earnings Report by Product for today’s date, but now under Member Summary, number of new PAID members who joined today, would show as ZERO. That’s because you manipulated the dates such that DAP will now be reporting an extra member joining last month.

So if you truly want the data to match under both reports, then don’t manipulate the user’s data (so user paid today, but you moved his start date back by a few months just to test dripping or just to give him extra access).

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