Self Service Store – DAP 4.2 updates
How Self-Service-Store (SSS) worked prior to DAP 4.2
In DAP 4.1, the credits could only be redeemed at product level. So if you wanted to allow users to redeem their earned credits/points towards individual videos, posts, pages etc., you had to create separate child product for each piece of content you wanted to sell because in the self-service-store, the users did not have the option to purchase individual content. They had to purchase the entire child product.
Good news is that DAP 4.2 will allow users to redeem credits at individual content level !!!
DAP 4.2 will support content-on-demand. Users DO NOT have to purchase the entire child product. They can redeem credits towards individual content (that are part of a child product), and pick their own content release schedule rather than a SET drip schedule. So week 1, they can redeem credits toward video 1 and week 2, they can redeem credits towards video 3 skipping video 2. Or they can redeem credits towards both video 1 and video 3 on week 1. They can control how the content is released.
DAP 4.1 flow
1) Say you have 2 master products – Master Product A (10 credits) and Master Product B (20 credits).
2) Say you added video 1/ video 2 / post 1 / post 2 under the child product C. Say that you assigned 5 credits to Child Product C. So to purchase Child product C, the user will have to spend 5 credits.
Make sure you added / associated the child product C to master product A.
3) Say you added video 3/ video 4 / post 3 / post 4 under a child product D. Say that you assigned 12 credits to Child Product D. So to purchase Child product D, the user will have to spend 12 credits.
Make sure you added / associated the child product D to master product B.
4) User 1 purchases Master Product A. The user will get 10 credits.
5) User 1 purchases Master Product B. The user will get 20 credits.
NOTE: The total credits are at master level and the credits earned towards a master can only be redeemed towards child products that are associated to that master.
So when a user buys Master Product A., user will have 10 credits that the user can use towards any child products that are associated to the Master Product A.
When a user buys Master Product B, user will have 20 credits (you can check by clicking on ‘Credits’ in manage users page for that master). The user can use the credits earned by purchase of Master Product B towards any child products that are associated to the Master Product B.
The user cannot use the credits earned from Master Product A towards child products of Master Product B.
You can assign multiple child products to a master. You can assign the same child to multiple masters.
6) User 1 logs in and visits the self-service-store page :
The user will see child product C listed under Master Product A.
The user will see child product D listed under Master Product B.
Now the user can redeem the credits earned from the purchase of Master Product A (10 credits) to purchase the child product C (5 credits). The user can redeem the credits earned from the purchase of Master Product B (20 credits) to purchase the child product D (12 credits).
DAP 4.2 flow
1) Say you have 2 master products – Master Product A (10 credits) and Master Product B (20 credits).
2) In DAP 4.2, you can decide whether you want credits to be redeemed at content level for your store (In DAP admin => Self-Service-Store => Select your child product => Allow credits to be redeemed at content level). By default the users can only redeem credit towards the entire child product. But you can configure the child products to allow credits to be redeemed at content level.
If you decide to allow credits to be redeemed at content level for 1 child, then do the same for all child products to keep the look&feel of your store consistent. Otherwise the store will look messy.
3) Say you allow credits to be redeemed at content level in your store.
In this case you will have to assign content level credits in the DAP admin => Self-Service-Store page ( Self Service Content: “ContentResponder” area).
DAP automatically protects content that you add in the content responder area.
You CANNOT have the same product participate in both self-service-store as well as participate in dripping in dap products page. If you want to have the same child product participate in both self service store and the regular content dripping outside of store, then create a copy/clone of the child product (in dap products page) and give it a different name.
Make sure you added / associated the child product C to master product A.
Make sure you added / associated the child product D to master product B.
4) Say you added video 1/ video 2 / post 1 / post 2 under the child product C. Say that you assigned 1 credit to each content. So to purchase the entire Child product C, the user will have to spend 4 credits (video 1 + video 2 + post 1 + post 2).
OR the user can purchase individual content for 1 credit each.
3) Say you added video 3/ video 4 / post 3 / post 4 under a child product D. Say that you assigned 2 credits to the videos (video 3 & 4) and 4 credits to the posts (post 3 & 4). So to purchase Child product D, the user will have to spend 2+ 2+ 4+ 4 = 12 credits.
4) User 1 purchases Master Product A. The user will get 10 credits.
5) User 1 purchases Master Product B. The user will get 20 credits.
NOTE: The total credits are at master level and the credits earned towards a master can only be redeemed towards child products that are associated to that master.
So when a user buys Master Product A., user will have 10 credits that the user can use towards any child products or contents under the child products that are associated to the Master Product A.
When a user buys Master Product B, user will have 20 credits (you can check by clicking on ‘Credits’ in manage users page for that master). The user can use the credits earned by purchase of Master Product B towards any child products or contents under the child products that are associated to the Master Product B.
The user CANNOT use the credits earned from Master Product A towards child products of Master Product B.
You CAN assign multiple child products to a master. You CAN assign the same child to multiple masters.
6) User 1 logs in and visits the self-service-store page :
The user will see child product C listed under Master Product A. User will see the individual content listed under child product C and they can purchase individual content or the entire child product.
The user will see child product C listed under Master Product B. User will see the individual content listed under child product D and they can purchase individual content or the entire child product.
Now the user can redeem the credits earned from the purchase of Master Product A (10 credits) to purchase the child product C (4 credits) or purchase individual content under child product C (video 1/ video 2 / post 1 / post 2). The user can redeem the credits earned from the purchase of Master Product B (20 credits) to purchase the child product D (12 credits) or purchase individual content under child product C (video 3/ video 4 / post 3 / post 4).