Payment: Setup and Integration – FAQs
Q: I just made a test purchase. But DAP did not process the payment (or) did not add me as a member (or) is not creating a new member.
Make sure that the product name within DAP and the product name in your “buy” button (i.e., your shopping cart) are EXACTLY the same. Don’t just look at the two and say, “oh yeah, they’re the same”.We recommend “copying” the product name that you set up in DAP, and then “pasting” it when creating your “buy” button. If you are using Paypal, then this is the “Item Name” when you are creating your Paypal “buy” button. If you are using 1ShoppingCart, then this is the “Product Name” when creating a new product.
(Paypal users, skip ahead)
1) Make sure you have set up the “Email Order Processing” correctly.
2) Is your Cron Job dap-emailorder.php set up and running correctly?
3) Make sure you have not “removed” the 1Shoppingcart or ClickBank payment notification email from your server. Log in to your email server, and make sure that the email is still there, and also it needs to be “Unread”. If your email client (like Outlook or Thunderbird, or Gmail) already accessed it and marked it as read, then simply mark it unread, and the next time DAP runs (which should be in 10 minutes) it will pick up the email and process it.
Paypal Users:
1. If you are using Paypal IPN, then make sure you have enabled IPN within your Paypal account.
2. Make sure you put the correct IPN “notify_url” text in your button.
3. Make sure the Paypal button you set up is a “Buy Now” or “Subscribe” or “Add to Cart” button.
Also see these troubleshooting guides: