Maropost Integration
Maropost is an email marketing platform that contains everything you need to launch email campaigns that reach a deep level of engagement with customers.
Maropost optimizes and automates email campaign management, producing tangible results and creating a larger ROI.
DAP integrates with Maropost. This integration is part of DAP 4.7 (or above).
Integration Steps
1) Login to your Maropost account => click on the dropdown in the top right corner next to your name => click on Integrations
2) On the integrations page, click on the ‘API KEY” tab. Make a note of the API listed there.
Say it is set to 86kjhkj270ng96959oglbb678kvd.
3) You will find your Maropost Account ID in the browser URL after you login.
Something like this:<ACCOUNTID>
Make a note of your Maropost Account ID. Say it is 122.
4) Select your campaign and in the browser (URL), you will find the campaign ID.
Something like this:<ACCOUNTID>/campaigns/<CAMPAIGNID>
Make a note of the Campaign ID. Say it is 86523
5) Login to your DAP Admin Dashboard => Products / Levels page => Select the product that you want to Integrate with Maropost Campaign => Click on the Notifications tab => In the Plugin Notify Add and Plugin Notify Remove section, add a string in this format:
All fields are delimited with a colon (:).
For ex : maropost:86kjhkj270ng96959oglbb678kvd:122:86523
That’s it.
How does the integration work?
1) Registration
When a user registers to a FREE or PAID product in DAP, if the product is integrated with a Maropost campaign as described above, then DAP will automatically add the subscriber to the Maropost campaign.
2) Cancellation
When a user loses access to product (when you click on ‘Remove’ in DAP users->manage page to remove user’s access to product), if the product is integrated with a Maropost campaign (dap products page => notifications tab => plugin notify remove), then DAP will automatically remove the subscriber from the Maropost campaign.