Infusionsoft SDK Installation
Make sure to complete these steps for Infusionsoft Integration with DAP.
1) Download the Infusionsoft Software Development Kit (PHP iSDK package) from
2) Extract the contents of the zip file. Upload the iSDK/src/xmlrpc-3.0 folder into the DAP folder on your site (via FTP), as well as the following 2 individual files: conn.cfg.php and isdk.php directly to the dap folder on your site.
If you uploaded it correctly, you should see a folder called xmlrpc-3.0 right under dap folder on your site.
You should also see conn.cfg.php and isdk.php right under dap folder on your site.
3) Edit /dap/conn.cfg.php. This needs to have the Infusionsoft API code and application name for your Infusionsoft account.
< ?php $connInfo = array(‘connectionName:applicationName:i:[API_code_goes_here]:This is the connection for’); ?>
connectionName = demo
applicationName = Your Infusionsoft Application Name
[API_code_goes_here] = Go to Setup – > Misc. Setting -> go to Miscellaneous tab -> Enter an api passphrase and hit Save. It will generated an encrypted API Code. Replace [API_code_goes_here] above with the api code.
The connectionName needs to be hardcoded to “demo”.
For ex: I have used the applicationName of “veena” below.
< ?php $connInfo = array(‘demo:veena:i:dd2ebm098bsasghf68ihk:This is the connection for’); ?>
That’s it. Now DAP can connect to Infusionsoft using the connection parameters in conn.cfg.php.