DAP -vs- The Competition

How does DAP fare when compared to the competition?

We have created a WordPress Membership Plugin Review Chart to help you decide for yourself.

All Facts. No Opinions. Fair as fair can be.

Obviously, we don’t know our competitors’ products as well as we know ours.

So if we missed something, then do let us know below and we’ll do our best to fix any errors and/or omissions asap.

Also, if you have any other questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, feel free to leave them below.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 23 comments
Kurt - December 7, 2009

There’s competition for DAP? Really?

Christina Wiley - December 7, 2009

Nice comparison chart, Ravi. Thank you!

Ben - December 7, 2009

Very good Ravi, although a little biased towards DAP (understandably!) it’s good to see you also show the features the others have that DAP doesn’t. Might be few areas, e.g., 1ShoppingCart integration, that need further explanation as some integrate more fully than others.

Excellent review Ravi and definitely helps the sales process. Have a client that is currently looking at 3 of the 4 systems reviewed so will point her towards this and hopefully get the sale.

Chris - December 8, 2009

A few things there Ravi:-

1) aMember DOES provide sequential content via the Incremental Content plugin – I know ‘cos I got it 🙂

2) Partial Content Protection would REALLY be a good thing to add – I hope it’s on the list (I know there’s Sneak-Peek but it’s not as flexible)

3) Integration with iDev, RAP and Butterfly Marketing script would also definitely be a good thing (I’ve got iDev and BM but I know there’s a lot of RAPpers out there as well!)

No doubt though that DAP is W-A-A-Y-Y superior to the competition.

Ravi Jayagopal - December 9, 2009


I have updated the table to show that amember has a sequential content plugin.

Have noted your comments about the other features. It’s only a matter of time before we put a “Check” mark next to all of them.

Appreciate your feedback.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Ravi Jayagopal - December 9, 2009


The goal is not really to be biased against DAP. It is to just state the facts, and let people decide for themselves.

So do tell us what you think can be more fairly presented.

– Ravi

Ravi Jayagopal - December 9, 2009


>>Theres competition for DAP? Really?
You’re very kind. Thank you 🙂

– Ravi Jayagopal

Ravi Jayagopal - December 9, 2009


>>Nice comparison chart, Ravi. Thank you!
You’re welcome. Watch out for more checkmarks next to DAP coming in the near future.


– Ravi

Gleb Esman - December 21, 2009

Hi Ravi,
Add pricing comparison to the chart as well for:
single domain option, unlimited domain option.

Corrections about MemberWing:
– Sequential Content Delivery – included (used to be separate long time ago)
– Free trial – yes
– Protects Regular Files – included (Digital Content Protection)
– Digitally watermarks each downloadable file with identity of member – helps to catch digital thiefs, eliminate content theft and illegal “group buys”.
– Sneak-Peek – included + customizable. Free teasers visible to all, premium content for members.
– Multi-Level Recurring Cycles – included

There are number of exciting features coming soon – but I’ll notify you about them separately.

Thanks for putting and maintaining table together.


Ravi Jayagopal - December 21, 2009


Thank you for your feedback. I will make the necessary changes to anything that’s verifiable and publicly mentioned on your site.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Ravi Jayagopal - December 21, 2009

And the reason why I haven’t added pricing, is that almost all businesses keep doing promos, and test price variations. It is not possible for us to reasonably maintain accurate pricing all the time. So it’s better users check the pricing for themselves at these web sites.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Joe Lessen - February 2, 2010


I would like to talk about something I have not heard anyone speak of yet, “service.” The ability to talk directly to the developer when you have a problem is priceless. Having worked in professional sales for the last 30+ years, the one thing that really makes a difference is service. There is NO way, any competator could come close to your service, and I speak from experience. Every time I have had an issue, you have gone the “extra mile” to help me out. I really don’t care about the competators and market share, I will not leave DAP as long as the service is maintained at the high level it is now.

I would also like to say that I have absolutely no doubt that whatever type of product the market is looking for, you are able to deliver through DAP. As I said when I first started using DAP, the product has far greater capabilities that I am capable of using at the moment, and I look forward to growing with the product. DAP is the only product on the market that gives me that sense.

In a very selfish way, I hope you do stay just as you are, but I know this will never happen when folks start understanding the quality of product and service behind it.

Ravi Jayagopal - February 3, 2010


Wow, thank you for those very kind words. You made my day. Honestly!

We work insanely hard to take care of our customers. DAP is not perfect. Documentation is not perfect.

But we never say we’re done.

I always publish even the negative comments here, because that’s who we are. Open, eager to please, eager to serve, eager for feedback, and of course, eager to dominate 🙂

Yes, we have miles to go before we sleep…

– Ravi Jayagopal

Alister Cameron - February 3, 2010

Just my 2c added here.

For reasons that I won’t go into, I’ve had a number of chats with Ravi about DAP and have submitted some code modification to him related to customizations I did for a particular client, and I can assure folks here that a) more and more advanced features are on the way and b) Ravi codes at a very high standard (something I always wanted in an app like this and was worried about with some of the competition).

DAP is built on a very solid and reliable base, and is not for the casual person… it’s for people who rely on it for revenue. Real revenue, not Monopoly money.

I really don’t understand the money issue. If you tried to code something like this up from scratch you’d be up for 10s of thousands of dollars, at least. To pay what Ravi charges for it is more than sensible… it’s a steal.

If you use the software to any humble extent, you will more than make your money back in sales. And you’ll be setting yourself up for many more sales to come.

So what am I missing here?!

Anyway, stay tuned coz I know about a few things that are upcoming features and they will progressively tick off more things on the comparison chart in DAP’s favour, if that were even needed to establish DAP’s superiority.



Ravi Jayagopal - February 5, 2010


Thank you so much for your show of support.

Alister has actually gone ahead and created some very cool customizations of DAP for his client. So *we* ended up buying some of that code back from *him* – that’s how good he is! 🙂

One of the features he had coded, is “partial content protection” – which we are yet to roll into our code. So that’s coming pretty soon.

So thanks for everything, Alister! It is much appreciated.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Alister Cameron - February 5, 2010

My pleasure, Ravi.

One more thing on gateways… I’ve just integrated FoxyCart for another project, and am likely going to go ahead and write a DAP integration for it (at least my version, before your clean up of my code, Ravi!).

I’ll be giving that code to Ravi once done and tested.

So if you’re using FoxyCart, let Ravi know and I may get a move on and get it done sooner!



Bob - February 10, 2010


Can DAP Display Membership Level Specific Content On Member Login?

Wishing you all the best!!!



“be a part of it…”

Bob - February 10, 2010


You have a great comparison chart. Instant Member is also a very highly recommended software. Do you have a comparison as well?



“be a part of it…”

Ravi Jayagopal - February 15, 2010


We may include them at some point down the line, but we simply don’t have the bandwidth to research competitor’s products for now.


– Ravi Jayagopal

Vlad - March 20, 2010

Excellent review for excellent product!
Thank you Ravi!
It is desirable to issue the separate and full PDF/video guide for this product.
Step by step: installation, adjustment, testing, expected result, possible mistakes and their repair, screenshots, etc.

Many people use the PayPal alternative “ popular AlertPay payment processor.
You plan integration of it in DAP?

I would be shocked if any digital or information product sellers are using 2CO at all.

Even many people use 2CO services!
Really all these marketers it is full idiots?
I not think!

Richard Bohn - May 14, 2010

Do you have any plans to integrate with Infusionsoft?

Thanks, Rich

occultus - August 8, 2010

You need to revise a few things on your “just facts” show down:

aMember has plugins for 1-click upsells, content-responder, OTO’s, partial text + partial content protection, sneak-peek, and 3rd party email broadcasts/notify. These are all provided via kencinnus.com for verification. They also provide aMember plugins for physical product fulfillment, sales page/thank you page creation and at least 6 different 3rd party autoresponder services.

Wishlist does integrate with RAP via rap-tools.com plugin.

Having said all of that, DAP rocks because to get all of that would cost twice as much as DAP itself!

Another product to compare DAP to would be Rapid Action Press.

Kirk Ward - December 1, 2010

I’m just moving over from Wishlist to DAP, and have to concur that the service is excellent. I think this is in part because the programmers are actually the developers amd promoters which gives them an innate knowledge of the product.

The Wishlist developers had to hire outside programmers and that extra layer of separation damages service and accuracy of response. The extra layer means the programmers do not hear the original question, and the technical support personnel cannot have a total understanding of the product.

Regarding some of the features that DAP is missing, there are simple solutions available. For example …

Integration with iDevAffiliate and Rapid Action Profis is easy if you get the $9 IPNRelay For Paypal from Stellar Web Creations (http://www.stellarwebsolutions.com/en/products.php#ipnrelay)

A simple php script will even allow you to integrate with almost any other piece of software. I have used it to integrate with at least four other pieces of software for at least two years. Software that Wishlist is getting excited about because they now integrate with that I have been using for over two years. (Yes, I used Wishlist for two years, until I was referred to DAP by several people who were aware of my complaints about the deficiencies of Wishlist.)

If you want to protect a partial post, until DAP gets a better solution, you can use a free WordPress plugin called “HidePost” (http://nguyenthanhcong.com/hidepost-plugin-for-wordpress/)

There are a lot of simple answers for any deficiency you can think of in DAP, and almost any other script you can find. The key is being able to communicate with a person who knows and understands the underlying code, and Wishlist does not give you true access to that. Only after you have been complaining about the same problem for six months, and discovered a half dozen forum threads from dozens of other users with the same problem MAY you be put in touch with someone who MAY know the code. But, is not the actual coder.


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