DAP Shortcodes

DAP has a feature called “DAP Shortcodes” that allows you to do partial or in-page content protection.

(RELATED: If you are looking for merge tags to place into WordPress posts, then see Merge Tags for WordPress. For email-related merge tags, see Merge Tags for Email).

So if you had a blog post or page with 3 paragraphs of text and a video, you can protect just the video from certain groups of viewers, and leave the text portions open for anyone to read.

And you can…

a) Replace the text that is enclosed by the short codes with an error message.

So entering this in to your page/post’s body…

… then becomes this…

You can fully customize the style and text of the error message.


b) You can make the private text completely disappear from the page

By adding an additional parameter to the shortcode, you can make the error message completely disappear.

So this…

…is seen like this by the visitor…

No error message at all – like that section of content never even existed, and no errors or warnings shown either.


Teaser On Steroids

The DAP Shortcodes may be used to quickly protect content that you don’t necessarily wish to create a DAP Product for.

So if you don’t care about dripping some content, but just wish to protect it from say, non-members, or make it available only to certain “levels”, then you can do it by using the DAP Shortcode, and not have to worry about adding it to any particular level first.

These Shortcodes may or may not be used within content that is already protected as part of a DAP Product. Totally up to you.

Shortcode Summary

This section just lists all of the available shortcodes so you can quickly see everything in one glance. Details about each shortcode is available in the next section below.

Basic DAP Shortcode
[DAP]...private content...[/DAP]

Expanded DAP Shortcode Options
[DAP]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate=""]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP] [DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="LONG"]...private...[/DAP]

Member-Specific Content
[DAP userId="144"]protected content[/DAP]

In-Page Dripping
[DAP startday="1" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 1 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP startday="2" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 2 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP startday="3" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 3 Embed Code[/DAP]

If you don’t include endday in your shortcode, then the default value for endday is taken as 9999 – which means forever access.

Hiding Content From Logged-In Members
(a.k.a showing content only to visitors)
[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....content to show only to NON-members... [/DAP]

Showing Different Content To Visitors -vs- Members
Use both codes as shown below (one following the other):

[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....sales page content shown only to visitors (and members who have not yet logged in)...[/DAP][DAP isLoggedIn="Y"]...member content that will replace sales content shown only to logged-in members...[/DAP]
[DAP publicUntil="2012-12-31" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public UNTIL (and including) December 31st, 2012 after which it will be protected as part of product 1[/DAP]

[DAP publicAfter="2012-01-01" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public AFTER (and including) January 1st, 2012 until which time it will be protected as part of product 1[/DAP]

[DAP hasAccessTo="2" hasNoAccessTo="1,3" ]This message will appear only to active users of product 2 but only for those who DO NOT also have access to products 1 or 3[/DAP]

startday / endday
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on Day 1 and no further[/DAP]

startdate / enddate
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startdate="2012-01-01" enddate="2012-01-31"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, between the dates of Jan 1st, 2012 and Jan 31st, 2012 - and no further[/DAP]
Negative Days
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startDay="-6" endDay="-3"]Howdy[/DAP]

Error Message From File
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1" errMsgTemplate="file:http://YourSite.com/customMessage.html"]This message will appear to you only today[/DAP]


[DAPUserLinks showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" showproductcount="Y"]


orderOfLinks can have one of two values…

NEWESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links at the top. So day 7 link will be above day 1 link.

OLDESTFIRST will drip newly dripped links towards the bottom. So day 1 link will be above day 7 link.

showproductcount=”N” will disable the heading “You have access to X products” at the top of the “My Content” section.

So, here’s another version of the DAPUserLinks shortcode:

[DAPUserLinks showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="OLDESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" showproductcount="N"]


[DAPComingSoon showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" makelinksclickable="N" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


[DAPUserProfile showFirstName="Y" showLastName="Y" showUserName="Y" showEmail="Y" showPassword="Y" showAddress1="Y" showAddress2="Y" showCity="Y" showState="Y" showZip="Y" showCountry="Y" showPhone="Y" showFax="Y" showCompany="Y" showTitle="Y" showPaypalEmail="Y" showOptedOut="Y" showCustomFields="Y"]


To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s first name:
[DAPUpline showField="first_name"]

To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s last name:
[DAPUpline showField="last_name"]

To show affiliate’s/sponsor’s custom field (say “ssn”):
[DAPUpline showField="custom_ssn"]

More examples and details in the “Shortcode Details” section below.


Shortcode Details

All of the shortcodes listed in the above “Shortcode Summary” section, are explained here.

Basic DAP Shortcode

[DAP]…private content…[/DAP]

This is the shortest version of the DAP Shortcode. In this version, anything you put between the [DAP] and [/DAP] tags, will be viewable only by a logged-in user.

No other restrictions for the content to be viewed, except that the viewer has to be logged in to your membership site (via DAP). So basically all free and paid members, regardless of which product they have access to, regardless of whether their product access is active or expired, can view the private content.

Full DAP Shortcode

[DAP hasAccessTo=”1,2,3″ errMsgTemplate=”SHORT”]…private…[/DAP]

This is the full version of the DAP Shortcode. All inner tagshasAccessTo and errMsgTemplate – are all OPTIONAL.

hasAccessTo: Comma-separated list of one or more Product Id’s that you want the user to have access to before they can view the content. So if you enter 3 different product id’s (like hasAccessTo=”2,7,14″) it means “Anyone with access to AT LEAST ONE of those products with the product Id’s 2, 17 or 14. It does NOT mean they have to have access to all of them at once. Access to any one is fine.

errMsgTemplate: This determines the HTML/text of the error message displayed, if user DOES NOT have access to the content being protected.

Values may be Can be SHORT, LONG or “” (empty). NOT mandatory. If omitted entirely from the tag, then the default template used is SHORT.

If you want no error message to be displayed, and want the protected content to silently disappear completely if user does not have access to it, then include the tag, but set it to “” (blank/empty), like this…

[DAP errMsgTemplate=””]…private…[/DAP]

The HTML/text displayed by the SHORT and LONG templates can be configured via the Setup > Templates screen, as shown below.


[DAP]...private content...[/DAP]

Viewable by Any Logged-in User

[DAP hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]...private...[/DAP]

Viewable by ANY logged in user (FREE or PAID – doesn’t matter) who is a user of the product with the ID “1” (you can get the Product id from the “Products > Manage” screen). Display HTML/text from the SHORT template if user does not have access to the private content.

[DAP hasAccessTo="1,2,3" errMsgTemplate="LONG"]...private...[/DAP]

Viewable by ANY logged in user (FREE or PAID – doesn’t matter) who has access to EITHER of the Products – 1, 2 or 3. Display HTML/text from the LONG template if user does not have access to the private content.

Member-Specific Content

“For Your Eyes Only”
Let’s say you run a coaching program. You have 10 clients. You want Joe Customer to see a tailor-made custom video meant only for Joe, and Jill Member to see a specific PDF report written specifically for Jill’s business. Now using the new “userId” parameter in the DAP shortcode, you can now protect a piece of content so that only a specific DAP user can see it.

[DAP userId="144"]protected content[/DAP]

In-Page Dripping

DAP Shortcodes now include the ability to specify a “Day” right within the shortcode itself. So you can now publish, say, 10 videos on one page, and you can enclose each video’s embed code with a separate DAP Shortcode that has a different “Day” setting, so the very same page will show 1 video on Day 1, 2 videos on Day 2, 3 videos on Day 3, and so on.

Like this…

[DAP day="1" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 1 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP day="2" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 2 Embed Code[/DAP] [DAP day="3" hasAccessTo="1"]Video 3 Embed Code[/DAP]

NOTE: Please remember that you may not omit the hasAccessTo field – you must use the hasAccessTo field to specify a product id, because all start “days” for a user are associated with a product.

Hiding Content From Logged-In Members

Starting DAP v4.1, you can now mark content such that it will NOT be displayed to members who ARE logged in. To put it another way, it will HIDE content from members, and show it ONLY to NON-Members.

For example, this could be your sales copy or your buy-button, that you don’t want your logged in members (who may have already purchased the product) to see.

Here’s the shortcode for that.

[DAP isLoggedIn="N"]....content to show only to NON-members... [/DAP]


You can set a date UNTIL which a blog post is public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicUntil="2012-12-31" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public UNTIL (and including) December 31st, 2012[/DAP]


You can set a date AFTER which a blog post will become public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicAfter="2012-01-01" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public AFTER (and including) January 1st, 2012[/DAP]


A much requested feature. You can now specify a list of products that a user does NOT have access to, like this:
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" hasNoAccessTo="1,3" ]This message will appear only to active (current) users of product 2 but don't have access to 1 or 3[/DAP]

startday / endday

Now you can specify “startday” and “endday” in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end “day”. Previously available “day” variable has been deprecated and replaced by “startday” instead. However, if you already are using it somewhere, it will continue to work as is. However, if you wish to use the “endday” variable, you must now also use “startday” instead of “day”. Very useful for, say, displaying a message on the Welcome page only on the first day.
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on Day 1 and no further[/DAP]

startdate / enddate

You can also specify actual dripping “dates” (instead of “days”) by using “startdate” and “enddate” in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end “date”.
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startdate="2012-01-01" enddate="2012-01-31"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on between the dates of Jan 1st, 2012 and Jan 31st, 2012 - and no further[/DAP]

Negative Days

“startday” and “endday” can also be a negative number.
For eg., [DAP hasAccessTo="2" startDay="-6" endDay="-3"]Howdy[/DAP]

This basically means, the message “Howdy” will be shown starting 6 days before the “Access End Date” of the user’s access to the product with Id “2” (specified in hasAccessTo). So you can use this to display a special message – or specially priced offer (buy button) – for those whose access has not yet expired. Last day (same day of access end date) is day 0. Day before that is -1.

Error Message From File

You can now specify a file name whose contents are to be used as error message. Use the existing errMsgTemplate field, but add a “file:…” to the beginning, and make sure the file name is a fully qualified URL starting with http:// and your domain name. So you can say…
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1" endday="1" errMsgTemplate="file:http://YourSite.com/customMessage.html"]This message will appear to you only today[/DAP]


Allows you to heavily customize how the links are displayed when you use the merge tag %%USERLINKS%%

[DAPUserLinks showProductName="N" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


Allows you to display links that are coming soon.

[DAPComingSoon showProductName="Y" showAccessStartDate="Y" showAccessEndDate="Y" showDescription="Y" showLinks="Y" orderOfLinks="NEWESTFIRST" howManyLinks="10000" errMsgTemplate="SHORT" productId="ALL" makelinksclickable="N" dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD"]


Allows you to selectively display profile fields on a page. Just set the profile field that you don’t want shown to “N” in the tag below.

Default is “Y”. So Leaving out the text showLastName=”Y” entirely from the shortcode, is the same as setting it “Y”, which means it will be displayed.

So just entering the text [DAPUserProfile] into a page, will show ALL fields.

And to not show say, Phone and Fax, you would do something like this:

[DAPUserProfile showPhone="N" showFax="N"]

So all other fields will be displayed, except those two.

This shortcode shows a user their referring Affiliate’s (a.k.a Sponsor’s) information. So when a user visits the page that has this shortcode, it will display information of that user’s referring Affiliate – either from cookie (if exists), or if they’re already a member, then their current Affiliate’s information. And if neither the cookie is set, nor the user has an Affiliate attached to their account already, then it will show the info of the DAP Admin). So you can use it to show the user information of the person (affiliate) who referred them to the page. Think of it as a “Your Sponsor” tag.

To show affiliate’s first name, use this:
[DAPUpline showField="first_name"]

To show affiliate’s last name, use this
[DAPUpline showField="last_name"]

[DAPUpline showField="user_name"] [DAPUpline showField="email"] [DAPUpline showField="address1"] [DAPUpline showField="address2"] [DAPUpline showField="city"] [DAPUpline showField="state"] [DAPUpline showField="zip"] [DAPUpline showField="country"] [DAPUpline showField="phone"] [DAPUpline showField="fax"] [DAPUpline showField="company"] [DAPUpline showField="title"] [DAPUpline showField="paypal_email"]

For Custom fields…
[DAPUpline showField="custom_customfieldname"]

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 54 comments
DAP v4.0 Beta — The DAP Blog - January 3, 2011

[…] DAP ShortCodes:  Partial content protection. Ability to hide different parts of the same post or page, using custom DAP shortcodes Example 1: Shows content to ONLY logged-in user [DAP]protected content here[/DAP] Example 2: Shows content between the shortcodes to only a PAID user who has access to Product Id 1. [DAP isPaidUser="Y" hasAccessTo="1" errMsgTemplate="SHORT"]protected content here[/DAP] […]

Shannon Herod - January 3, 2011

Is it possible to specify what day the content will be available inside the short code?

So for example, instead of protecting the entire post you can protect a portion of the post to be available on day one.

Another section of the post can become available on day two and so on and so forth.

Mitch - April 26, 2011

Similar to [DAP isLoggedIn=”N”] is there a [DAP isPaidMember=”N”] so that we can show this “sign up as a full member today” button to both people who are non members and who are logged-in free members?

Thanks much. – Mitch

Scott Blanchard - May 5, 2011

I actually need the exact opposite shortcode. I need to show a “Buy Now, Member’s Only Discount” button to users who DO NOT YET have product A.

Is there a shortcode for that?

[DAP isPaidUser=”Y” hasNOTAccessTo=”1″]¦Buy Now¦[/DAP]

Scott Blanchard - May 5, 2011

Also, can I insert this short code into the “Message:User” template? That’s exactly where I need to promote new products on the member’s dashboard.


Mitch - May 8, 2011

Scott – been looking into wordpress backend and we can likely make our own shortcodes with a bit of php programming and digging into the DAP code. I’ll wait and see if there’s an easier solution tho first 🙂

Kit - June 26, 2011

How do you put the shortcode to show the buy now information for people who have not purchased product id 1 and 2? (and also hide it from those who have purchased)

Veena Prashanth - June 27, 2011


See the last section “Hiding Content From Logged-In Members” @ http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/dap-shortcodes/

Kit - June 27, 2011

Hi there. YES I have seen this page; I was wondering what the shortcode would look like for my situation above. I still can’t get it to work.

Veena Prashanth - June 27, 2011

Hmm… I re-read your comment.

There’s no tag for ‘DoesNotHaveAccessTo’. The shortcode cannot be used to say only show to those registered or unregistered users that do not have access to product Id = 1 or 2.

Debra Reed - August 2, 2011

This so TOTALLY rocks! Thank you!

Werner - August 11, 2011

Now I used this shortcode in a text widget – [DAP isLoggedIn=”N”]¦.content to show only to NON-members¦ [/DAP]

when I sign up I see the following

Sorry, you do not have access to this content.

Is it possible for you to change this programming in to hide the content but not to show the sentense b4 – just nothing?

Thanks for your help

Veena Prashanth - August 12, 2011

>>Is it possible for you to change this programming in to hide the content but not to show the sentense b4 “ just nothing? << Try to use this: [DAP isLoggedIn="N" errMsgTemplate=""]¦.content to show only to NON-members¦ [/DAP]

Gerry Humphrey - December 20, 2011

It seems that the DAP shortcode outputs Paragraph tags around the content within the shortcode. Is there somewhere I can disable this behavior?

Ravi Jayagopal - December 20, 2011

It’s actually a WP problem.

Just download the very latest version of LiveLinks 1.7.1 (if you’re not already on DAP v4.2.1, then download that too) afresh from our site at http://DigitalAccessPass.com/dap/ and upload the files to your site, and that should resolve that issue.

Gerry Humphrey - December 21, 2011

The WP formatting problem still exists in 1.7.1 as WP likes to mess with all the formatting of content.

Just need to be creative =)

Cass Tyson - January 3, 2012

I have a similar desire to what Mitch was mentioning above. I have given my paid product users access to my free product content, so if I protect something with the shortcode that gives access to free users, then both free and paid users can see it.

But paid users don’t need to see, for example, an upsell promotion, since they’re already upgraded. So I want to hide that sort of thing from them.

isLoggedIn=”N” won’t work, since they must be logged in to see the free stuff in the first place.

Is there a way to do this that I’m missing?


Ravi Jayagopal - January 4, 2012


Use Product Chaining to move paid users out of the free product. So members of a free product will be only free members. And then you can use the DAP shortcode that restricts people only to a certain product. So if you restrict it to only the free product, then even paid users won’t be able to see it.

In fact, if you don’t want paid users to even see that such a post exists, then instead of using the DAP Shortcodes, better to use the ContentResponder section to protect the entire blog post, and unless you have Sneak-Peek on, the blog post will completely disappear for paid users like it was never even published.

chris - February 14, 2012

Two questions:

Has the issue that Gerry mentioned – with auto-generated p tags been resolved in the newer version of DAP?

What takes precedence – a DAP Shortcode, or the setting that assigns a page/post to a DAP product?

If you wanted all of your posts to display a unique, post-specific call-to-action (instead of say, a video) to non-members – would you need to avoid adding the post to a product altogether?

Veena Prashanth - February 14, 2012

>>What takes precedence “ a DAP Shortcode, or the setting that assigns a page/post to a DAP product? < < The setting that assigns a page/post (content protection) takes precedence. >>If you wanted all of your posts to display a unique, post-specific call-to-action (instead of say, a video) to non-members “ would you need to avoid adding the post to a product altogether? << You can add the post to product and use the dap sneak peak to show teaser content until the more tag : http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/partial-content-protection-using-sneak-peek/

Nick Wagner - June 8, 2013

Is this scenario possible? I am launching a training course, and I want all the students to begin on the same day. The course modules will appear weekly. So I can use in page dripping with the startdate shortcode for that.

However, three months down the road, I want to launch the course again and have all the new students start on a date that is three months later. They should also experience the course as being delivered in one per week modules.

I don’t want to hide the course from the first group of students. And I don’t want the second group of students to see the entire course at once.

Is there a way to configure the shortcodes to make that possible?

Veena Prashanth - June 10, 2013


Then you should create 2 separate products in DAP for group1 and group2 students. And you can startDate with the hasAccessTo tag.

Make sure group1 students only get access to product 1 and group 2 students only get access to product 2.

Then use something like this:
[DAP hasAccessTo=”1″ startdate=”2013-06-15″ enddate=”2013-12-31″]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 1, between the dates of June 15th, 2013 and Dec 31st, 2013 – and no further[/DAP]

[DAP hasAccessTo=”2″ startdate=”2014-06-15″ enddate=”2014-12-31″]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, between the dates of June 15th, 2014 and Dec 31st, 2014 – and no further[/DAP]


Nick Wagner - June 10, 2013

Thanks Veena. That would work if I only launched the course a few times. But if I wanted to launch it three or four times a year, every year, it seems that creating new courses for all those launches would get unwieldy.


Veena Prashanth - June 11, 2013

Hi Nick,
>>But if I wanted to launch it three or four times a year, every year, it seems that creating new courses for all those launches would get unwieldy. << True, but this is the only option currently. Thanks, Veena

Eric Bobrow - July 8, 2013

Is there a way to restrict access using a DAP shortcode to members who have product 1 AND product 2?

I want to allow access to a download page for people who are FULL members of my course (product 1) AND who are current active members of my coaching program (product 2).

I don’t want full members who are not active in the coaching program (product 1 without 2) or the reverse – active coaching members without full membership [on a short-term pass] (product 2 without 1) to be able to access the downloads.

The only way I can see to do this is to use a combination of “hasAccessTo” for the coaching program (ensuring current, active membership) and hasNoAccessTo for the various short term pass product codes (which full members will not have).

Is that the best we can do, given the current DAP shortcodes?


Eric Bobrow - July 8, 2013

[posting again just so I can sign up for notification of followup comments]

Veena Prashanth - July 8, 2013

>>The only way I can see to do this is to use a combination of “hasAccessTo” for the coaching program (ensuring current, active membership) and hasNoAccessTo for the various short term pass product codes (which full members will not have).

Is that the best we can do, given the current DAP shortcodes? << Correct. That's the only way to do what you need using the shortcodes. Thanks, Veena

Eric Bobrow - July 9, 2013

Veena – Thanks for replying promptly so I know what is currently possible using the DAP shortcodes. May I respectfully suggest that you add a new option for the shortcodes that allows testing for a member owning more than one product (e.g. Product 1 AND Product 2). This should be pretty easy to add to your system, and would make it much simpler website content management for cases like this.

Veena Prashanth - July 10, 2013

>>May I respectfully suggest that you add a new option for the shortcodes that allows testing for a member owning more than one product (e.g. Product 1 AND Product 2). << Yes, it's on our to-do list. Thanks, Veena

Tony - October 23, 2013


In relation to the Member-Specific Content shortcode
[DAP userId=”144″]protected content[/DAP]

Can you show me what the code would look like if I had say three people I wanted to see the protected content.


Veena Prashanth - October 23, 2013

>>In relation to the Member-Specific Content shortcode
[DAP userId=”144″]protected content[/DAP] << You can try using: [DAP userId="1,2,3"]protected content[/DAP] Thanks, Veena

Holly Lisle - October 29, 2014

Is there any way to show the member’s first name on a welcome page with a shortcode, as in “Hi, Bob! Welcome to your Flash Fiction Classroom.”

I tried using the DAPUserProfile will all values but showFirstName set to “N”, except for DAPUserProfile showFirstName=”Y”, but while that gave me the user’s name, it gave it to me inside the form box, and with the *Required field! notice right in the middle of my text. 😀

So is there something similar to [DAPUpline showField=”first_name”] that will allow me to just show the first name of the actual member?

Ravi Jayagopal - October 29, 2014

Hi Holly,

Yes, there is: %%FIRST_NAME%%. For full list of merge tags for WordPress, see http://DigitalAccessPass.com/doc/merge-tags-in-wordpress-posts/

– Ravi Jayagopal

Ian - November 24, 2014


Let’s say I have a membership site with two pages. Members automatically have access to page one. They cannot go to page two until they click a button on page one. If they try and go to page two, they get an error message. However, when they click the button on page one it unlocks the content so they can proceed to page two. In addition, if they logout and come back at a later date, they can pickup where they left off.

Can this be created with DAP shortcodes?


Veena Prashanth - November 24, 2014

Hi Ian,

>>Let’s say I have a membership site with two pages. Members automatically have access to page one. They cannot go to page two until they click a button on page one. If they try and go to page two, they get an error message. However, when they click the button on page one it unlocks the content so they can proceed to page two. In addition, if they logout and come back at a later date, they can pickup where they left off.<< This is conditional content dripping. It's a great feature. You cannot do it with dap shortcode but we will be including this feature in the new release of DAP. We hope to release it in January. Thanks, Veena

Holly Lisle - December 22, 2014

This is probably going to sound a little wacky. You have a shortcode that already does MOST of what I need it to do:


What I want to do, though, is outside of what’s currently possible. In my classroom, I want to show students all the classes they have (done, dead simple, thank you).

But over in the sidebar, I want to give them purchase links to all the classes they DON’T have—but ONLY the classes they don’t already own.

If there were some way to have individual URLs wrapped in something like [DAP isLoggedIn=”Y” hasNOTAccessTo=”2″]URL [/DAP] that would show up as links, that would be amazing.

But if there isn’t, is there another way to be able to put links for JUST the courses each of my students doesn’t own over in the sidebar using DAP?

Veena Prashanth - December 22, 2014


You cannot list all the URLs under a product that they don’t have access to but you can show them any sales message you want and have the sales button that allows them purchase of the product using hasNoAccessTo tag in the DAP shortcode. You can use the DAP shortcode in a text widget.


Neil Farley - February 18, 2015

I did not use these shortcodes a lot previously as I believed them not to be working in all aspects… but I didn’t see any posts saying they were not working, so I left it at that. However, I found out why this was after I used some sample code directly and it badly errored an OptimizePress page I was editing making it uneditable (good job I was able to edit the database to reverse the revision).

If you copy / paste the code direct from this page into WordPress it is has a likelyhood of failing to work or erroring so badly you “may” loose the edited page. The main reason is the inverted commas are not correct with some database default datasets in all situations and DAP / WP does not recognise them. This can be compounded by an active Theme / Plugin like OptimizePress.

NB: I wouldn’t have noticed but being inherently lazy I copied/pasted rather than typed it in the majority of times but there is a very subtle difference in the visual appearance. I haven’t dug in to see which dataset is at fault as I wasted enough time getting the functions “The Chief” desired.

The example above will work if its using the following ” character rather than ”
Working version, (for me).
[DAP hasAccessTo=”1,2,3″ errMsgTemplate=”SHORT”]…private…[/DAP]

As I mentioned, it is possibly a database dataset issue but I wanted to add this as a warning as it cost me a lot of time and loss of functionality (since I never bothered to use all of it).

Hope this helps someone else.

Neil Farley - February 18, 2015

on my previous comment… regarding the Inverted commas the site theme / database changed the inverted commas to the wrong ones – (the ones that done work correctly)…

Ian - March 5, 2015

>>from Nov 24, 2014: This is conditional content dripping. It’s a great feature. You cannot do it with dap shortcode but we will be including this feature in the new release of DAP. We hope to release it in January.<<

Just wondering if you are still considering the conditional content dripping feature?


Veena Prashanth - March 5, 2015

Hi Ian,

>>Just wondering if you are still considering the conditional content dripping feature?<< Yes, absolutely. We ended up delaying the launch of this feature as there were other higher priority items to address but we will release it in a few weeks. Don't have the exact date yet. Thanks, Veena

Bryan Naylor - March 24, 2015

Using either the DAP Upline shortcode or something similar, is there any shortcode that can be used to show a member information on other members that they refer of sponsor. I’d like to be able to show our members, the name and email address of people that they have sponsored using their referral-link. Preferably this could happen under the %%Affiliatedetails%% shortcode, but it could be something done on it’s own.

Does this exist currently?

Thanks… Bryan

Ravi Jayagopal - March 24, 2015

Hi Bryan,

So you want to do the opposite of the Upline shortcode ( at http://DigitalAccessPass.com/doc/dap-upline/ ) ?

This is already possible as part of the %%AFFDETAILS%% shortcode. As DAP Admin, you can enable what information about the referred user that the affiliate can see. At this time, they can see First, Last, Email & Phone. You can configure which they see, under the Affiliate section of the DAP Config.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Jeff - June 16, 2015

I wonder how I can display someone’s receipt number. For example,

Bob Jones purchases – his receipt number is 948585. I want to display that in Bob’s backoffice.

Mary purchases – her receipt number is 948586. I want to display that in Mary’s backoffice.

I would manually enter the receipt numbers somewhere under the client’s profile, and then, it should show somewhere?

Can this be done using Custom Fields or another way???


Veena Prashanth - June 16, 2015

>>I would manually enter the receipt numbers somewhere under the client’s profile, and then, it should show somewhere?<< Please see: http://digitalaccesspass.com/doc/dapshowtransactions/


Robin - July 1, 2015

I dont have DAP installed yet, currently using Membermouse but thinking of switching since membermouse does not allow you to syncrhronize email autorepsonders with content dripping

Can i use a DAP shortcode in a sidebar of my WordPress Theme?

I would want to have a list of available drip content to display in the sidebar of each lesson page.

Is this doable?


Veena Prashanth - July 1, 2015

Hi Robin,

>>Can i use a DAP shortcode in a sidebar of my WordPress Theme?<< Yes, you can use DAP shortcode in a text widget and configure it to show in the sidebar. But if you use content dripping and want to display the 'available' and 'upcoming' links, you will have to use the 'my content' shortcode and not the 'DAP shortcode'. See this post for more on 'My Content' shortcode: http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/blog/2015/03/responsive-my-content-page/


Robert Bolgar - December 20, 2015

Is there a way to implement Nested Shortcodes? I have free and paying members and would like to put all the content on one page without locking it down totally from the public with the contentresponder.

Public sees this… blah blah


free members see this… blah blah

[DAP hasAccessTo=”2″ errMsgTemplate=” “]

Payed members see this also… blah blah




Not sure how to get this working if it’s possible.



Veena Prashanth - December 20, 2015

Hi Robert,

Say product Id = 2 is your free product.
Say product Id = 3 is your paid product.

You can do this:

Public sees this… blah blah

[DAP hasAccessTo=”2″ ]

free members see this… blah blah


[DAP hasAccessTo=”2,3″ errMsgTemplate=” “]

Both free and paid members see this … blah blah


Etienne Juneau, PhD - February 29, 2016

Font size for errMsgTemplate is really small. Can it be changed? My customers are older ladies and they have a hard time reading small font.

To be clear, in:

[DAP hasAccessTo=”72,74,75,76,77,103,107,112″ errMsgTemplate=”Pour avoir accès aux bonus (incluant le livre Le pain maison qui fait maigrir), vous devez avoir acheté au moins 1 recette dans la bibliothèque.”]

The phrase “Pour avoir accès aux bonus (incluant le livre Le pain maison qui fait maigrir), vous devez avoir acheté au moins 1 recette dans la bibliothèque” shows up really small.


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