Credit Store – Shortcodes
If you want a redeem button to show up on your sales page or any other page to allow users to redeem access to a product, then just place the REDEEMCREDITS shortcode on the page and automatically a redeem button will appear on the page. We also have shortcodes for CREDITSAVAILABLE and CREDITSREQUIRED that you can place on any WP page.
[CREDITSREQUIRED productid=4 msg='You can get access to this content for just=' errmsgtemplate=''][/CREDITSREQUIRED]
Here you can replace productId with the DAP product Id of the product that you want to allow users to redeem using credits. This shortcode will display the number of credits required to redeem the product using credits.
[CREDITSAVAILABLE msg="Credits Available=" errmsgtemplate='<strong><a style="text-decoration: underline;
color: blue;" href="">Login Here To See Available Credits</a></strong>'][/CREDITSAVAILABLE]
This shortcode will display the number of credits the credit store users have in their dap account.
Replace in the shortcode above with the dap login page url on your site.
3) [REDEEMCREDITS] Shortcode
This shortcode will allow users to get access to products using credits (instead of cash) by clicking on the REDEEM button.
[REDEEMCREDITS productid=4 msg='
If you are a member, please "Login Here To Redeem Credits".
It you are not a member, you can GET Access To Content by Clicking on the Redeem Button Here' imagesrc='' errmsgtemplate=''][/REDEEMCREDITS]
Replace above with the name of your site.