September 17, 2009

Coming Soon: Version 3.2

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DAP v3.2 is coming soon (in just a few days).

Here’s a list of what’s in it so far…

* NEW: WP WIDGET: Login/Logout Widget: Shows the “Login” form on the sidebar when not logged in, and a “Logout” button when user is logged in.

* NEW: REPORT: On Admin home page: “Earnings Summary By Product” (default span: 1 week)

* NEW: Link to completely “Empty Logs” (dap_log) on the “Admin > Logs” screen.

* NEW: DB: Added 2 new fields to User table: Phone, Fax

* NEW: DB: New field for storing user-photos (upload-photo plugin sold separately)

* NEW: LOGGED_OUT_URL can now be customized via Config

* NEW: PROFILE_URL can now be customized via Config

* NEW: Extended User-Profile that includes many more fields

* NEW: Specify on-the-fly what URL user should be redirected to after they log out…

* NEW: More logging and admin notification introduced for Paypal IPN notification

* NEW: Ability to set up A “Recurring Email” – basically adding the same Email *Multiple Times To A Product*. Very useful if you wanted to send out, say, some kind of a canned “Account Info” email (with their email and password) to the user once a month. So you just setup one “Email” in DAP and then keep adding the same email to your Product with different “Start Day”s. And you now have a “Recurring-Email”!

Oh, and if you think 3.2 is awesome, you have no idea how super-freakin-awesome DAP v4.0 is going to be ;-)…

Feel free to comment below.

– Ravi