Display different WordPress Menus to Logged-in & Logged-out users

Want to display different WordPress Menus to your logged-in and logged-out members? Just follow these steps!  

Watch this video to see how to create member-facing pages in DAP!

Step 1: Create 2 Different Menus

Visit  your WordPress Admin >> Appearance >> Menu.

Create 2 different menus in WordPress - one for logged-in members and another one for logged-out members. 

Let's say you call the menu for logged-in users - "Members". 

And the menu for logged out members - "logged-out".

Step 2: Configure Menu In DAP

1. Visit DAP >> Logged-In Menu page.

2. Select your logged-in and logged-out menu.

3. Save the settings.

Please NOTE: if you want DAP to only control the menu displayed to the logged-in members but not the one displayed to the not-logged-in members, just select the logged-in menu on this page. Don't select any logged-out menu.

Step 3: Test To Make Sure It's Working

Visit a page where you have activated WordPress menu.

If you are logged-in to DAP, it should show the logged-in menu regardless of the menu you have activated on the page.

If you are not logged-in to DAP, it should show the logged-out menu regardless of the menu you have activated on the page. 

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